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Sucks to be you

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  • Sucks to be you

    I sold a board last November. 4 months later, they send it back. No contact info, no emails, no phone calls. The name/ address on the return label didn't match anyone I'd ever sold to. Just a random part. Keep in mind we have a 7 day return policy that's plastered everywhere, including the shipping receipt that's in every order. Well, after digging I found the order and I remembered the guy...

    See, he didn't know where he lived. The address he put in didn't exist according to the USPS. Or, at least the effed up version of it that he put in. It took me 3 times to get him to give me the right address and the entire time I was thinking that I should just refund him and be done with it because this guy smells of drama.

    Well, I was right. I emailed him with the email provided in the original ticket and told him that I could not and would not refund him after this length of time and my boss backed me up on it (I'm rather liberal with the refunds, too). No response for two weeks, so I relisted the working part and forgot about it. Cut to 3 weeks ago.

    I'll pause to let this set in and make sure we're on the same page. Part bought in November. Part returned in March. Emailed customer same day as return. It's now the last week of April...

    The phone rings. It's him. He's FLIPPING THE FARK OUT because he just read my email. He kept telling me that he had an email from me in March that told him he could return the part. I told him if he sent me the email, I'd refund him. Of course he had deleted it and couldn't send it to me.

    At this point, he starts swearing and threatening me, so I told him I was ending the call and to not call again. So, he calls back. He got every one at the shop at one time or another who told him that he was SOL. At one point he got my boss who ALSO told him not to call and hung up on him after he started swearing.

    Rinse and repeat once a week until today. He calls, I answer (he called on a different phone number) and he proceeds to tell me that my boss told him that I was going to send another part to him. No dice, dude. So I told him as such.

    Him- So, you aren't giving me a refund?

    Me- No, as I told you 2 months ago it was well beyond the time I would issue a refund as you bought it in November and it was March at that point. Especially since you didn't even attempt to contact us about it or attempt to communicate with us aside from swearing at us. Now, it's May and you've done nothing to garner sympathy from anyone here. So, no- you don't get a refund.

    Him- That's fucked up, dude. *click*

    This actually amused me more than anything.
    Last edited by Betweenshades; 05-23-2011, 08:27 PM.
    "You are beginning to damage my calm."

  • #2
    News Flash: If you are a mentally challenged a$$, then the people that you need to bend the rules will NOT go out of the way to help you.

    Astonishing, and I bet that this special little guy thought the universe revolved around him...
    "I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that's the only way of insuring one's immortality."
    - James Joyce


    • #3
      Quoth nicolecj View Post
      News Flash: If you are a mentally challenged a$$, then the people that you need to bend the rules will NOT go out of the way to help you.
      No joke. If he really had contacted me in March and was super cool about handling himself, he probably would have gotten the stupid refund.

      The funny thing is, this is the easiest customer service job I've ever had. I have a good feedback rating and very few people actually return their parts let alone cause trouble. It's the odd .5% that suck. And the people outside the US that keep asking if I will ship to their country "just this once."
      "You are beginning to damage my calm."


      • #4
        Well, he is right that it is fucked up - but he doesn't seem to realize that it's because HE fucked it up!
        I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


        • #5
          Offtopic - For some reason I have an image of the following call in my head..(bare with me, hopefully it makes sense later lol).

          "Yes, I want to order this part, and am wondering where you ship?"

          "We ship to everywhere in the world."

          "How much does shipping cost?"

          "Depends on where you are, its a flat rate of 6.95 for anywhere in America for example."

          "Ok, sounds good. So that would be 24.95 including shipping. I'll take it."

          "Great! Where are we shipping it to?"

          "The moon."

          "Pardon? Do you mean some town called Moon? In what state?"

          "No .. the moon. I am calling for a moon, and want it shipped here."

          "We can not ship to the moon, let alone for 6.95!"

          "But you just said you would!"

          "Sir, we can not ship to the moon. At all!"

          "Please?? Just this once?!"

          "Even if we COULD, it would cost us way too much, we would be losing a whole lot of money!"

          "But..I need it!"

          "You need something sir, but I just can't help you." *click*

          Yes, I am odd .... why do you ask?
          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


          • #6



            • #7
              People always want us to ship 1 case or a 5 gallon bottle of water overseas. I would assume the shipping costs would be unbelievable considering he weight but they're always so upset when we say no.


              • #8
                People try to do that at my work too. If your order is screwed up we will replace it if you have at least one of 2 things.
                1) your reciept
                2) the name of the manager you spoke with
                Even with this rule set in stone, people still try to bypass it by making something up like
                "I lost my reciept 3 months ago!"
                "I talked to someone but I forgot....."
                "But you guys promised!!!"
                "I come here ALL the time! Can't you just fix it?"
                and yet another...
                "I talked to a girl named Kisa!"
                I'm not a manager so I can't, and wouldn't, do such a thing.
                Answers: $1
                Correct Answers: $2
                Answers that require thought: $5
                Dumb looks are still free.


                • #9
                  Quoth AquaGirl View Post
                  People always want us to ship 1 case or a 5 gallon bottle of water overseas. I would assume the shipping costs would be unbelievable considering he weight but they're always so upset when we say no.
                  Well, 5 gallons of water weighs about 30 lbs, so at international shipping rates yeah that might be kinda pricey.
                  They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Betweenshades View Post
                    Him- That's fucked up, dude. *click*
                    Yes, it is...but not for the reason SC had in mind.
                    I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                    Who is John Galt?
                    -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


                    • #11
                      I like how he tried to lie and claim that your boss said to do it... typical lie "the other person said it was OK" or something similar...


                      • #12
                        Quoth PepperElf View Post
                        I like how he tried to lie and claim that your boss said to do it... typical lie "the other person said it was OK" or something similar...
                        Right?? Like I wasn't going to check if I didn't already know the answer. But, he wasn't all that bright to make that kind of logical connection. :P
                        "You are beginning to damage my calm."

