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An open letter to football fans... (long)

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  • #16
    Hey, that was an accident, jeez......!

    Not that I minded a whole lot.


    • #17
      The Super Bowl is a time when we get together and watch the new entertaining commercials. Oh, and there might be a game going on during the breaks, I think.

      Seriously, I was working on a campaign for my gaming group during the game, and watching the commercials. From what I did see, I think they should grease the ball before every play from now on. It would make the game much more entertaining.
      The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
      "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
      Hoc spatio locantur.


      • #18
        Poor thing

        I feel bad for you...
        Can't you just tell them you don't provide that sort of information?
        Will you get in trouble?
        ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
        Quoth Gravekeeper


        • #19
          I love the people who seem to think that I spend so much time online that I must have some insight as to which team will win. To make it better are the people who actually make bets based on my opinions.

          One year I said to a customer that I thought that team "A" (I have no idea who was even playing back then) had a good chance since they had a strong showing in the playoffs and had a pretty strong year.

          Turns out that they had lost a player in the first quarter and it went downhill from there and they got their butts whupped.

          The guy called me up the next screaming that I had cost him $200 and that I had damn sight better give him a discount on his computer repair.

          I didn't of course and neigher did my boss (who is so tight with his money that getting any kind of a refund involves being to out talk him). Threats of legal action, physical abuse, and to my amusement, sodomy followed. We ignored him and nothing further occured.

          Next year I started giving this as my opinion as to what will happen in the game.

          "Well sir, judging from my many years of watching the superbowl, I can predict that two teams will run around like maniacs, chasing after an oddly shapped ball, crashing into each other as if they went to the Ray Charles school of driving. There will be a bunch of commercials, some very entertaining and others that will make me wonder why they spent the big bucks for a superbowl slot. The half time show will have a massive budget and will have one or more celebrities. Other than that I have no idea as to what will happen."

          It tends to shut them up.

          I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


          • #20
            This sounds like the time in Chesterfield, middle of the day, some moron came into the store, where Third Key and I were hanging out behind the counter, waiting for something to happen...

            SC: "Hey, what's the score?"
            M: "What score?"
            SC: "The Cards?"
            M: "No clue."
            SC: "I know you guys have the game on back there."
            M: "That would be a big NOT ON YOUR LIFE, moron! (read: That's not even close to what I'm doing right now, much less would I ever intentionally find myself in said situation.)"
            SC: "Well, can you at least turn those TVs to the game?"
            M: "Again, that would be NO! Those TVs are on a closed circuit, so we can play movies, seeing as we're a movie store! Ever thought to wander into Sears' TV department? You'll not be able to miss the game there."
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #21
              Quoth MMATM View Post
              Obviously there is no world outside of the good ol' U S of A. Canada is just another state, didn't you know? Oh all right, maybe a "commonwealth" but it's the same thing!
              I resent that!
              Canada is obviously an expansion pack!

              Funniest thing I heard once:

              The tragedy of Canada is that it could have had British culture, French cuisine, and American technology, but instead it ended up with American culture, French technology, and British cuisine.
              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


