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If you don't want it, let me know

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  • If you don't want it, let me know

    I had a lady contact me and ask if I could make her daughter a red white and blue outfit for a pageant or if I had anything already made in her size. As it so happened I had just made a patriotic outfit for my daughter for a Memorial day pageant but we decided to do a different pageant instead that only has a beauty category so I did not need it for her anymore. I send a pic to the customer and she likes it so she wants me to meet her so she can try it on her daughter. No problem, she is local and I can understand wanting to make sure it fits first. I was under the impression if it fit she would be purchasing it that day. But of course then it would not be a story would it? So she tells me it fits and she loves it but she didn't have any money with her, could I meet her again next weekend. I said sure. During this time I had 2 people ask me for a RWB outfit in this size that was already made because they did not have time to have one made. I tell them no because I thought she was going to buy it. I go to our spot at the time I was supposed to and wait. And wait. And wait. Call her, no answer. WaitWaitWait. Finally get a call from her, oh well my photographer moved our appointment time so I will have to meet next weekend instead. Gritting my teeth I said fine. She said she would call me because she did not know what time it would be. I wait all week for her to call. No call. I message her on facebook. No answer. I call her Saturday morning. No answer. Monday I see a post on her status update about how well the photography session went. I make a post under that asking if she still wanted the outfit because she never called me. She replies, no we didn't want to spend that much money on it so we are just gonna put her in a tshirt and shorts.

    I didn't ever send her an answer back but I want to tell her I have taken my daughter to this pageant before and everyone is wearing custom RWB outfits. Good luck with your t shirt and shorts, lol. If she would have told me in the first place she couldn't afford it then as nice as I am I would have let her rent it for like 10 dollars so she would at least have a chance. But since she gave me the run around I will let her find out for herself.

  • #2
    Grrrr. PLUS, it sounds like you could have SOLD the outfit twice over if she hadn't kept you waiting like that.
    Honestly, from now on don't do holds without a deposit. If she's serious, she'll have the money. ('cuz, really, she knew the price of it before she had her daughter try it it's not like that was a surprise!)
    I no longer fear HELL.
    I work in RETAIL.


    • #3
      How irritating D< seems like she just wanted to waste your time and prevent you from selling the dress

      Maybe her whole diabolical plan was to tell you SHE wanted it to prevent others from getting it and increase her chance of winning?XD


      • #4
        Were you able to contact the folks who asked about the dress and offer it up?

        Though, I imagine RWB dresses are somewhat in demand, anyway. Hopefully won't be too hard to find someone else who needs one in that size.

        (Incidentally, I haven't any kids, but would love to see the dresses you make if you have a website or gallery.)
        "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


        • #5
          I'd sell it on a first come, first serve basis.

          Someone else shows interest while the first person is waffling around and ignoring you? Too bad, so sad.


          • #6
            Agreed. Too many times people will say, "Oh, I want that, can you hold it for me?" and then never come back. Then you have to choose as to whether to wait on them in hopes of a sale, or accept an offer from one of the other people interested.

            I have that issue when selling my snakes, and what I use as a comprimise is to put a short but reasonable time limit. Then I can tell the additional interested parties, "Well gee, someone else has it on hold, but if they don't get back to me before such-and-such-a-time, I'll sell it to you instead."

