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And she was very rude!

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  • And she was very rude!

    Ok, this is a problem I get a lot at Wal-Mart, but this woman was particularly obnoxious.

    She came to my line and demanded that I sell her some cigarettes and I told her she needed to go to register 7 to buy cigarettes.

    She told me the line was really long at register 7 and she didn't want to wait. I had to tell her about 10 times that "It doesn't make any difference." "Like I said, it doesn't make any difference." "You need to go to regsiter seven, it doesn't matter."

    Then she demanded to speak to a manager. I said "Yes, you can." and I went to go get N, a manager, and I told him "She wants to speak to a manager because she can't buy cigarettes at my register." When I was walking back to the register, I think she saw the smile on my face because I knew she was about to get her butt handed to her, plus I thought she was being totally ridiculous and I was on the verge of laughter!

    When N told her the same thing, she started into this sob story about "I waited a long time over there, and there were like three carts full of groceries, and all I want to buy is cigarettes!"

    N told her it didn't matter.

    That's when she walked away with a furious look on her face, toward the exit, and she turned around and just before she left, she shouted "And she was very rude!"

  • #2
    Oh, yes...those people!

    Who think they're too good to have to wait like everyone else.

    "And she was very rude!" - What was THAT comment all about?


    • #3
      Man, i used to get this A LOT, when I cashiered, one time i was at register 8, 11 & 12 were our smokey treat lines. We have signs posted at every damn register that people can only buy cigs and whatnot at 11 & 12, we also have a huge honking sign hanging from our ceiling. anyway.....
      ME: me
      SC: yer sucky customer
      CC: cool customer
      CSM: CSM

      SC: I wanna a pack of Newport 100's ina a box, a pack of Camels in a cox, and Msrlboro 100's soft pack.
      ME : Well, ma'am you'll gave to go to register 11 or 12,(both were open neither had a long line)
      SC: WHAT???? I want my smokes, if I can't get my smokes, I'll sue you for sexual harassment, 'cause i know you want me, you punk well, you can't have me, GET ME MY SMOKES!!!!!
      ME: I can't get you your smokes you have to go to either 11 or 12, this is company policy I'm sorry.
      SC: That's not good enough I don't give a f$#@ about your company policy you punk, get me my smokes!
      ME: You'll have to get them at 11 or 12 ma'am.
      SC: I don't like the numbers 11 or 12!!!! Get me my cigs, if you do I'll give you a blowjob.
      ME No, Ma'am you'll have to go to 11 or 12
      SC: There ain't no sign. And you don'y want me are you a f-g?
      CC: Christ woman there is a sign right over you stupid head and a sign the register, so quit yer whining ang go to a cig. aisle.
      SC storms off
      CC: Good Lord what a blockhead, i men if she had gone over trhere she'd probably have her smoke, what makes her think thatshe doesn't have to fiollow the same rules as everyone else?
      Me: Well, some people just feel like they are better than everyone else i guess.
      CC: What a loser.
      CC leaves
      CSM: Did you refuse a sale to a person who wanted cigs?
      ME: Yes.
      CSM: Good job. <pause> oh, did dhe say she would turn a trick for you?
      Me: Yep.
      CSM: Wow. What a slut.

      Did I mention that the SC had her 6 year old daughter with her?
      So yeah, i can't stand people who think they are better than everybody else, <sigh> i mean christ people just go to a cig. aisle.


      • #4
        Quoth Clintmax
        Who think they're too good to have to wait like everyone else.

        "And she was very rude!" - What was THAT comment all about?
        That comment was made as a last ditch effort to get revenge on me. She was hoping that they would believe her and then I would get in trouble for being so mean to her. Of course, it didn't work.


        • #5
          I think the prevailing thought here (barring illiteracy) is, "Signs are for other people--I'M SPECIAL." My great-grandpa used to say that as he barreled through stop signs. Of course he lived to be 97. Those type of people often do outlast everyone else.


          • #6
            Did I mention that the SC had her 6 year old daughter with her?
            So yeah, i can't stand people who think they are better than everybody else,
            the minute she offered 'special services' for cigarettes negated any chance of being higher on the evolutionary scale.

            damned lowlifes; first she threatens sexual harrassment, then offers a service, and with her kid present? W T F?
            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


            • #7
              Bah...perhaps we should incorporate razor wire or electric fence chargers into barriers....that might get the message across, and if they still attempt to go around, it'll at least be amusing to watch.


              • #8
                WTF? She'd rather give a complete stranger a blow job than move to another register?

                Time? Nup, would take longer.
                The principle? Most people value their sexual services a lot higher than that.
                Convenience? Are you kidding?

                I can imagine it though. Happy customer on her knees, behind the register. Clerk says to next customer "Can I ahh help ergh you sir oooo?"


                • #9
                  Quoth chainedbarista
                  the minute she offered 'special services' for cigarettes negated any chance of being higher on the evolutionary scale.

                  damned lowlifes; first she threatens sexual harrassment, then offers a service, and with her kid present? W T F?
                  She sounds like she is not mentally stable. No person in their right mind would make such statements.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Clintmax
                    "And she was very rude!" - What was THAT comment all about?
                    In SC-talk, "Rude" = "I didn't get my own way."
                    Sometimes life is altered.
                    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                    Uneasy with confrontation.
                    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                    • #11
                      Quoth Rubystars
                      "And she was very rude!"
                      wow she sure told you didnt she, ill bet your cowering in your boots
                      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                      • #12
                        Quoth Format C
                        She sounds like she is not mentally stable. No person in their right mind would make such statements.
                        Oh there are perfectly sane people that would make such statements. These days anything is possible.
                        Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

                        Proud Air Force Mom


                        • #13
                          wow, I have a feeling the cig lady scenario would have gone different for me.

                          SC: I don't like the numbers 11 or 12!!!! Get me my cigs, if you do I'll give you a blowjob.

                          Me: Um... Uh. You have to go to... Wait, I'll be right back... Uh........... No, you have to go to aisle 11 or 12... Um... Yeah. (I get a stroke and fall to the ground)

                          Well, only if the customer was good looking, and I was extra desperate.


                          • #14
                            they never are


                            • #15
                              Actual conversation I had with some dude in Kinko's

                              Me: Okay, sir, here's your re-bind. That will be a dollar.
                              SC: A dollar?
                              Me: Yes, sir.
                              SC You're charging me? (why are people always suprised to discover that Kinko's is neither a free service nor a charity? I dont' get it.)
                              Me: Well...yes, a re-bind costs a dollar.
                              SC: I can't believe you are charging me. That's just rude!

