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the Top SC's of my Week.

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  • the Top SC's of my Week.

    ah yes. another week at Anthracite's. whoo.

    I was on truck duty this week, which means after i unload the truck, sort the stuff from the truck, and size the stuff onto rolling racks, i get to take the racks onto the sales floor and distribute said stuff. this week we had no less than 2000 bra's in a shipment. each individually wrapped in plastic that had to come off before hitting the floor. guess who got to unwrap em all? i had finally taken the plastic off all 2000 items and was putting bras on the sales floor racks when BEHOLD a wild SC !!! it went like this.
    SC: Um.. do you have ...sketcher pants?
    me: Sketcher? well, we carry their shoes, but i don't believe we carry their clothing line.
    SC: DUH! NO! NOT SKETCHERS!!! i want like..... the stuff that makes you looks skinny!!
    me: shapewear? (huh... bit of a jump from sketchers to shapewear but ok...)
    SC: YEAH!!!
    me: ok, Go around this corner here. on your left, is a FITTING ROOM. right in front of the door to the fitting room is the shapewear.
    SC: GREAT! **starts to walk away* BTW? wheres your fitting room?
    me: **

    the next joy of the week was during a sign takedown. if we have a sale that only runs from say, 9 am to 1 pm, i get called in to take down the super sale signs from each fixture. usually its a change of about 5 % in price. a lady flipped out because the price of her sports shorts went up 89 cents. she then cussed me out. told me it wasn't legal to do that. i told her, with the biggest smile i could muster that not only was it legal, but i get PAID to do it.

    and the final SC. I was in the girls dept. this guy came up to me. the SC and presumably his GF. oddness ensued.
    SC Hey miss, can i ask you sumthin?
    me: Sure sir, how can i help you?
    SC: do you have kids?
    SC: bros or sisters? nephews? neices? anything?
    me:. No.
    SC's GF : do you have a husband or a bf?
    Me; NO! and i don't see that its really your business!>
    Sc: well, i was just wondering..would you let a lil girl wear high heels?

    some people..are weird.

  • #2
    That last one...

    Seriously, you don't have to have any living relatives to know the answer to that is "no."

    Recent research actually suggests that women who wear heels suffer many more accidents, die younger, and have related medical issues such as back problems and increased likelihood of developing UTIs.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      "Of course I would let a lil girl wear high heels. As soon as she is 18, Or perhaps, to her Senior prom. Yes, I think her senior prom would be okay. After all, that IS a special occasion."


      • #4
        The reason why she may have said Sketcher pants was because Sketchers made a pair of shoes called Shape-ups. (or Shapewear) So that may have been where she was coming from.

        Although I'll join you in the for her asking where the heck the fitting room was AFTER you said it.

        As for the heels thing, the FIRST time I wore something with a heel was when I was around 11 or so. Of course, that was for my Year 7 graduation and by that point, I was around my mum's size in footwear
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #5
          really heels cause UTIs? wow. guess my 8 year old is courting danger...she has lil kitten heels she just loves to wear to church


          • #6
            Yup. It has to do with the way heels force the wearer to shift their pelvis to stay upright. It moves the body out of its natural position and puts pressure on areas that shouldn't have pressure on them. I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't digestive issues from the same source, to be honest. That's in addition to the increased problem with ingrown toenails, hammertoe, and other issues arising from the fact that you're standing on your tiptoes and having most of your weight pushing your toes into the front of your shoes.

            The current advice is to only wear heels sometimes. And to limit your time actually standing in them as much as possible.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Quoth iloveasunflower13 View Post
              Sc: well, i was just wondering..would you let a lil girl wear high heels?
              Yes, but only if I'm selling the little girl in question.

              Why, how much are you willing to pay? Heels are extra, mind you.

              Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
              Recent research actually suggests that women who wear heels suffer many more accidents, die younger, and have related medical issues such as back problems and increased likelihood of developing UTIs.
              And my friends think I'M the crazy one for preferring women in sneakers to heels. (Though I do have a thing for women in boots, amusingly.)

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."


              • #8
                Quoth iloveasunflower13 View Post
                when BEHOLD a wild SC !!! it went like this.
                SC: Um.. do you have ...sketcher pants?
                me: Sketcher? well, we carry their shoes, but i don't believe we carry their clothing line.
                Wild SC used Confusion, it was very effective.


                • #9
                  Quoth iloveasunflower13 View Post
                  SC: Um.. do you have ...sketcher pants?
                  I wonder if she meant stretch pants?
                  "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                  • #10
                    When she left, she had one of those lacy girdles. no pants. so...I'm guessing she was thinking Shapeups/shapewear. still... a girdle is a bit different from pants. and we do have shape pants.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Ironclad Alibi View Post
                      I wonder if she meant stretch pants?
                      Actually, I was thinking she was looking for Spanx, given the way she described it. I love Spanx, they're quite awesome. Expensive, but awesome.
                      What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


                      • #12
                        Quoth Sunshine View Post
                        really heels cause UTIs? wow. guess my 8 year old is courting danger...she has lil kitten heels she just loves to wear to church
                        Mine too. She is 3 and wears the leather mary jane type heels for pageants. Of course it is only like a half inch or something. And she has some of the sandals with the kitten heels for church and wearing around the house when she is being a princess I never knew they could cause that. She hasn't had problems so far but maybe it is just because the heels are so small. I do know people that have a problem with kids wearing ones that small though. I was just in Walmart the other day and we were looking for some cheap sandals for the kids. There was a couple there with a little girl about 6 or so. The little girl wanted some of the sparkly sandal heels they have there and the parents were arguing with her. I kind of got close to them because I was looking for a certain size of the cheap foam sandals they have and the mom kind of looked at me and said "can you believe they sell high heels for little girls, are they trying to make them streetwalkers this young?" I said "well my daughter has the white ones and the pink ones that she wears around the house and to church so I can't say anything about it" She got kind of an embarrassed look and moved on lol.

                        Now I won't say that the other day my 2 year old son go ahold of my 6 inch stilettos and was walking around in them and almost walking better then me. And yes I did get video of him in them for future embarrassment And considering he also loves to get into my 3 year olds play makeup and put hairbows in his hair and be "beautiful" (his words) it may be a video of the future, lol


                        • #13
                          And my friends think I'M the crazy one for preferring women in sneakers to heels.
                          And we thank you for that!
                          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Jester View Post
                            And my friends think I'M the crazy one for preferring women in sneakers to heels.
                            I'm with you on that one.

                            There is a woman who lives in my building who has recently taken to wearing 5-inch platform flip-flops. it looks really absurd.
                            Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

                            "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain

