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Tonight's winning customer

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  • Tonight's winning customer

    It was another fun-filled crazy day at good ol' Bustice. You see, like most of the United States, it is 100-and-crazy degrees here (temperature courtesy of my manager). This, coupled with my mall's almost-nonexistent air conditioning, has been souring the moods of many customers. After all, who can be truly happy when it's 100-and-crazy degrees outside? Of course, we can all tell the super customers from the sucky customers even with the weather. Please observe tonight's Bustice Buffoon.

    We have a 40%-off-the-whole-store coupon out. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me, and we're pretty lenient about our policy for people who "forgot" their coupon. Of course, y'know, telling me about such coupon would help, right?

    So Bustice Buffoon (BB) comes in with his daughter (D). They do the usual shopping and whatnot, and BB isn't really into it, so he's just kinda standing right outside the store using his phone while the little girl stands in the store and shows him what she's getting. He comes in and gives her his Bustice credit card and tells her to go check out and he'll come up when he's done on the phone. D decides to come up to the register, place the Bustice card on top of the clothes she's buying, and go look at something else in another part of the store. So I ring the merchandise through and D comes back. I tell her the total and ask her to have BB come back so he can sign the credit slip. He's still on the phone, so I tell him the total and swipe the card. Because there isn't anything for him to sign, he wanders away. Then he comes back, looks at the receipt, and the following occurs:

    BB: (goes to Manager S to rant about how "THIS GIRL OVERCHARGED ME BLAH BLAH BLAH)
    Manager S: Retailsweetie, you're gonna hate me for what I'm about to have you do. This gentleman's daughter forgot to give you the coupon, so I told him I'd go ahead and have you do a price adjustment for him.
    Me: (happily, because although it's time-consuming, a price adjustment is simple. You just return everything and then purchase it back at the lower price.) All right, sir, can I see the receipt I just gave you? I'll also need your photo ID and your Bustice card.
    BB: (grumpily) Sure. Whatever.

    So I do the price adjustment for BB, he's sighing as if I'm majorly inconveniencing him. I hand him back his ID and finish the return, telling him he's got $x going back on his card, etc. Then...

    Me: All right, and if I could just have you sign this for me *hands him long-ass store copy* And would you like your receipt with you or in the bag?
    BB: With me. *signs return slip and pushes original, unsigned CC slip back toward me.*
    Me: Actually, sir, can I have you sign that for me as well?
    BB: Why do I need to sign both? I ain't payin' this original amount!
    Manager S: No, sir, it just processes the transaction and then gets credited back to your account with the return you just did.
    BB: *looks like he still doesn't get it but signs it anyways*
    Me: *bags BB's stuff and hands it to him as he pours over the original receipt and the very long customer copy of the return receipt*
    BB: (As I'm about to take the customer behind him, of course) Where does it show how much I actually spent?
    Me: Actually, sir, it's not going to show that. If you'd like, I can look at both receipts and calculate that for you.
    BB: No. I just want to see how much it actually charged me.

    So Manager S does the calculations and shows BB, but he's not satisfied so he stands at my register and does the math on his phone. Finally, he shrugs and leaves.

    Moral of the story: Don't hand your kid your credit card and then walk away to talk on the phone, and don't get annoyed at the store employees who now have to fix what is, technically, your mistake.

  • #2
    Quoth retailsweetie View Post
    and don't get annoyed at the store employees who now have to fix what is, technically, your mistake.
    There's no technically about it. You snooze, you lose. He didn't ask, he shouldn't get. Simple
    "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
    "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
    "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
    "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
    "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
    "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
    Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
    "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


    • #3
      Quoth retailsweetie View Post
      Moral of the story: Don't hand your kid your credit card and then walk away to talk on the phone, and don't get annoyed at the store employees who now have to fix what is, technically, your mistake.
      ahh, see, you had a perfect excuse to just wait till he got off the phone to finish the transaction. i mean, technically, she cannot use his card anyway. so what if he's just a foot or two away
      aside: yes i know this holds up the rest of the line, encourage them subtly to hate on him to. hehehe.

      Hobby Twitter.


      • #4
        I don't understand this customer's behavior AT ALL. I realize we are talking about SC.....but still. To me it seems like a huge courtesy that you allow folks that don't even have the 40% off coupon with them to still get the discount. I'd be asking as nicely as possible if I could even do that. Not just expecting to randomly get the discount, then blowing up about it later.


        • #5
          Quoth retailsweetie View Post
          BB: (As I'm about to take the customer behind him, of course) Where does it show how much I actually spent?
          At a guess, I would say LOOK AT YOUR FUCKING CREDIT CARD SLIP, YOU FUCKING MORON! But that's just a guess.

          Quoth retailsweetie View Post
          Moral of the story: Don't hand your kid your credit card and then walk away to talk on the phone...
          I know I have no kids, but I would never hand my credit card to children, my future wife, a girlfriend, my friends, etc. No one. But especially not a CHILD!

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #6
            Some people only care about how much they spend when they get the bill...then they want YOU to iron it all out for them and tell them why their math doesn't match yours. Oh yeah, and they forgot to tell us about the coupon...
            "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


            • #7
              No way would anybody get my credit card handed to them to spend! Uh uh...not happenin'! That SC wasn't taught at all that reading is fundamental.
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #8
                Quoth EricKei View Post
                There's no technically about it. You snooze, you lose. He didn't ask, he shouldn't get. Simple
                No in the story he did ask and the manager approved it. It's the part where the manager comes into the picture.

                His problem was being too preoccupied with that stupid phone, giving his card to the kid and ignorantly expecting retailsweetie to have known that the manager had approved the coupon he forgot. He sounds like one of those people that expects others to be psychic or expects the one person he asked to pass along info which her manager didn't do until the transaction was done.


                • #9
                  Maybe I misread it -- it seemed to me that neither of them asked for a discount until AFTER the transaction was over.
                  "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                  "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                  "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                  "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                  "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                  "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                  Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                  "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me

