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A perfect study......

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  • A perfect study......

    in the defineation of insanity

    / condensed bg
    there is only one place in my delivery are that is a no go/blacklisted. it is a flophouse "hotel". the owner/operator of said hotel loved to scam us ffor free stuff. about 3 years ago GM at the time called them out on it and the hotel owner banned US from his property. the nice thing is is that this property is only a block away so carryouts are possible.
    / end bg

    got a call from a guest at the above hotel last Thrusday night. I did not take the initial call. the CSR who did answer the phone started to take the information fro the customer. when the address was given, the CSR informed the customer that we were not allowed to delivery to that property and gave the explanation detailed above. the customer did not seem to like this answer and said they were going to call other locations of <my pizza place> to see it THEY would delivery there.

    Not happening.

    a few minutes later the phone rings and I answer. tis the "scustomer" again claiming that WE (meaning my pizza place location) do indeed deliver to that address/street/hotel and now customer "claims" that we have delivered to them in the last day or so.

    NOTE: This might be slightly possible IF the order taker was new or was not paying attention. we have this property's address very prominantly labeled as WE DO NOT GO THERE and most every one at the store knows this.

    I once again explain to the scustomer that we ARE NOT allowed to delivery to that location and the reason why ie. the owner banned us from that property.

    fast forward to Tuesday night at 12:58am (NOTE THE TIME). phone rings (different) person answers. GUESS who is calling???? yes scustomer from banned hotel. order taker again explains that we not able to delivery to that location and the reason. scustomer again starts in about how we delivered to them a day or so ago (NOTE: the story begins to change not surprising). scustomer AGAIN claims they will call other lcoations of <my pizza place> to see IF they will delivery.

    a few minutes later the phone rings and I answer. GUESS WHO????? (getting kinda monotonas is it not??? I did recognise the voice for some reason) again scustomer claims that WE DO INDEED delivery to this location. again I explain that we ARE NOT able to deliver to that location and why. <click>

    now the one thing to note is the time in this interation of insanity. 12:58AM. during the week my store is the ONLY store open that late. all of the other locations close at midnight. FAIL on the calling around to other locations.

    one more time tonight (Wed) -------> lather, rinse, repeat the above with me getting BOTH calls this time. lather, rinse repeat.

    I wonder if Thursday will make this a 4-peat?????

    I know what they are attempting ie. hoping to either catching someone off guard or getting someone new. NOT happening. we all know this address too well.
    Last edited by Racket_Man; 06-23-2011, 08:11 AM.
    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

  • #2
    What the hell? He could have gone elswhere if he didn't like the answer he got at your place.


    He could have walked there and picked it up.

    Only conclusion I can come to is that your pizza has crack in it AND his legs are broken.


    He's that special brand of idiot who thinks he's a genius and everyone else is an idiot. So he doesn't realize his cunning plan to call you over and over with a different story isn't going to fool you.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.


    • #3
      I know... why not call him first and let him know that you won't be delivering there on the day you call and all other days of the calendar after that? Beat 'em to the punch and hopefully he'll get the hint.

      On a more realistic note, (in order to get his money), can you suggest he have someone else within the delivery area order it and have it delivered there, then the ignoramus can pick it up at that person's place? Your pizza is that good that he can't seem to call a competitor, so by him having it delivered within your area; he can get his delicious pizza and you'll have a contact for him and get repeat business.


      • #4
        He's that special brand of idiot who thinks he's a genius and everyone else is an idiot.
        Like when you're playing monopoly with someone and they're trying to convince you to take their utility in exchange for the property of your choice, which would allow them to buy houses before you and thus assuring they win the game. But they try to make it sound like you're stupid for not taking the "deal".


        • #5

          Love your avatar Racket_Man. That commercial amuses me.


          • #6
            Quoth Dips View Post

            Only conclusion I can come to is that your pizza has crack in it AND his legs are broken.
            Yes... LMAO


            • #7
              Quoth emax4 View Post
              ...let him know that you won't be delivering there on the day you call and all other days ending in "Y".
              I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
              Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
              Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


              • #8
                Quoth emax4 View Post
                On a more realistic note, (in order to get his money), can you suggest he have someone else within the delivery area order it and have it delivered there, then the ignoramus can pick it up at that person's place?
                My local pizza house won't deliver to my address. So I walk around the corner to the coin op laundry (less than 500 yards as the crow flies) and have it delivered there.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

