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The Disc, the Candy And The SC

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  • #16
    Quoth Rahmota View Post
    Or in a snit he threw or knocked his playstation and now whenever he tries to play a game the head scratches the disk. Not an impossible thing I would think.
    Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

    The father of someone I know is like that. When my friend was growing up, his father, who had an old Atari system, would play the games, lose, and then break the controller in a fit of anger. (Which is an impressive feat -- I mean, he'd totally smash the thing.) Then he'd go buy a new controller. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    My friend's family weren't terribly well-off growing up. Certainly not well-off enough to afford daddy buying a new Atari game controller every week.

    And yes, my friend's father has some serious, serious temper problems.


    • #17
      I've used a Disc Doctor on several of my PC games, and some of my DVD movies, with great results. Games I thought I would never play again worked like I just bought them, so I sing its praises from every hill top when I get the chance.

      I had a copy of Star Trek: 25th Anniversary Edition that had a fairly deep gouge in it. (Fell off the desk into a furnace vent.) A few passes with the Disc Doctor, and with the magic of DosBox, it played once more. All was well with the world.

      On Topic, you lasted a lot longer against that guy than I would have. I'd have called the cops the minute he started grabbing for stuff.
      A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


      • #18
        Quoth NightAngel View Post
        My theory is that he is copying the games and just trying to get as much bang for his buck as he can. Or possibly just didn't like them so he thought that if he damaged them we'd have no choice but to give him another item.
        Or he already had these games, scratched them to hell, and rented the same titles, switched the new disc with his old scratched disc and tried to get his money back. He gets a brand new copy of his old game for free, and you're stuck footing the bill.

        No matter what he was trying to do, he's a lying, thieving asshat, and his girlfriend would be better off without him in her life.
        Last edited by XCashier; 02-14-2007, 04:39 PM.
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #19
          I hate to imagine how this guy will act when his girlfriend dumps him.
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #20
            Quoth Talon View Post
            Hmph. If anything your store should be charging this clown for the 2 ruined disks. If only in a perfect world... come to think of it, in such a world the GF would drop him on his mangy ass that night. Sigh...
            He should at least be dropped from her account...
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #21
              Quoth NightAngel View Post
              My theory is that he is copying the games and just trying to get as much bang for his buck as he can. Or possibly just didn't like them so he thought that if he damaged them we'd have no choice but to give him another item.
              My guess is a split between the two. He's copying them and then damages them to claim it doesn't work so he can get a new one.

              I AM the evil bastard!
              A+ Certified IT Technician


              • #22
                I admit to having a quick temper (admit to it? Hell, I revel in it), but when I get pissed off at my game because EDDIE IS A M*****F***ING CHEATER IN THAT LADDER MATCH (I love you Eddie, I do, but your video game incarnation is EVIL)...well, I least maintain enough sense during my temper tantrums to beat the living hell out of my $4 pillow and not my $140 PS2 or $50 games. I might wang the $20 controller if I'm really mad, but that's the extent of it.

                At least if I broke the game in a fit, I'd admit to it. That's why I always buy used. Cheaper. Heh.
                "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                • #23
                  I would dump a guy like him as well but we've all seen women who love the losers.
                  Actually, I'd have never gone out with him in the first place. I wondered at the time if she was putting herself in danger by pushing him out the door? I may never know the answer to that. Unless they come back soon and she has visable bruises or something.

                  Ultimately, there are many things that he could have been doing with the discs. Any of the suggestions I've seen here are plausible. Heck, maybe he just wanted to see how much he could get away with before being cut off.

                  We'll never know.

                  Oh, and I've been mad enough while playing video games that I've thrown the controller on the floor like I'm spiking a football. Okay, once I did that but have maintained control since. I paid by feeling stupid and then by having to buy a new $30.00 controller.
                  Last edited by NightAngel; 02-13-2007, 04:58 PM.
                  "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                  ~TechSmith 314
                  HellGate: London


                  • #24
                    Quoth NightAngel View Post
                    Oh, and I've been mad enough while playing video games that I've thrown the controller on the floor like I'm spiking a football. Okay, once I did that but have maintained control since. I paid by feeling stupid and then by having to buy a new $30.00 controller.
                    One reason why I miss those original Nintendo controllers. Those things were built like tanks. You could slam them around like crazy in a fit of video gaming rage, and they'd laugh it off and keep working.
                    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


                    • #25
                      Quoth NightAngel View Post

                      SC: "FINE! I'm going to take my rental fee back in trade then!"

                      Me: "Sir, anything you remove from those racks and walk out my door with will be charged to your account and you will pay for them before you're allowed to rent again."

                      SC: "WHAT?! You OWE me- I'll take what I want! It's called CUSTOMER SERVICE which you don't know anything about."

                      Me: "Actually, it's called THEFT and I could call the police. But since it's your girlfriend's account and she's being a bit sensible I'll just charge the account and ensure the balance is paid in full before allowing either of you to rent again."

                      Brilliant. Wow you are pro. I bow to you
                      ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
                      Quoth Gravekeeper


                      • #26
                        Quoth Namrepus221 View Post
                        By the same coin I've seen nothing but bad things about LASIK surgery, you couldn't talk me into that even if it was free. 3 individuals that I personally know (2 grandmothers, and a close family friend) all had the procedure done. All 3 of them had to go back to wearing glasses less than a year after the procedure.
                        The people I've known who had LASIK and had problems, all got it on a special sale. Hey, I only have one set of eyes, and they're going to have to last me about 90 years. I'm not getting surgery done on them on sale.

                        The people I've known who got the new wavefront LASIK ($3,500 and up) are extremely happy. And the people who had LASIK done by a responsible ophthamologist are also happy.
                        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                        HR believes the first person in the door
                        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                        Document everything
                        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                        • #27
                          Quoth ArenaBoy View Post
                          I hate to imagine how this guy will act when his girlfriend dumps him.
                          Based upon how her demeanor was described and just my general observation of humanity, I would say the chances of her dumping him anytime soon are sadly low.

                          As for doing damage to my own possessions, I have a fairly good control over myself in that regards.

                          The glaring exception to this is the night after my fiancee dumped me, I took a metal baseball bat to one of my bikes (NOT AMANDA!) at 3 am in our courtyard.

                          One of the only complaints I ever got from that landlord about me.

                          My roommates decided at the time that it would be in their best interests to just keep away from me. I was, after all, swinging a baseball bat in a furious frenzied rage. Would YOU have interfered?

                          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                          Still A Customer."


                          • #28
                            Juwl: I've never paid attention to the play/read head on the Playstation. I know I had a portable CD player that got knocked around enough (not in anger just being knocked off shelves, belts, backpacks, bikes etc...) that finally started doing that exact same thing to music cds.

                            Arachne: Yeah one of my exfriends has a temper like that. If he lost a game he has thrown the controller on the floor or at the game machine. I'll at least reserve my temper tantrums for major things like getting fired or cheated over or something more major than a stinking video game. Oh andto fess up I've gotten so involved in a game before that I snapped the joystick off on a PS controller but I've never flung one. Dropped one and then smacked the wall after a close defeat but never thrown the controller. those things are too expensive to be using for frisbees.

                            Jester: Probably not. Though I would take pictures/videos in case there was anythign I could sell. Although if I had one of those animal planet tranquilizer dart guns that would be a different story. And more entertaining. And no I doubt she would be leaving him soon if all she did in response to him acting like a total arsehat jerk in public was to try and hustle him out of there. Personally that would have been a good opportunity to walk on him right then and there. "And this is why we are no longer dating, goodbye..."

                            About the LASIK the only people I know who have had it done have had it done in the/by the military and so far they have been ok. I might consider it but I am squemish about blades and stuff around the eyes and even with lasers there is still enough oopsie effect out there that I am not comfortable. I'll wait for retinax 5 and Dr Mccoy.
                            Last edited by Rahmota; 02-14-2007, 02:43 AM.


                            • #29
                              Quoth Namrepus221 View Post
                              By the same coin I've seen nothing but bad things about LASIK surgery, you couldn't talk me into that even if it was free. 3 individuals that I personally know (2 grandmothers, and a close family friend) all had the procedure done. All 3 of them had to go back to wearing glasses less than a year after the procedure.
                              OT, but the ideal age to have LASIK done (simply in the interest of getting the most glasses free time for your buck) is in your 20s or 30s.

                              When you have your cornea flipped around to correct the distance like that, it is unavoidable-you WILL need reading glasses at a certain point. You mentioned that two of them are grandmothers, so that makes sense. Most of our patients need a pair of reading glasses in their 50s after having LASIK-then again, most of them would have needed readers at that point anyway, and at least after having LASIK done they don't have to wear bifocals since their distance vision should still be excellent.

                              LASIK is great, but only if you go to a doctor who really knows their stuff-those $299 places are practically chop shops, and it NEVER comes out to just $299-(there's all kinds of garbage in the fine print.)

                              /hijack-sorry, the optician in me couldn't let a good LASIK post go without comment.
                              "This is the first time I've seen you look ugly, and that makes me happy!"


                              • #30
                                Wow. Talk about anger management issues.

                                Quoth IT Grunt View Post
                                On Topic, you lasted a lot longer against that guy than I would have. I'd have called the cops the minute he started grabbing for stuff.

                                Same here.
                                Unseen but seeing
                                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                                3rd shift needs love, too
                                RIP, mo bhrionglóid

