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I want that book and i want it now!

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  • I want that book and i want it now!

    BG: every week on the wednesdaymorning we physically transfer books between our branches. customers can ask for books from other branches, and when wed-noon/eve comes, they'll have it in their hands (or whenever the first day that they come to the library to pick it up - they have max. 2 weeks)
    /end BG

    Jane Smith: SC

    wednesday late morning:
    CW gets the following email: from
    BRING THE *bookname* BY *author* TO *branch 1*
    SIGNED, J.S.

    Yep, all caps, no please or thank you and she signed her email with initials, and even in her emailadress we can't see her first name.

    CW finds out who it is (There's only one J Smith in our system) and puts the book in the transferpile for next wednesday. I'm more irked with the tone of the email than he is.

    Wednesdaynoon: JS shows up at *branch 1* - and hoorah! i'm at the desk there that day... i remember the email we got that morning.
    JS: Hi, i sent an email requesting *book* - i'm here to pick it up.
    Me: You sent the email this morning i believe, when our van was already underway. We'll have the book here next week wednesday though.
    JS: No! I sent the email yesterday!
    Me: we've only received it late this morning though, when we checked before doing the rounds we didn't have it yet.
    JS: but i sent it through YOUR computers, on YOUR internet!
    Me: In this branch, not *mainbranch* ?
    JS: Yes!
    Me: then it definately wasn't yesterday, we were closed here then.
    JS: Lies! Your CW Linda was here!
    Me: *opens file for internet-usage - we can look up who went on any PC when - when i show it to JS, it shows only green or darkblue lines to show when a computer was occupied, not who was on it ftr* It shows here you were her this morning, and look, NO ONE was here yesterday on our computers, there's no usage at all.
    JS: But Linda was here!
    Me: Yes, Linda was here this morning. Even if you had sent the email yesterday though the books isn't here so i can't help you.
    Me: even if you did, the book isn't here. You'll have to come back next week or go to *mainbranch* to pick it up.
    JS: FINE! - storms out.

    I didn't know what fine meant: coming back or goin mainbranch. Just to make sure, i call up main branch to tell them JS was here, she might pick the book up that's now in our transferboxes.

    Thursdaymorning: Yep, JS had been here. she demanded her book in mainbranch, unfortunately she asked a CW who didn't know the book was being transferred and he spent the best of 10 minutes looking for it until CW who took the phonecall realised what was going on and went to retrieve the book from backoffice.

    She snatched the book out of his hands and went on her not-so-merry way.

    A few weeks later, she tries to return it to branch 1. The computer denies: it's been borrowed from mainbranch, so should be returned there. According to CW on desk that moment, JS wasn't a nice sight just then... Poor CW spent 10 minutes trying to explain to her she had to return it to main branch and why.

  • #2
    Let me guess: the book was How To Win Friends And Influence People?

    There was no reason for her to be such a short-tempered, rude bitch.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      Quoth XCashier View Post
      Let me guess: the book was How To Win Friends And Influence People?

      There was no reason for her to be such a short-tempered, rude bitch.
      Nah, it was probably "Anger Management for Dummies"
      Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx


      • #4
        Or some home remedy book for relieving chronic constipation.


        • #5
          So let me get this right. She was at your branch of the library and wanted to have a book transferred, but instead of talking to somebody she used the computer to send an email to the branch she was already in?


          • #6
            "Advanced Yoga techniques for removing rectally inserted objects"?


            • #7
              "Colonic Crowbar Straightening Techniques." by Upp & Assoc.
              I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
              Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
              Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


              • #8
                "How to Avoid Falling Houses" by B. A. Witch
                "Redheads have at least a 95% chance of being gorgeous. They're also concentrated evil." - Irv

                "This is all strange, uncharted territory and your hamster only has three legs." - Gravekeeper


                • #9
                  The answer is simple. She went to the wrong library is all. She really wanted to go to the J.G. Wentworth Memorial Library for her request, and not the normal libraries that her city has and the OP works in.


                  • #10
                    Fail on so many levels it invents new levels just to fail at them! Wow! We have:

                    1) Customer Standard time, making this morning into yesterday
                    2) Making up facts about who was (or rather wasn't) there at the time
                    3) Still trying to lie after being caught in the first two lies
                    4) Being a complete and total bitch
                    5) Storming out like a crybaby
                    6) Being rude to CW1 who had no idea about the situation
                    7) Snatching the book out of someone's hand--could've hurt that person and/or damaged the book
                    8) Trying (probably demanding) to return said book to the WRONG FARKING BRANCH
                    and last but not least:
                    9) Using a computer to reserve a book that was in the branch she was using the computer at, when she could've just had the book in her hands right then and there, and saved everyone the time, energy, and mental pain of all the fails listed above!!
                    "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                    • #11
                      So she didn't give her name in the email. In our system we need the library card number. The library isn't made out of amazing magic.
                      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                      I wish porn had subtitles.


                      • #12
                        I love this thread title--I've said that a few times (but only while surfing Amazon...)

                        Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                        The library isn't made out of amazing magic.
                        It's not?? Since when??

                        Actually, I think the book she wanted was Remedial Behavior for Total Idiots*

                        (*I totally stole this from a fanfic)
                        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                        • #13
                          Clarification some:
                          She lives near branch 1 - a 15 minute carride from mainbranch.

                          Our computersystem shows she hadn't been online on that tuesday, in neither branch.
                          She went on the computer in branch 1 to bring the book over from main branch on wednesdaymorning (the only time on tuesday she was on the PC in a library was in her own CS time zone)

                          She emailed us - that doesn't require a librarynr, to log into the system to prolong and reserve books, a nr is needed though.

                          the book wasn't as funny as the titles suggested here - it was just a standard novel i don't even think it's very popular one...

                          She tried to bring the book back to branch 1, which would have been fine if she had borrowed it there. But since she made the bother to go to main branch, she had to make the bother again to return it.

