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You'd better carry that out for me!

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  • You'd better carry that out for me!

    So this was 4 years ago, while I was pregnant. I was a supervisor at a hardware store. Pretty much, I was in charge of our front cashes and service desk (or as we called it, the no-service desk). This included covering breaks, getting the cart guys to do carryouts and balancing the cashes at the end of the day. Not hard, but I was the only person who could run breaks off without a hitch. IN fact, the break schedule I printed out is still on the supervisor podium to this day.

    Anyway, it was a typical weekend. Busy spurts, weather was ok for here in June - not too warm, not too cold. I was putting signs up on a pallet of tables when this happened.

    Me (at this point almost 6 months pregnant)
    CW (4 months pregnant)
    Hubby ( of the SC, and totally not an SC)

    CW rings out one of the tables I was putting signs on. SC wanted it for a party or something. CW gives her the change.
    CW: Would you like me to call for a carryout for you?
    SC: NO, SHE can do it *points to me*
    Me: *thinking WTF?*
    CW: um... are you sure you don't want one of our carryout guys to get it for you? There are 3 of them on right now
    SC: No. She's right there obviously doing nothing so she can carry it
    Me: *looking over my shoulder* I'm sorry, I'm the supervisor on duty right now. Unfortunately I'm unable to leave this area. I'll gladly page for a carryout
    SC: Then *points at CW* SHE can do it for me
    Hubby: *looks sheepish*
    Me: I'm sorry, it's busy and CW has a lineup right now.
    SC: Then take over her cash!!
    Me: Unfortunately I'm unable to do that, as I need to be behind the registers
    SC: This is terrible customer service !!!!!ELEVENTY!!! You NEED TO CARRY THAT OUT FOR ME RIGHT NOW
    Me: *turns around. I didn't look pregnant from behind, but from the side, I was huge*
    Me: Ma'am, our policy is that our cashier do not do carryouts, and if someone wants one we page for it. I am pregnant. That cashier is also pregnant. WE CANNOT CARRY things.
    Sc: You're lying! All of you! Lies!!
    Hubby: *as this point is carrying the table towards the door and trying to get his wife to follow him mouthing "I'm soo sooo sorry" to me*

    You're all stupid!

    This was before I was pregnant. I was still a supervisor, and was dealing with something at our service desk when I hear a page to go to the cashes. We had just gotten new touch screen debit machines, and the touch screens were terrible. You'd push 1 and it would enter 9.

    M (manager, who was awesome when you could find him)

    CW: *whispers* I accidently typed in her price wrong and her AMEX already went through.
    Me: to CW "No problem"
    Me: to SC "It'll just be a moment while I straighten this out"
    SC: "You'd better! That cashier did that on purpose! She's incompetent! stupid! Moronic!"
    CW *starts to shake and wheeze*
    Me to CW: "Go to the cash office. Now. Call M, grab your puffer. Don't come back out til I say" (she has bad asthma)
    Me to SC: "That was uncalled for. These are new machines and very tricky to use, it's not her fault"
    SC: "Yes it is!!! She's useless! She should be fired at once! Call a manager! She's trying to rob me!"
    Me: "That's enough. You have bullied one of my cashiers into having an asthma attack. You have continued to be insulting while I am fixing something that is not her fault. Here is your receipt. Now get out of the store and don't come back"
    SC: "I'll have you fired! What's your manager's name!"
    Me: "It's M. He's currently trying to calm CW down. Get.Out"
    SC: *leaves*
    M: *comes up to me* "Is she gone? What happened"

    I explained, and told him I kicked her out of the store

    M: "I got your back. She's on camera. I'll have security issue a notice of trespass for verbal assault"


    She never did call the store. Or corporate. Nor did she come back. The over managers when they heard all backed me up. Only the store manager was a little iffy, but he said they time to call someone first. Which I really couldn't do and the time because M was the only manager on and he was trying to calm my CW down.

  • #2
    That first woman was crazy. Where does she get the idea that she has the right to decide who does her carry-out---especially when her husband was right there & capable of doing it himself? And lying? Yeah, and your CW both stuffed pillows under your clothes so you only looked pregnant.

    The second one....was a vicious twat. Couldn't even make up her mind...was the cashier incompetent or deliberately stealing from her--can't be both...Idiot.
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3
      Yeah, at my C-store people expect me to carry there beer out, not gonna happen. Now exceptions can be made but when I'm the only person there and your not some sweet old lady, I'm not moving my ass. When your a 20 something douche bag with a popped collar.... you can make two trips
      I'm sorry reading is not a new concept it has been widely taught in our nation for at least the past 100 years. Please, learn to do it CORRECTLY before you become contagious.


      • #4
        Quoth underemployeed View Post
        Yeah, at my C-store people expect me to carry there beer out
        Reminded me of this

        Answers: $1
        Correct Answers: $2
        Answers that require thought: $5
        Dumb looks are still free.


        • #5
          Of course, you only swallowed a baby just to LOOK pregnant. Gets you out of all those pesky jobs, eh? *head desk*


          • #6
            You told her not to come back? I you for that. At any of the places I have ever worked, they will not do anything like that, for fear of losing business, even to a bitch like that. I wish more and more places would adopt a policy like that. Then sucky customers will know that they will get kicked out of places if they don't behave. And they can't go anywhere else because the same thing will happen.


            • #7
              So I guess the pains, throwing up, and going to the hospital and going through labor were just a clever ploy to get out of the carryout?


              • #8
                I have only asked someone to carry out something for me since I went on crutches full time ... I had to go shopping and nobody was around to go with me ... [if it is 2 bags of roughly equal weight, I just sort of hook them on the grips of my sticks and gimp carefully]

                I can not believe the nerve, asking pregnant women when hubby is standing right there. That is horrible.
                EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                • #9
                  Bitches...I can't believe one had the nerve to demand that two pregnant women carry out her things for her when her own husband was fully capable and another for insulting and bullying a cashier into an asthma attack!
                  I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                  Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                  Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

