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Intolerant Complete Idiot outs himself.

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  • #31
    Your "bank-robbing" straw-man argument aside, that's an easy knee-jerk reaction, and a common one, at that. In fact, a piece believed to be a Banksy was installed on a building in Park City's historic district during last year's Sundance Film Festival, which their mayor promptly had removed using the exact same logic you employed.

    I disagree.

    Street art is about commenting on one's environment using its existing language, rather than immaturely getting one's rocks off by committing an act of random vandalism.

    To be clear, I find the graffiti in the OP to be repugnant, and in no way condone it; however I believe that street art should not be painted with the same brush as territorial graffiti, vandalism, and corporate "art."


    • #32
      Quoth charred View Post
      Your "bank-robbing" straw-man argument aside, that's an easy knee-jerk reaction, and a common one, at that.
      If you say so.

      You don't get to put your art on somebody else's building or property without their permission. Period. The end. Try it yourself and see what happens when the cops show up and you explain that you're simply "commenting on your environment using its own language."

      This might be a better subject to take up on fratching.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #33
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
        This might be a better subject to take up on fratching.
        Yes, it would. Please keep this thread on topic.
        Sometimes life is altered.
        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
        Uneasy with confrontation.
        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


        • #34
          You seem to be taking this rather personally. I assure you that if I have offended you in some way, it was unintentional.


          • #35
            Quoth blas View Post
            A little off topic, but when I worked at the gas station, one day I waited on a lady who had neck tattoos of those lightning bolts that correlate with the Nazis. I can't believe anyone is stupid enough to broadcast how racist they are.
            You'd be surprised. I was waiting in line at the local "Square L" one afternoon, and couldn't believe what was ahead of me. Some short, little dude...with a swastika tattooed on the *back* of his head. Er, did I mention that there was a *very* large black gentleman standing behind me in line? You could almost feel his rage, he was that pissed off I paid for my stuff, and got the hell out of there. But, it would have been amusing to see the wannabe Nazi get his ass beat

            Back on topic, the crap some people spray paint on buildings doesn't surprise me at all. Not far from me, a railroad overpass had "whits only," and "nigers suck" on it for years. Thank God that's finally been painted over. All of the other graffiti remained, but at least the racist stuff is gone now. Apparently such things aren't tolerated now...with the million-dollar mansions and condos going up nearby
            Last edited by protege; 05-25-2011, 02:43 AM.
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #36
              Nah, it's cool. I shouldn't have gotten sidetracked.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #37
                When I worked in the gas station I had a customer who wore a belt buckle that said KKK and often remarked that it was "a nice day for a klan meetin'". I thought those guys were supposed to be anonymous but he was soo proud of his little club.


                • #38
                  Quoth AquaGirl View Post
                  I thought those guys were supposed to be anonymous but he was soo proud of his little club.
                  I never really understood that. If they're so proud of it...why do they hide under sheets? Don't they have the balls to show themselves to their victims? Apparently not Also, if you're going to use racial slurs on overpasses (or even in text on message boards)...learn how to spell the damn words correctly. Granted, such people are *idiots,* but still.
                  Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                  • #39
                    Quoth AquaGirl View Post
                    When I worked in the gas station I had a customer who wore a belt buckle that said KKK -snip-
                    OT, but I have a friend whose initials, post-marriage, were KKK. She made sure to use her maiden name too whenever initialing things to break up the letter trio.

                    Quoth protege View Post
                    I never really understood that. If they're so proud of it...why do they hide under sheets? Don't they have the balls to show themselves to their victims?
                    All I can figure is it's the intimidation factor.

                    What I'd really like to see is a Klan member say "nice day for a Klan meetin'" right in the face of a huge black guy without wetting himself.
                    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                    • #40
                      I never did any graffiti when I was a kid and I find most of it juvenile and stupid. I have to admit since the 99's restaurant started their new decoration/ad campaign I have had a recurring urge to graffiti their bathrooms.

                      The ad campaign/decoration is black signs with white lettering all over the restaurant proclaiming the 99 reasons to eat there (example: Reason #43: Our popcorn is always free!). They have a black sign in the restroom with white lettering stating, "EMPLOYEES MUST WASH HANDS" and I have been dying to use white out and add, "REASON #99:" to the top of the sign. So far I have resisted the urge.

                      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                      I don't care if it's the Mona Freaking Lisa, it's still vandalism on someone else's property and it's against the law.
                      OT but have you ever heard of the Pink Lady?

                      You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious.


                      • #41
                        Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                        All I can figure is it's the intimidation factor.
                        I don't find those tools to be 'intimidating' at all. I mean, hiding under a sheet? Even the villains in Scooby Doo had better disguises than that
                        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                        • #42
                          "Hangings too good for him. Burnings too good for him! He should be torn into little bitsy pieces and buried alive!"

                          As a Jew, I have serious issues with people being proud of being a Nazi. I like the idea of carrying around a marker, just to do the "NO" symbol over them - I like that idea, so I'll steal it for my own!
                          I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


                          • #43
                            Quoth MoonCat View Post
                   WTF? I don't know which is more stunning: That he would think it's OK to do it in the first place, or that he would feel PROUD OF IT enough to complain when it was changed!
                            Yeah because graffiti on a bathroom stall is *art* of course.

                            Glad he got banned.... and I'm glad he was stupid enough to claim ownership too.


                            • #44
                              Quoth protege View Post
                              You'd be surprised. I was waiting in line at the local "Square L" one afternoon, and couldn't believe what was ahead of me. Some short, little dude...with a swastika tattooed on the *back* of his head. Er, did I mention that there was a *very* large black gentleman standing behind me in line? You could almost feel his rage, he was that pissed off I paid for my stuff, and got the hell out of there. But, it would have been amusing to see the wannabe Nazi get his ass beat
                              what a nice guy, he lets you know right up front not to waste time with him.
                              Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
                              Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.


                              • #45
                                Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                                Dude, I don't think that "Mein Kampf" was about constipation...
                                Everyone should keep a copy of "Mein Kampf" in their bathroom. After all, you never know when you'll run out of toilet paper, and it would be a shame to deface the Sears Roebuck catalogue the way "old-timers" did in the "shack out back with the crescent moon on the door".
                                Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

