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PinPad Woes (very long)

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  • #16
    how about the old folk?

    Hey Dave,
    I got this pinpad system straight off and I would happily use this system. However, how do you manage when really old people come in?
    At my job, when we ask alot of people over sixty to fill in a simple computer form, they thow fits.
    Not all of them (bless) but SC's alway do it in an overly dramatic way.
    Last edited by Ackee; 02-14-2007, 11:08 AM. Reason: readability
    ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
    Quoth Gravekeeper


    • #17
      Quoth ahanix1989 View Post
      For some, it's because you're trying to sign at an odd angle, or the pad is at an odd height. You're not sitting at a desk, with the pad at a comfortable level. Instead, it's sitting just a little off from vertical, halfway between comfort points.
      I always have problems with those things because there's no comfortable place to rest the heel of my hand, so the signature comes out looking like I was holding the stylus in my teeth. However, I usually keep my comments on this to myself.

      On a slightly related tangent, I HATE how easy it is to mess up self-checkout lanes. It usually has to do with the system thinking there's too much or too little weight in the bagging area, but it's even more frustrating when you're in line waiting to use one, with your two or three items, and you're behind a customer who's found all the possible ways to mess up the system.

      (And as someone who used to dabble in computer-rendered art, it always tickles me to see the Poser-animated "how-to" video on the monitors.)
      He loves the world...except for all the people.
      --Men at Work


      • #18
        And to think I used to get annoyed at my store in high school because we had the "old-fashioned" pad behind the counter to enter (not even swipe!) the CC numbers and then used dial up internet to run the charge through. At least then I was the one who messed things up.

        Also, I'm with Noelegy on the self-checkouts. They're a great invention, but they invite so many opportunities for idiots to demonstrate their lack of brain cells. Plus, it sucks when they go all hooey for no apparent reason, and decide they can't read the UPC on your item, or that it doesn't weigh enough when placed in the bag.
        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


        • #19
          At my store, you don't need to swipe until after I've rung you up and hit the charge button. Alas, even with a little label TELLING YOU TO WAIT FOR THE CASHIER, we have those people who will swipe it 5 times rapidly until I tell them to wait. THEN the screen will say "Please swipe your card". Idiots.

          They have been spoiled by the Evil Bullseye next door. You can put your card in any time and run it. The customers don't seem to realize that they look different, so they might BE different. Shocking!
          First Lesson I learned from working in a bookstore:
          People who can read are made of the same rudeness as those who cannot.


          • #20
            Quoth Cesii View Post
            Hey Dave,
            I got this straight off and I would happily use this system. However how do you manage when really old people come in?
            You know, I haven't really noticed that "old" people have any more or less problems than everyone else, though if anything, they might be less likely to have problems because they KNOW they dont' fully understand the technology, and take it slow and are therefore more likely to pay attention.

            Still, I think the REALLY "old" people are more likely to pay with cash or a check than use a card.
            "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

            RIP Plaidman.


            • #21
              Guess what? If the pin pad is upside down( because it is broken) or dark (as in turned off) do not turn it right side up and then swipe your card and then look at me because it isn't working.

              And for heavens sake swipe your card yourself, don't give it to me and expect me to swipe it for you. Do you want me to sign for you too?


              • #22
                I'm always amazed when people manage to knock mine off their stands. Hello, delicate piece of equipment, you don't need to hammer on it so hard!

                The only time I'm remotely screwed up by PIN pads is if there's the occasional one that I'm not supposed to start using until after the CSR is done ringing, even though the pin pad invites me to swipe my card. Those are getting pretty rare, though.

                Even if pin pads are different at different chains, the basic flow of events are always the same. People are just kind of dumb.


                • #23
                  Quoth basketseller View Post
                  Guess what? If the pin pad is upside down( because it is broken) or dark (as in turned off) do not turn it right side up and then swipe your card and then look at me because it isn't working.
                  This is a constant problem where I work. I have two swipe machines: one for Visa, Mastercard, Debit, and food stamps. The other is for the "store" cards, Discover, and gas cards.

                  I keep the Discover machine turned away from the customer because it's rare that it's used.

                  There is the other one that is FACING THE CUSTOMER. Do they use that one? No, they yank the other one around and swipe and then get pissy and claim, "Well, I didn't know"

                  Why do they think I turn it away then? Just to piss them off?

                  DO NOT look at me stupidly and wait for a response from me; I can't see what you did.
                  I actually told a customer yesterday that my mind reading papers hadn't come in the post yet and that I couldn't see the screen they were looking at.
                  The customer is always right until I decide he isn't.

