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We agree on everything else...

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  • We agree on everything else...

    Holy crap, was this customer insane...
    SC: "I bought those Capri Sun boxes that're on the buy ten, get five dollars off promo..."
    J: "Yes?"
    SC: "They're coming up $2.11..."
    J: "Yes...?"
    SC: "They're supposed to be $1.61 after the discount..."
    J: "Yes...?" I still haven't heard a question in there, this is all just me agreeing with you...
    SC: "But... the sign says they're regularly priced $1.79..."
    J: *blink, blink* "... They're showing up as 2.11, you know .50 will be taken off of them when you buy ten, and they're supposed to be $1.61 on this sale..."
    SC: "Yes. But they're supposed to be $1.79 regular price..."
    J: "Ma'am... whatever they're supposed to be regular price, the system WILL set you up for the discount price when you hit pay..."
    SC: "But, they SHOULD be $1.79 for their regular price..."
    J: I have NO idea what you're prattling on about "And they're supposed to end up costing you $1.61 each, yes?"
    SC: "Yes."
    J: "Seeing as they're showing up at $2.11, and are going to be marked down in the imminent future to reflect the proper sale, does it really matter what the regular price is supposed to be?"
    SC: "Yes."
    J: Shoulda guessed... hey, look, someone has coupons, get away from this loon
    At least until Night Manager walked by and I got him involved with the customer, only for him to go and check out the juice aisle and return, armed with the information that "The only juice box on regular price for $1.79 is the store brand, not Capri Sun..."

    Bonus Round
    Had a customer I was helping toward the end of my shift (Firstly, I would just like to say, I am SO glad I was the one running UScan at the time... I'd hate to see what 'Other' might've said to this customer...)
    I happened to look down at his legs, noticing an ankle tattoo, and then it hit me that his legs were perfectly smooth.
    So I looked up, and noticed the stud earrings, and then his blossoming chest.
    I had to hold myself back from saying, "Damn, girl, you fine."
    Night Manager happened to be pulling cash from the other two UScans, and so didn't see the customer until she was on her way out, and he did a triple take, then shuddered, like she was actually an ugly lady...
    I'm really kicking myself for ever telling him that I want to transition now...
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    SC: These Capri Suns are ringing up at $2.11 but I think they are supposed to cost $1.79??

    Work would be less entertaining if you didn't occasionally have to puzzle out what a customer is going on about.

    My wife used to work for a publisher in Boston and the street her building was on was known as a place to go if you were looking for a cross-dressing male prostitute. She worked with authors and as such had to wear make-up and dress nice to make a good impression. One Friday night she was working late and stepped outside to have a cigarette when a man approached her...

    Guy: So, uhm...are you working?
    Wife: Yeah unfortunately but I'm on a break.
    G: Oh. So when is your break over?
    W: I suppose once I finish this cigarette.
    G: Great! So how much?
    W: How much what?
    G: How much do you charge?
    W: Oh. OH! No, I work in this building, not on the street.
    G: (disappointed sigh) Sorry.

    My wife says she was extremely flattered to be mistaken for one of the male prostitutes because in her words they were, "absolutely gorgeous!"
    You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious.


    • #3
      Quoth Caractacus_Potts View Post
      SC: These Capri Suns are ringing up at $2.11 but I think they are supposed to cost $1.79??

      Work would be less entertaining if you didn't occasionally have to puzzle out what a customer is going on about.

      My wife used to work for a publisher in Boston and the street her building was on was known as a place to go if you were looking for a cross-dressing male prostitute. She worked with authors and as such had to wear make-up and dress nice to make a good impression. One Friday night she was working late and stepped outside to have a cigarette when a man approached her...

      Guy: So, uhm...are you working?
      Wife: Yeah unfortunately but I'm on a break.
      G: Oh. So when is your break over?
      W: I suppose once I finish this cigarette.
      G: Great! So how much?
      W: How much what?
      G: How much do you charge?
      W: Oh. OH! No, I work in this building, not on the street.
      G: (disappointed sigh) Sorry.

      My wife says she was extremely flattered to be mistaken for one of the male prostitutes because in her words they were, "absolutely gorgeous!"

      I don't even know what to say to that.


      • #4
        Quoth Caractacus_Potts View Post
        SC: These Capri Suns are ringing up at $2.11 but I think they are supposed to cost $1.79??
        J: PRICE CHECK!

        Work would be less entertaining if you didn't occasionally have to puzzle out what a customer is going on about.

        My wife used to work for a publisher in Boston and the street her building was on was known as a place to go if you were looking for a cross-dressing male prostitute. She worked with authors and as such had to wear make-up and dress nice to make a good impression. One Friday night she was working late and stepped outside to have a cigarette when a man approached her...

        Guy: So, uhm...are you working?
        Wife: Yeah unfortunately but I'm on a break.
        G: Oh. So when is your break over?
        W: I suppose once I finish this cigarette.
        G: Great! So how much?
        W: How much what?
        G: How much do you charge?
        W: Oh. OH! No, I work in this building, not on the street.
        G: (disappointed sigh) Sorry.

        My wife says she was extremely flattered to be mistaken for one of the male prostitutes because in her words they were, "absolutely gorgeous!"
        I met a transgender woman who was so beautiful that I was jealous. She had men all over her who had no idea that she wasn't born a woman.


        • #5
          I have hung out with a few people who are Transgender and some of them are really gorgeous. One in particular was a really amazing looking guy, and is an even more beautiful girl. One time joking around she ended up flirting with me, and I revealed how handsome I thought she was when she was a guy. Without the straightest face she says;
          "Yeah sometimes I miss my penis." She took a sip of her drink and winked at the rest of the group. We absolutely DIED!

          I don't like coupon people, they get really annoying with the specifics of price.
          Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

          Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
          Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


          • #6
            Quoth Caractacus_Potts View Post
            G: Oh. So when is your break over?
            W: I suppose once I finish this cigarette.
            G: Great! So how much?
            W: How much what?
            G: How much do you charge?
            "For editorial work? I suppose I might be willing to jump to another company for another $10K and a better dental plan. Fiction or non-fiction?"

            Might have made his head all 'splodey, though.
            I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

            -- Steven Wright

