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Pathetic attempts at pick ups

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  • #76
    Okay, that reminds me. What's with guys giving girls they are interested in their number? I understand how you young whippersnappers do that now, but I don't get it. Why, back in my day, a young man would ask the lady if he could call her, and she might respond by giving him her number (written on a mastodon pelt, of course.)

    If a man came up and handed me his number, I think I might not be able to keep the incredulous amusement at his sand off my face.

    What's up with that?


    • #77
      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
      Okay, that reminds me. What's with guys giving girls they are interested in their number? I understand how you young whippersnappers do that now, but I don't get it.
      I never knew that and I'm 19. Usually I ask for the number and will act accordingly. Then again, I'm old-fashioned and really wish my generation wasn't full of idiots.
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #78
        Yeah, see, I wouldn't call a guy who'd given me his number. I figure if he's that interested he'll work up the berries to call me.

        I'd have to like a man an AWFUL LOT from the get-go to do the initial contacting myself. And I've only done it twice, the second time being when I went after my husband. And neither man gave me his number as an initial contact. The first guy, I asked out to his face. My husband, I did some sleuthing and tracked down. Sent him an old-fashioned written letter (with my number in it, incidently. But I still made an active contact. My letter contained a date request. I didn't call him because I didn't want to accidently get my ex-boyfriend on the, long story. )

        A lot of the young girls I know say that's pretty common nowdays. Guy likes a girl, so he gives her his number instead of asking for hers.

        I don't care for that. I'm pretty old fashioned myself. I mean, I am obviously not saying a woman should never call or contact a man, if she's interested. But just giving a woman your number and asking her to call seems a little...I dunno...passive, I me.
        Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 02-26-2007, 06:24 PM.


        • #79
          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          A lot of the young girls I know say that's pretty common nowdays. Guy likes a girl, so he gives her his number instead of asking for hers.
          And some of us laugh when we see this happening. I witness this a lot at the student commons at school and I just laugh, it seems like being the passive type is the way to go, to me that's just weird.
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #80
            I'd probably laugh at a guy giving me his number, unless I ask for it.

            Call me old-fashioned, but I like for a guy to take the initiative. I don't mind if he waits a few days (I know I'm busy) but I don't want to have to call him. I'm also likely to be more impressed with a date/potential date if he'll hold the door and at least offer to pay for drinks/dinner.

            That being said, I think it's cool for a girl to approach a guy, but I still think the guy should be getting the digits.
            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


            • #81
              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
              I have no idea why you'd want to your first impression on someone to be "Hi! I suck. "
              Actually, I'd think you guys would prefer a female's first impression on you to be, "Hi, I swallow."

              Sorry, I had to do it.

              I'll slink away now.
              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


              • #82
                Quoth Primer View Post
                Actually, I'd think you guys would prefer a female's first impression on you to be, "Hi, I swallow."

                Sorry, I had to do it.

                I'll slink away now.

                Slinking is too slow. You might wanna run.....


                • #83
                  I would forever have guys hitting on me at the bar (I should have expected it. When you're a girl (I've been told I'm cute, I dunno) working in a sports bar and you're kind of a sports junkie? A lot of the guys liked that. During playoffs and March Madness I had guys asking me to marry them nightly. I have some great stories from those nights) but the one that amused me the most was at the law firm I used to work at.

                  An attorney friend of one of my lawyers would call in to talk to Bob about cases and such and, since I answered the phones, would always talk to me first. I seriously don't think I ever met the guy. But he decided from the first time he heard my voice that I was hot (he knew that from my voice?) so he would joke with me about it and ask me when I was going to marry him and such. So I finally told him when I had a 2 carat ring on my finger (NO I do not ever want something that big, it was just when we were joking that day) that I would marry him. So from then on, whenever he would all, the first thing he would say was "I'm working on that ring, honey, and then we're running away to Italy and getting married."

                  He was a kick. Though I think if I had ever actually MET him and he'd done that it might have creeped me out.

                  That being said, I've had my share of creepy crazy guys. That's when having a big 6'9" former football player for a bartender came in handy. Cause he never minded the "oh, you can ask my boyfriend if you can take me out" thing.
                  "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

                  I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.


                  • #84
                    I had another one Thursday night.
                    A guy, I think he may have been homeless came up to me mumbling something.
                    Him- 'I'm sorry you're married....I'm very single myself....I adore you....I write poetry to you...I write my adoration to you on TOILET PAPER everywhere...I hope people will read it...It's good stuff...'
                    And he wandered away.
                    I immediately had a guy colleague check the toilet paper in the men's washroom.


                    • #85
                      I always say, "Men like you are the reason for restraining orders" or "Men like you are the reason they invented pepperspray"

                      Or my personal favorite "Get bent!" (added on to the end would be greasemonkey, dirtbag, grampa, scumball......etcetcetc)
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #86
                        I just wanna comment that young girls and middle aged guys = not creepy. I'm dating one of the middle aged guys that made a play on me.

                        We've been together for about 1 year now, happily


                        • #87
                          That's nice you found an older guy that isn't a pervert Pezzle........however, I totally disagree with you. I respect your opinion, I just don't agree with that.
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #88
                            I'm with you Blas--I have a hard time not being creeped out when a guy my father's age hits on me. I'll date within a pretty wide age window, but twice my age is a little much. The only way I think it wouldn't creep me out would be if I knew him as a friend first. *shrugs*

                            And reformedwaitress? I totally feel for you. I'm a HUGE sports nut (college basketball and football are my crack) and I have a few guys in my call center infatuated with me right now, given that fact. It's fun though, because we pay attention to the same conference, and watch eachother's favorite team's games. They're very jealous because I'm heading downtown to the Big Ten Tournament this weekend.
                            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                            • #89
                              Quoth myswtghst View Post
                              . The only way I think it wouldn't creep me out would be if I knew him as a friend first. *shrugs*
                              Bamf. Right on the head there.

                              I knew him as a friend before we started dating. The dating thing just kind of... fell together

