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It's not just you that's too stupid

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  • It's not just you that's too stupid

    Had an SC as the very first customer I worked with today. She had notebooks that were on sale for $1.99, but only one she bought came off and the rest were scanning $6.69. I call the manager, she checks it out, and gives her one of the notebooks for free and the rest for $1.99 because of the mistake. To do this, she took $6.69 off for the free one and then did the difference in price times 4 for the other 4. On the screen, it showed -$6.69 and then -18.80 ($4.70 x 4). The customer just stared at the screen and then asked me to come to her and she told me that it didn't look right. I explained what was done, and she still doesn't understand. I tell her that the right adjustment was made, trust me. Finally she just keeps going and pays. However, after she pays, she says "this still doesn't seem right" and then talks to the manager about it for literally 20 minutes.
    Also during her purchase- Another customer went to start an order not seeing that the register was obviously being used and scanned an item before I stopped her. I tell her it's being used, and the woman responds with: "It is? How do you know that?" Well gee, maybe it's because I've been standing right here the whole time! Part of the time the first woman spent with the manager after paying was confusion over whether or not that item the second woman scanned and then I voided off was part of her bill or not.

    Later I had an older man who had two items and he put his items on my podium. I told him he needs to use one of the registers. He yells out "I don't know how to use this thing! I'm too stupid! (at least he admits it)" So I bring him to a register, scan his items, and put him on the payment screen when I need to go back to the podium to fix something for someone else. He just stares at the screen and yells out "What am I supposed to do now??" I tell him to put his money in and he says "I don't know how to do that! I'm too stupid!" So I go over and put his money in, and tell him it's the same way you pay using a vending machine. He says he didn't know it was like that (how else did you suppose cash went through?!). For the record, I have definitely seen this person at the Uscan before and have done his order for him and explained what he needed to do. Wouldn't hurt to try and pick up some of the information to be able to do it yourself or with little assistance, since it is YOUScan afterall...

    Two involving price checks: First had two bottles of lotion that rang up $8.19 and she said they should be $5.99. I tell her it would be a minute before I could get a price check for her because the manager was already doing one. She waits about 15 seconds and then decides she doesn't have time for this and to cancel her whole order. I do that, but I end up needing an override because she had enough things to necessitate one after so many voids. While waiting for the manager to return to get this, another woman tries to use the register. I tell her she needs to wait because I'm clearing out an order, and she gets all huffy asking how long is it going to take. Another register opened up about 5 seconds later.

    Second was the guy whose price check was happening during the preceding. This is a customer that is in the store a lot and everyone knows him and hates him because he's always a jerk and has a problem with something. He wasn't technically correct about the price because it was only for certain flavors of the item, but the manager tells me to honor it because the shelf with that item had some disarrangement. I take off the difference and tell the customer I fixed the price and he responds with "Well how I do know you did?! What did you do to fix it?!" like I lied to him.

  • #2
    I often have trouble with Uscans myself (not that many of the stores in my area have them so I don't get much practice) but geez, if I really feel like I can't figure it out I just go to a regular register. That's why they still HAVE regular checkout lines.
    "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


    • #3
      Quoth jjc927 View Post
      Later I had an older man who had two items and he put his items on my podium. I told him he needs to use one of the registers. He yells out "I don't know how to use this thing! I'm too stupid! (at least he admits it)"
      Dude, if you're "too stupid" to use a U-Scan, go to a regular register and have the cashier ring you up! Even the village idiot can figure that one out!
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        Quoth jjc927 View Post
        Wouldn't hurt to try and pick up some of the information to be able to do it yourself or with little assistance, since it is YOUScan afterall...
        When he knows he can get you to do it for him, why should he make the effort?

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
          When he knows he can get you to do it for him, why should he make the effort?
          My thinking exactly. Since he knows that you'll just end up doing it for him anyway, he goes to the self-checkouts and feigns ignorance, rather than having to wait in line at a regular register. He gets out faster this way and still has somebody else ring through his purchase for him.

          I saw this a lot when I worked at a grocery store that had self-checkouts.
          my favourite author is neil gaiman. - me
          it is? I don't like potatoes much. - the chatbot I was talking to

