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Revenge on Evil Coffee Lady

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  • Revenge on Evil Coffee Lady

    One of Kisa's recent threads reminded me of this story. It was one of the few times I took pleasure in something that happened at work. So here is the background on this one. We used to have this lady (Evil Coffee Lady or ECL) that would come in every single night and order a senior coffee. Senior coffee's only cost 27 cents, including tax, and since it was late at night we wouldn't have coffee made so this meant having to brew an entire pot for one cup of coffee so we could make 27 cents and waste the rest of the pot. This alone annoyed me.

    But of course, she was also evil. She would always DEMAND a fresh pot be made. On the rare occasion that we would have fresh coffee made because someone else happened to order some recently this would never be good enough for her. We would always say hey this pot was made about 5-10 minutes ago, is that okay? She would ALWAYS say yes and then receive the coffee and, without tasting it, say it wasn't fresh enough.

    She would also accuse us of doing weird random things. She once accused us of brewing her coffee on top of existing grounds, essentially not emptying the old grounds and then putting more on top and pressing brew. She called it cowboy coffee. I don't know if this is a real way people like to make coffee, but we do not do that. Ever. Not even to the Evil Coffee Lady.

    Another time the creamer we used for the coffee was running low so when you pushed it to put in 4 creamers it wouldn't put in the full amount for 4 creamers. I didn't notice this when I made her coffee so I gave it to her without the full amount of cream in it. My fault, I know. However, she decided that because it was darker than normal this meant it wasn't fresh. She then proceeded to explain to me that coffee changes color and it was darker when it wasn't fresh. Uhm, okay whatever ECL.

    Okay, so here is where the revenge comes in. One night, after our lobby closed, she came up to the door banging on it. I shake my head no to indicate I wasn't going to let her in and ignored her. She continues banging. I go over there and tell her lobby is closed, can't let her in. She informs me that her van broke down and she needs to come in and use our phone and bathroom. I tell her no, lobby is closed. She starts pleading with me about how she is stranded and needs to call her daughter. I tell her no, I can get in trouble. Then she lets this gem fly out," But you KNOW ME!" Yes, ECL I know you come in every night and order a senior coffee, nothing else, spend less than TWO DOLLARS A WEEK and are a pain in the ass. That will definitely help the police identify you if you robbed me.

    I wound up calling her daughter for her. You might wonder where the revenge is in this story. It's because I am second in command at the store. I could have let her in if I wanted to. I totally would have if I didn't hate her. And she heard me tell my coworker this. I happened to have a girl there that was training to be a manager. She asked me about what happened and I told her. Coworker asked why I didn't let her in since I would have been allowed to if I chose to. I said, in hearing distance of the lady, that I would have except that this lady is always rude and demanding, doesn't spend enough money to act the way she does, and I don't HAVE to let her in. I could do it as a courtesy, but since ECL wasn't courteous to me ever I didn't feel the need to do anything for her.

    ECL has been very nice to me ever since.

  • #2
    Way to go!!!!!!!!


    • #3
      What I don't understand is.. did you actually say anything to her to get her to be nicer to you now than she was before? If she was bitchy then, why would she be so nice to you now even though you denied letting her in? Just because you did her a favor? You did her favors before by making fresh coffee when it wasn't necessary, and she still treated you like shit. So all it takes is for you to rescue her by calling her daughter, I highly doubt that niceness is going to last, ESPECIALLY since you were nice before and it meant nothing.

      I have a conscience too and i would have felt a twinge of guilt by not helping her out, but some people have to be taught the hard way. If I were there, denied her, then dealt with her when she came back in again, i would have blatantly said that if she was nice to me and the staff all of the other times then I would have helped her, but because she was a jerk she's going to get treated like a jerk.

      When the store is closed, you don't have customers, and you don't have to have to be nice to everyone who comes to the window, especially those who go or have gone out of their way numerous times to be mean to you.
      Last edited by emax4; 07-26-2011, 05:41 AM.


      • #4
        Sometimes... the rules work in our favor. Sweet.
        "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
        "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


        • #5
          Quoth emax4 View Post
          So all it takes is for you to rescue her by calling her daughter, I highly doubt that niceness is going to last, ESPECIALLY since you were nice before and it meant nothing.
          I think it had more to do with the fact that she was finally called out on her behavior. Once in a while that does tend to work on people.

          Unfortunately for every customer I had that was basically his woman's hell spawn, there was a manager that would bend over backwards to kiss said customer's ass. Thus I was always the bad guy, even when it was my call to refuse such things like using my cellphone to call a cab, or allowing a customer to call her relatives to get a ride, etc.


          • #6
            Quoth notlovinit View Post
            . She called it cowboy coffee. I don't know if this is a real way people like to make coffee, but we do not do that.
            They certainly do. When I was a lifeguard at a Boy Scout camp, the scoutmaster coffee pot stayed on 24/7, started for the sunday evening meal, and only got fully cleaned and dumped on Saturday night after the troops left for that week. This was by long tradition and scoutmaster request, by the way. By about Thursday, the coffee was running strong enough to raise the dead, and could slay lesser beings at ten feet.
            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
            Hoc spatio locantur.


            • #7
              Quoth Geek King View Post
              This was by long tradition and scoutmaster request, by the way. By about Thursday, the coffee was running strong enough to raise the dead, and could slay lesser beings at ten feet.
              I think *every* scout camp does that. The staff needs it to stay awake at 6am...and the leaders need it to keep up with the campers
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #8
                Wow. I guess the camp I worked at for five years was the Starbucks of Cub Scout camps! We changed out the filter every time. However, I don't have any idea how people drank that slime... We never did make a decision as to how many packs of coffee were supposed to go into that machine at once (anywhere from 5 - 8), and the machine dispensed widely varying amounts of water when running through a cycle.

                Ah, those were some good times.


                • #9
                  Quoth notlovinit View Post
                  She then proceeded to explain to me that coffee changes color and it was darker when it wasn't fresh. Uhm, okay whatever ECL.
                  I have actually observed this with my own coffee, but it has to be at least an hour or two before it actually appears darker. I believe what actually happens is in that time there's still some brew dripping into the pot very slowly, and this water, having been in the grounds for longer, is more concentrated and thus stronger (and therefore darker).

                  But most coffee establishments wouldn't have this problem because if they're even half-way decent they'll definitely always have coffee way fresher than hours old.
                  Fiancee: We're going to need to do laundry. I'm out of clean pants.
                  Me: Sounds like a job for Gravekeeper!
                  Fiancee: What?!
                  Me: Nevermind.


                  • #10
                    Cowboy coffee: Put grounds & water in pot,boil.Throw in horseshoe.If horseshoe sinks add more grounds.
                    "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

                    Mark Twain


                    • #11
                      Quoth Frantic Freddie View Post
                      Cowboy coffee: Put grounds & water in pot,boil.Throw in horseshoe.If horseshoe sinks add more grounds.
                      My brother ought to try this. His attitude is: if it doesn't dissolve the spoon and deform the mug it's not strong enough.


                      • #12
                        I bet thats where my elderly patrons get "senior coffee" from. My Taco Bell does not, nor has it ever, had coffee. It doesn't stop them from asking though
                        Answers: $1
                        Correct Answers: $2
                        Answers that require thought: $5
                        Dumb looks are still free.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Geek King View Post
                          They certainly do. When I was a lifeguard at a Boy Scout camp, the scoutmaster coffee pot stayed on 24/7, started for the sunday evening meal, and only got fully cleaned and dumped on Saturday night after the troops left for that week. This was by long tradition and scoutmaster request, by the way. By about Thursday, the coffee was running strong enough to raise the dead, and could slay lesser beings at ten feet.
                          Sounds a bit like ship's coffee. I learned very early, as a Navy spouse, to NOT accept any offers of coffee when visiting the ship. They keep it just this side of dissolving the mugs. And it's rather a matter of pride to never wash those mugs (maybe the coffee buildup from a six-month cruise is what keeps it from dissolving). When DH retired from the Navy and brought home all his belongings, I promptly took his coffee mug from the ship and attempted to make the inside look at least within a dozen shades of the colour of the outside - took several bleachings to even approach it. Ever seen a white coffee mug with the inside a deep dark brown? ICK

                          Madness takes it's toll....
                          Please have exact change ready.


                          • #14
                            My ex-husband's coffee was like that. Three times as much grounds as most people use, add about as much chicory as most people use coffee grounds, brew on the espresso setting. Coffee you could chew.

                            Gave a cup one time to a guy who was working on our roof in a mild snowstorm. He took a big gulp, choked, and turned to stare at me with his eyes crossed . . .


                            • #15
                              the coffee was running strong enough to raise the dead, and could slay lesser beings at ten feet.
                              Ohhh! Can I have some of that??
                              When you start at zero, everything's progress.

