Quoth ArcticChicken
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I don't care if your Grandma died; SMILE!
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when my Mom died back in Sept. my mangers and co-workers were very supportive and understanding.
unfortuneately it was a week until the funeral service. I had to deliver to one of the factories full of assholes (mostly populated by serial stiffers. I guess that I was not SMILING that night and was asked "HOW COME you are not smiling???" I said my Mom had died 2 or 3 days prior. did not even PHASE this bitch. no "OH I am sorry to hear that" or "sorry that you are going through this". not even a sympathy tip. just "put the stuff in the usual place. BYE" and gave me a joke tip (meaning 30 cents on a $50 order)
and this is the same person who did the exact same thing a year earlier when I had just plunked down $2000 on a car repair that day (after being out of work for 4 days)I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
-- Life Sucks Then You Die.
"I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."
Kisa, I am so sorry, both about your loss and that you had to go through that. When my mother died in September of 2008 (of cancer, damn that disease) I actually took 2 weeks off--well, the first was when she was still in the hospital, the second was the week of the funeral--and thankfully my customers were understanding. It irritates me enough to be told to smile as it is...I can't imagine it when you're in such a state! Also, don't worry about inconveniencing anyone else at a time like that. You have to take care of yourself above and before anyone else."And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare
I'm sorry for your loss. My grandmother passed away very recently. She went from healthy and relatively independent (she lived alone, had a home care nurse that would check in on her weekly, a weekly cleaning lady and I did her grocery shopping) to being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer to home hospice and death in the course of about two weeks. The last 24 hours of her life I was giving her morphine every hour on the hour. It’s horrible seeing someone you love not just die but deteriorate in front of your eyes.
I wish there was something I could say that would make you feel better but I haven't found anything that makes me feel better so I'm at a loss.You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious.
OMG.I'm surprised you didn't lay right into him. And that your manager didn't kick him out. What a total jerk. Don't you feel guilty for anything. We all lose people sometimes, and no matter what idiot business think, 3 days is NOT long enough to mourn. If he has to be a jerk, its his fault and he's an idiot.