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I dont want collections calls!

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  • I dont want collections calls!

    ... well who does really. But if you dont pay your bill on time a company has a right to call and attempt collection. Keep in mind he was talking about ONE call.

    I treat lawns, drive to a house, put down lawn chemicals, do paperwork and go to the next lawn. Occasionally I have the misfortune of actually having to talk to customers. In this case ole Fudd was home.

    Fudd was upset because while he was on vacation he received a bill in the mail. Fudd pays his bills on the nth of every month. Any bill received after the nth, does not get paid till the next month. Fudd went on vacation to Iowa. To the birthplace of John Wayne, understandable to be sure, but I would imagine the John Wayne window curtains are a little much.

    Even though the bill was mailed and deleivered before the nth, Fudd wasnt home and didnt get it. So he didnt pay it. It was late, company puts account on pay hold and calls him. Fudd is now upset because I didnt service his lawn on the date it was originally scheduled for. Why? I never had a work order. Was never printed. No work order, no spray.

    Fudd told me that he had his own business for forty years... and apparantly if a customer didnt pay Fudd, then he would still do whatever it was he was in business for ( I didnt ask and really dont care).

    Now, I cant speak for everyone else, but if the boss didnt pay me last week, I sure as hell wouldny have shown up this week until this error was corrected.

  • #2
    He must have lousy credit. If he doesn't pay by the due date, he waits a full month to pay? Most credit cards these days start getting, well, "heavy" after 30 days unpaid. Your interest rate skyrockets, your credit rating gets dinged, etc. Too much of that, and you are in deep financial doo-doo.
    I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


    • #3
      I have a former coworker who didn't want collection calls or attempts at taking over-due money from him. So he cancelled bank accounts and went through all kinds of hoops and ladders to try to not be caught.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        Quoth blas View Post
        I have a former coworker who didn't want collection calls or attempts at taking over-due money from him. So he cancelled bank accounts and went through all kinds of hoops and ladders to try to not be caught.
        DV, right? What's happened to that loser lately? BTW, how did that all work out?
        I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

        Who is John Galt?
        -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


        • #5
          Pardon threadjacking.

          Unconfirmed word of mouth makes it sound like he was fired from the job that he got after he quit the factory (which was a fork-lifting job, he told this person that it was because he broke his wrist, which we all know is probably not how it went)...and he is still friends with someone I work with on FB, I saw that he wrote about having to work, so he somehow nabbed yet another job.

          I'd really like to know how he can up and quit a job for no good reason (not being able to smoke at work), and then get a new job within a couple of months when others (who are MUCH more responsible) have been trying for much longer, then get fired from that job and get yet ANOTHER job so quickly. Must be nice!
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            What a coincidence! I don't want to make collection calls. Or pay anyone to make them for me. Or send formal FDCPA letters. Or garnish your bank accounts. Just pay your bills as agreed*, and we can both be happy.

            *And when you signed your contract, you agreed to Net 15 or Net 30, not "Net 15 unless I am on vacation". Heck, it's the same amount every month; just have your bank auto-pay it.


            • #7
              I'm a little confused why Fudd ran into trouble; if he pays all his bills on the Nth of every month, then no bill should go unpaid more than 30 days. Is your company's grace period shorter than that? Unless he went on a >1-month vacation, presumably he had paid his previous bill on the Nth of the previous month and shouldn't have been in default with your company...? Maybe I'm just missing something here.


              • #8
                Quoth slavetotheman View Post
                I'm a little confused why Fudd ran into trouble; if he pays all his bills on the Nth of every month, then no bill should go unpaid more than 30 days.
                My guess is that he was away on the Nth of one month and left the paying for the Nth of next month, bringing the potential paying time up to 60 days.


                • #9
                  As an example, the spray company bills that I get are sent out to arrive on the 1st, with 30 days grace period.

                  If Fudd pays all of his bills on the 3rd, and did so this time while he was vacationing in Iowa, he could have missed this bill that was sitting at home in his mailbox. Rather than pay it as soon as he got home, he let the 30 day grace period expire and didn't pay it until the next month.


                  • #10
                    I don't get collections calls.

                    Then again, I pay my bills on time.

                    Seems pretty simple to me.
                    Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


                    • #11
                      Quoth slavetotheman View Post
                      I'm a little confused why Fudd ran into trouble; if he pays all his bills on the Nth of every month, then no bill should go unpaid more than 30 days.
                      From the OP:
                      Even though the bill was mailed and deleivered before the nth, Fudd wasnt home and didnt get it. So he didnt pay it. It was late, company puts account on pay hold and calls him.
                      He was on vacation during the period when he normally paid his bills, so any bills that were received between the time he left and the Nth of the month were just ignored until the Nth of next month.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        You know, I've been on vacation when my paycheck/bills hit. I found a library, got on the computer and paid my bills. Shocking, I know. Dumb Fudd.

