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unmelted cheese and cold pancakes

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  • unmelted cheese and cold pancakes

    I worked at a burger joint for about a year and just quit in May. There were 4 incidents that stood out.

    Shortly after I started working there, an older couple came in and got a couple of regular burgers, fries and drinks. When I had brought the food out to them, the wife was in the bathroom, and the husband asked me if the burgers were pre-made because we had speedy service. I told them no. I didn't tell them this, but when I'm taking an order, even before I hit total, the order is on a screen in the back (I'm assuming it's like that at a lot of chains). Well I go back to the employee area and I'm helping drive thru make some milkshakes. A couple of minutes later, the husband comes up front and wants to talk to me. Apparently he thinks that because the cheese isn't melted that the burger must've been pre made. I get the manager and he offers to make them new burgers and he proceeds to do so and brings it to them and tells them that he made it himself. Well later right before they leave, the husband wants the store number and a phone number to like...a corporate office (we were a franchise) so I get the manager and he gives them the info they wanted.

    Seriously does one associate non melted cheese and speedy service with crappy premade burgers. The cheese is the last thing that gets put on and if you were to wait a minute, the cheese might actually melt some.

    This burger joint is 24 hrs and sells breakfast from 11pm to 11am. On the weekends we get a lot of people coming in after drinking and partying a lot. On one occasion, a couple of months after I started working there, we got really busy one night and these two girls came in dressed really trashy and all. One of them wanted pancakes and the pancakes come with sausage or bacon. She wanted sausage with the pancakes and an extra order of sausage. Well the pancakes take about 5 minutes to cook and I bring them out to her. The manager had overlooked the extra order of sausage and the girl came back complaining about it. Well the manager decided to make some more sausage because what we had was kinda cold and old, so I tell the customer that and she goes to sit down. Well when I do finally bring her the sausage, she decides to come back to the counter and now complain about her pancakes being cold. She had decided not to eat her pancakes until she got her sausage. I had to get the manager to talk to her.

    Another incident that happened recently in May was around 3 in the morning in Drive-thru. A guy had placed his order at the speaker box and as he was driving up, apparently passed out halfway through from being so drunk. We actually conveniently had 3 cops that had come in a few minutes earlier(we give cops free food) so the manager talked to them and they went outside and arrested the guy for drinking and driving. Was pretty funny to see.

    Last story for this post. With our breakfast combos, they come with hash browns instead of fries. A guy had called and complained about not getting his hash browns with his order (he had come through drive thru and was already home about 20 to 30 minutes away. The burger joint is in a small town in east texas) So I ask my manager about it and see if she could talk to him. She just tells me to tell him that I could take his name and what he didn't get and we could just give it to him the next time he comes in. Well that wasn't good enough for him apparently because he hardly ever came to this place anyways. So I asked him if he just wanted to come back up here and get his hash browns, but he didn't want to do that either because he'd be wasting gas. So I asked him what he wanted me to do, and he just kept complaining. REALLY?! Those were his only options and he just kept complaining about how he didn't get some stupid hash brown sticks so I finally got my manager to talk to him and he then complains about how rude I was to him. People are so obnoxious and seem to just love complaining about anything and everything.

  • #2
    Welcome to the boards. Glad you can entertain us with your horror stories.

    With complaining constantly, that's how some people are! They just aren't happy unless they have something to complain about. I'm starting to wonder if some of these people have to deal with a-holes all day complaining to them, and they might think that because other people can do it and not feel any emotion, that they should be able to do the same thing....


    • #3
      to CS! I know what burger joint you're talking about...they took ours away

      From your last story -- those people drive me nuts too. They have all kinds of complaints but when I ask (repeatedly) what they would like me to do, or offer suggestions, they hem and haw and say "I don't know!". Well, how's about you hang up, think about it, then call back when you do know?
      "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


      • #4
        For everthing else...

        Passing out between the speaker and the window, PRICELESS.


        • #5
          I wish we had cops on hand when I worked overnights. Too many people driving drunk, open containers AND with toddlers climbing around the car. Only time cops would show up quickly was if someone reported a fight AND a weapon.
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            Well the cops weren't always around. They just happened to be there when the guy passed out. The place I worked at, I think, gave them free food with the idea that if we needed them for anything they'd show up pretty quickly.


            • #7
              Actually I hate it when I get a fast food cheeseburger and the cheese isn't melted. I want melty goodness!! But I wouldn't make a scene about it, it's not worth it.

              I've had complainers that you can't make happy, too. I offer them everything I can think of to fix their problem and they just say "no, I just want you to know." Well, peachy, but what good is that going to do??
              When you start at zero, everything's progress.


              • #8
                I can do one better than passing out between speaker box and window. A lady actually passed out in the middle of her sentence whist ordering something. No word of a lie it went like this:

                Me: good evening miss would you like anything?
                Lady: (slurred) yes gimmie a red bull i need to sooooooobeeerrr uuuuuuu.... *passes out*

                I informed the guard who made sure she was breathing and we dropped her off with the British Transport Police at her stop.

                She actually called the train company the next day to apologise.
                Customers: Love them or hate them you can't set them on fire... or can you?

