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You Ignorant, Ignorant Woman (Special Edition Live Episode)

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  • You Ignorant, Ignorant Woman (Special Edition Live Episode)

    I actually typed this thread as it was happening, saved it onto my USB stick and took it home with me to post on here. Everything in here was typed as it happened, so I apologise in advance for any language or comments inside. You will get to see a special kind of rage from me tonight.

    I started typing notes for this thread so that I could use it when I got home. I had no idea it would spiral into this. You may think in parts I am being overly-harsh about this lady, but I am not kidding when I say that this was the most ignorant, rude, oblivious woman I have ever encountered on a phone. She tops every single SC I have encountered who would attempt to order while on their phone.

    A lot of my actions in this thread are very passive aggressive. Normally I would not have been, but there were a lot of important people in the school this evening, and I didn’t want a scene in front of them.

    So let the live show begin!

    A woman has been sat on the chairs in the reception area talking on her phone for half an hour now. She is meant to be at a big presentation we have going on tonight, but she left the hall to take a call. Her conversation has been fantastically depressing. She has talking about everything from her mother’s death to her financial problems, and she is currently discussing the breakdown of her marriage.

    She is speaking in a very loud, shrill voice. It is actually getting my back up at the minute. She is sat about ten feet away from me, and I can hear her as if she is shouting in my ear.

    “He’s telling everyone on Facebook I want all his money! I don’t want anything off of him!”

    “He is planning a holiday in America. He is saying he is going to blow all his savings in Vegas! I am entitled to half of that!”

    I thought you didn’t want anything off of him?

    “All I wanted from the divorce was the house and about £30,000 to get my new life started. Is that so terrible? He says that seeing as it was my fault, I shouldn’t get anything, but he just can’t leave me with nothing.”

    She has started pacing the reception area. She keeps meeting my eyes and looking at me as if to say “Can I help you?”

    “All he wants to do is blow all of his money on alcohol, gambling and cocaine. What am I going to get? Nothing!”

    She is stood about a foot away from me. Seriously bitch, you are starting to disturb my calm.

    “He is telling everyone allsorts on Facebook. He was leaving really mean status updates about me the other day! My solicitor says I should delete him, but why should I? I want to know what he is saying about me!”

    Lady, you are well into your fifties. Grow the fuck up.

    “How’s your divorce going Louise?”

    Ah yes, what a bright little conversation they are having. Nothing like a couple of bff’s talking about their lovely lives.

    “He has another woman alreadddyy?”

    “The breakdown of your marriage may have been down to you, but that is no reason to give him money. You earned that money, he didn’t, so why should he get any?”

    Am I hearing a complete double standard here?

    “If you give him any money he will spend it on cocaine. You know what he’s like.”

    What is she doing? What the hell is she doing??? The bitch has just decided to sit on my desk! Fucking move! I don’t know what the hell she is playing at! Get off my desk bitch!

    What the hell! She has just picked up my notebook and has started flicking through it! Right! I have snatched it off her, and have got a dirty look for it. She has finally got down, now she is leaning on my desk talking.

    “How is your dad doing with his problems?”

    “We have to feel pity for them Louise, it is a diseassssee, like cancer, or diabetes!”

    She has just started discussing alcohol addiction. My God. Really, I do not want to hear this. You have completely wrecked my shift. I was actually getting a lot of work done until you came along, and then I had to start typing this, because believe me, if I hadn’t started typing this, you would have been punched in the face, and that would have just been another depressing topic of conversation for you and your friend Louise.

    She has both her elbows on the desk and is slouched down talking on the phone.

    “Oh Louise, did I mention he wanted the engagement ring back? I mean, I know it belonged to his grandmother and everything, but he gave it to me. It’s worth a lot of money, and it’s another thing I am fighting for in the divorce.”

    “I am glad you are supporting me Louise.”

    Yeah, you and Louise sound like a fun bunch.

    One of the teachers is leaving the building. She quietly says goodbye to me, attempting to show the ignorant woman on the phone some consideration.


    Yes! The bitch has just given me a dirty look and has finally moved away from the desk! Teacher leaves.

    Fuck! She is back! She is leaning over the top of my desk like some sort of slovenly teenager. Seriously bitch, I do not want to see your fifty-five year old cleavage.

    She has just turned to me and whispered “You are typing a little loud, aren’t you?” BITCH! I AM TYPING ABOUT YOU! Just for that I am going to make sure I hit every key extra hard.

    Crap, I need to go into the next room to collect some copies I started a while back. OK, I am going to go, and I am going to slam the door as loud as I can (without damaging it of course). Must make sure I save and quit before I go though. I kinda want her to read this, but if she reports me I could get in trouble for wasting time talking about this bitch.

    OK, here I go!

    Ha! The slam frightened the shit out of her! “OOPS! SORRY!” I have said in the most fake apologetic voice imaginable.

    Jesus bitch, you have been here for an hour and you are STILL talking about your divorce. What the hell did you come here for? You have missed three quarters of the presentation!

    “Oh I know Louise, what are we going to do? I have got used to a certain kind of lifestyle, I don’t want to give that up! And he’s calling me money grabbing on Facebook, and saying all kinds of mean things on Facebook! It’s a good job Facebook exists! I wouldn’t know what he thought of me otherwise!”

    There is only one thing for it. I don’t dare actually tell this woman to shut the fuck up. She could turn around and say that I shouted at her when she didn’t even say anything to me. I am going to have to be very passive-aggressive about this. I am going to let out the worlds biggest sigh. Ready.


    Wow! It got her attention! Oh wait, she has just turned her back on me! Now she is has her back leaning against the desk! Right, time for something else. I am going to start swinging my feet and kicking the desk. Here we go.

    I think it’s working! Wow! She is actually moving!

    And she’s gone! Thank the fucking Lord!! She has disappeared down a corridor.

    Noooo, I can hear her again! Her shrill voice is getting louder and louder. She is getting closer!

    Phew, it’s getting fainter again. I think she’s gone.

    Presentation is over, and she has walked out with everyone else, and she is still on her phone.

    I need to give an honourable mention to the keyboard I am typing this on. Seriously, it is a miracle you are still working!

    And now we’re back to normal.

    What an ignorant woman. There was absolutely no need for that. It is a very nice, warm and sunny night. She could have just as easily walked outside and sat on a bench to have her conversation. It would have been a nicer atmosphere, it may have even cheered her up a bit!

  • #2
    That woman was a cow. I wonder if her kid/grandkid was in the presentation, and wonder if the kid is upset that mama/grandma wasn't there to watch him/her?
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.


    • #3
      Wow... Just... Wow. You have much more willpower than I do. I'd have torn into her. And/or used my cell phone to call the work phone and been extra loud/emulate her.


      • #4
        I wouldn't have torn into her.

        I would have said, "Ma'am do you understand you are airing your dirty laundry in public, and there are people here who'd rather not see it?"
        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


        • #5
          What an odious woman. She completely invaded your space and from the conversation it sounds like she was the one who caused the breakup yet still blames him for everything and complains about being branded a golddigger, yet is determined to keep her ex husbands grandmothers ring because it's worth a lot of money!

          I'd have wanted to snatch her phone off her andshove it up her arse.

          But then again she would probably find it kinky.


          • #6
            I'd have drawn the line at the desk. If she wants to be an obnoxious cow, she can do it without touching my work space.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Sounds to me like she wanted some attention. (Gee, Ben, ya think? Here's your T-shirt, Captain Obvious.) But this was more than a tragic sigh in a public place; from the tone of your piece, it sounds like she was putting on a show. There's a definite "hey, look at me" vibe here. I remember a lady on a Greyhound bus who kept giving deep sighs and gazing around like a lost sheep; it took about 45 minutes for me to twig that she wanted someone to ask her what was wrong so she could spill her life story. After a two hour ride where no one took the bait, she stomped off the bus as if she couldn't believe what an unsympathetic bunch of sociopaths we were, and made sure everyone noticed it.

              I'll say that it sounds like this woman and Hubby are made for each other, and I shudder to think that there might be children involved in this mess; though we only have Lady Moocow's side of the story, if cocaine is involved, then Hubby doesn't have the sense God gave a grapefruit and she ain't much better. If you take a proactive hand in trashing your relationships and then whine because you have to change your lifestyle, well, I could do 2+2=4 when I was three years old. Personally, I hope Marvin J. Cokehead and Lady Golddigger stay together forever. Reduces the risk of the rest of us running into them.


              • #8
                hehe, that was a pretty entertaining account. Gotta love 55 year-old women acting like they're 15. Lady needs to keep the conversations to herself with crap like that.


                • #9
                  This is why I often think that cell phones were a bad idea.

                  Then again, if there had been a pay phone there, she'd have hogged that anyway. Can't win.
                  When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                  • #10
                    I think she wanted some sympathy from you, or attention at least. She sounds like a totally immature attention grabber. She wants the whole world to know she's the victim, but it's painfully obvious that the only thing she's a victim of is lack of intelligence.
                    It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                    -Helen Keller

                    I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


                    • #11
                      Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                      It is a very nice, warm and sunny night!
                      Sunny night?

                      Seriously though, there's just some things you shouldn't include in conversation in public. This absolutely was one of them.


                      • #12
                        Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                        She has just turned to me and whispered “You are typing a little loud, aren’t you?”
                        'Oh, I'm sorry ma'am. Just keeping a record in case I am supoenaed to testify in any court cases. One always wants to be accurate when under oath, you know. '

                        Let her wonder if maybe her hubbie has been planning to 'question' the school personal.


                        • #13
                          Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                          She has just turned to me and whispered “You are typing a little loud, aren’t you?” BITCH! I AM TYPING ABOUT YOU! Just for that I am going to make sure I hit every key extra hard
                          This made me laugh so hard. That and when you started kicking the desk. Hee.
                          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                          • #14
                            Quoth Ben_Who View Post
                            though we only have Lady Moocow's side of the story, if cocaine is involved, then Hubby doesn't have the sense God gave a grapefruit and she ain't much better.
                            Judging on the fact that all the men in her/her friend's life spend all their money on cocaine, her claim is quite dubious to me. None probably even touch drugs, she just likes claiming they do to make herself feel better about being a piece of trash.


                            • #15
                              And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why any wealthy man with half a brain wants a prenup when they get married. After all, she doesn't want much. Just their house. And 30,000 pounds. And his family heirloom ring. And probably alimony, so she can live as she's become "accustomed," and probably anything else she can get her greedy paws on. I hope she gets what she deserves--very little.

