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  • #16
    Quoth hinakiba777 View Post
    The group ended up making quite the mess in his section. Nothing so outright jerky as pouring out the salt shakers on the table (a trick this guy used to pull) but they did make quite the spectacle.
    That is totally something I would have paid to have seen. I'd have also considered a pathetic tip, but I'm just mean like that.


    • #17
      That was terrific, I mean, about serving the "I'm not here to clean" cretin a taste of his own medicine.
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #18
        Quoth laborcat View Post
        That is totally something I would have paid to have seen. I'd have also considered a pathetic tip, but I'm just mean like that.
        I would've done everything he did plus no tip. Did he tip you? If it as me I wouldn't have cared if he did or not, if you're an asshole to me you're going to get worse back.


        • #19
          I've taken reports from that woman, or her alternate male manifestation (I need an old priest, and a young priest).

          She's reported people to me for such awful atrocities as . . .

          -Spotted one of my guys shopping at a competitor. Was very disappointed that I would "allow" that. My explanation of "He's off right now, I'm not paying him, he can go anywhere he wants to" was met with total disbelief.

          -From my pizza days, guy called to report that he saw one of my (well over 30 year old) delivery drivers purchasing beer. He was very upset that I "allowed" drunks to deliver pizzas and, again, my explanation of "He's off right now, I'm not paying him, he can go anywhere he wants to" was met with total disbelief, tinged with shock. That one was sure that all my drivers MUST be driving around drunk, so he called the cops.

          -Reported one of my guys for being "very rude and unhelpful!" My explanation that the guy was A) off the clock and B) NOT AT WORK (this happened at a mall on the other side of town) was met with outrage. Something like, "He's in customer service! He should be ready to help customers WHEREVER and WHENEVER they need help!" Nothing, nothing, nothing I said penetrated that wall of outrage. The suggestion that the guy wasn't being paid at the time just amped the outrage up even more.

          That's right, the people that pester you away from work call your boss and pester him or her, too.

          Good times.
          I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

          -- Steven Wright


          • #20
            Quoth blas View Post
            Too bad you don't know where she works. It'd be far too tempting to play that game back on her.
            In my experience, the ones who play these sort of games are the ones who don't actually work anywhere.

            Well, some of them just drool a bit and dislike the backwards-worn jacket with the fashionably long arms (new look for this season!).



            • #21
              Meh, when I worked at the gas station, the majority of the regular SCs were contracted type people (cement workers, carpenters, etc), and I couldn't believe they had the nerve to treat us that way, when they had to be used to people with crazy expectations and being rude towards them.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #22
                It's incredible, isn't it? You'd think that fellow service workers, of all people, would have some empathy (and sympathy) for what you're going through and be a little nicer. And while some do, others turn around and give you the same crap that they're given day to day.

                You know in the movie The Super, Joe Pesci plays a heartless slumlord who is then sentenced by the court to have to live in one of his run-down tenements until he fixes all the problems? I'd love to see a customer service version of that: a movie where an SC is sentenced by the court to have to work at a MallWart or some similar place, dealing with customer abuse, vandalism and scamming until he/she changes his/her ways. Might teach a few people some things.
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                My LiveJournal
                A page we can all agree with!


                • #23
                  Quoth Sarah Valentine View Post
                  I would've done everything he did plus no tip. Did he tip you? If it as me I wouldn't have cared if he did or not, if you're an asshole to me you're going to get worse back.
                  Yeah there was no tip for him. Though some of us did hand of a tip to the manager and explain the deal. He promised he'd hand it off the the kitchen staff for us.

                  Quoth XCashier View Post
                  I'd love to see a customer service version of that: a movie where an SC is sentenced by the court to have to work at a MallWart or some similar place, dealing with customer abuse, vandalism and scamming until he/she changes his/her ways. Might teach a few people some things.
                  Oh wow, i would LOVE to see this.
                  Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

                  Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
                  Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


                  • #24
                    Quoth hinakiba777 View Post
                    I was apart of something like this once. I knew a guy who always made huge messes at restaurants because it was "the staff's job to clean, not mine". He ended up getting a job as a waiter/busboy at this restaurant I frequented. I mentioned this fact to a few friends of mine who worked at places he messed up. Then we all went out to dinner together. The group ended up making quite the mess in his section. Nothing so outright jerky as pouring out the salt shakers on the table (a trick this guy used to pull) but they did make quite the spectacle.
                    I would have done the salt shaker thing as well.


                    • #25
                      Recently, we had a EW call to complain that several employees were in the parking lot talking. They didn't know who thew were but saw them carrying uniform and have some description. Turns out the three people had just punched out for the the day and were talking to each each as they walked to their cars.

                      This apparently was rued and unprofessional. So apparent office workers or anyone but us never has CWs that talk to about non-business related things off the clock.


                      • #26
                        Fuck these assholes.

                        I'll be damned if anyone is going to dictate to me what I should be doing while I'm not being paid to do it.

                        You want to call corporate on me because I'm talking on my phone outside off the clock ? Here's the fucking phone number, bitch.

                        It angers me that some people are so hell bent to cause trouble that they look for things that aren't there to be bitchy about.

                        All they want is self satisfaction. The ability to say they caused someone to be fired or otherwise disciplined. So they can smirk about it to their friends.

                        These people should be thrown off a cliff.
                        Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


                        • #27
                          Quoth hinakiba777 View Post
                          I was apart of something like this once. I knew a guy who always made huge messes at restaurants because it was "the staff's job to clean, not mine". He ended up getting a job as a waiter/busboy at this restaurant I frequented. I mentioned this fact to a few friends of mine who worked at places he messed up. Then we all went out to dinner together. The group ended up making quite the mess in his section. Nothing so outright jerky as pouring out the salt shakers on the table (a trick this guy used to pull) but they did make quite the spectacle.
                          Quoth Sarah Valentine View Post
                          I would've done everything he did plus no tip. Did he tip you? If it as me I wouldn't have cared if he did or not, if you're an asshole to me you're going to get worse back.
                          I read this on another board concerning a similar situation with delivery drivers.

                          apparently there was a server who regularly ordered delivery and only tipped 14 cents. the drivers at the store found out where he worked and "visited" the place on their night off. when they walked in, the server recognized them and tried to pass off the group to another server, but he got "stuck" with them. the drivers ran his ass into the ground but were not snarky or beligerant. they praised this server to the manager to the high heavens BUT when they left he got a 14 cent tip.

                          the server quit ordering from that particular place.

                          just goes to show sometimes karma needs a little help but still bites you in the end.
                          I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                          -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                          "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                          • #28
                            The OP's story and the one about the guy who wanted someone to help him across town, at the mall, off the clock are making my blood pressure rise. I absolutely long to get into that situation so I can educate an EW on the ways of REALITY.
                            "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                            • #29
                              A tire company near where I reside has started showing commercials about how the employees there will step in and solve people's tire situations, even give people a ride home, long after their shifts are over. All that's going to do is breed more entitlement primates.
                              Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                              • #30
                                Quoth Kristev View Post
                                A tire company near where I reside has started showing commercials about how the employees there will step in and solve people's tire situations, even give people a ride home, long after their shifts are over. All that's going to do is breed more entitlement primates.
                                Not to mention, nobody's going to apply to work there, and it wouldn't surprise me if their employees quit in droves. Who's going to want to have to work off the clock and not get paid for it?

                                Corporate and ad writers really botched that one.
                                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                                My LiveJournal
                                A page we can all agree with!

