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I am a punk, also a failure.

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  • I am a punk, also a failure.

    Hi I'm back with more misadventures from my time at WM.


    SC: SC
    Me: me

    SC: Okay, I want the diapers bagged by themselves. An' I want the cans of dog food in one bag.
    Me: Okay, Ma'am.
    SC: No. Not ma'am. Do I look old enough to be a ma'am to you?
    Me: I'm sorry...
    SC: Jesus Christ, you punk, you'd better be sorry! I'll call corporate on you!
    Me: Like I said..
    SC: Know what? Shut up and bag my shit.
    Me: Okay.
    SC: <on phone> It's me. Yeah i need to buy stuff. Man they have dumbass people workin' here. I know! You'd have to be stupid to work here !!! God it's good to be rich y'know? I love insulting these people they can't say anything back or I'll have them fired. Ain't that great? I know. It's so much fun to insult people! I need to hang up!< to me> I got coupons!!!!
    Me: Okay.
    SC: I got two seasons of Sex and the City!!! I bet you don't watch that!!! Ooh, and Desperate Housewives!!!
    Me: Your total is $xxx.xx
    SC: Here are my coupons. You be stupid!!
    Me: Excuse me?
    SC: You workin' here you must be stupid!! They give IQ tests I'm to smart to be workin' here. <laughs> You're to stupid to be workin' anywhere else!!
    Me: Your new total is, $xxx.xx
    SC: Excuse me???? That be way to high. Give me your discount.
    Me: No.
    SC: How dare you say no to me. I am the customer. You must do as I say!!
    Me: I can't give you my discount, sorry
    SC: Y'know you are a failure at life, and you'll never be anything but a failure. Considerin' you work here!!! <laughs> Now give me your discount!
    Me: I can't do that. Sorry.
    SC: Jesus! Give me your freaking discount!
    Me: Would you like to see a manager?
    SC: You can't cope with difficult problems can you?
    Me: I'll get you a manager.
    SC: F-ck you!!
    M: Hi.
    SC: Listen, b-tch tell you're inbred failure to give me his discount before i kick hi ass!
    M: Do NOT insult or threaten my workers.
    SC: Gimme a discount
    M: No.
    SC: No???
    m: Get out of this store!
    SC: No. < SC pushes me hard>
    M: <into walkie> Call the police.
    SC: The police only gonna back me up there is no proof I did anything. <laughs>
    M: Grape, go to the back. I'll handle this.
    The cops come and SC ends up getting arrested for not only her antics descrebed above but for a couple of warrants. She gets banned.

  • #2
    She got arrested,sweet......
    "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

    Mark Twain


    • #3
      Instant karma. I love it! Also, don't let anything that obviously hypocritical cow said get to you. She was obviously trying to look big n tough to cover up her own insecurities.
      "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


      • #4
        Quoth Grape The Cat View Post
        The cops come and SC ends up getting arrested for not only her antics descrebed above but for a couple of warrants.
        Yup, it is good to be rich.
        Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
        Save the Ales!
        Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


        • #5
          Wow, this story is the first one I liked the ending of in a long time. I am so sorry she said those (UNTRUE) things because, as others have stated, she's doing it to cover up that she's a pathetic person inside. I do like that she was arrested, though, and the the manager had your back. Usually this kind of stuff ends with, "And then my manager gave her a $XX gift card."


          • #6
            Quite a story.
            And she got arrested to boot?

            Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


            • #7
              Quoth Grape The Cat View Post
              SC: <on phone> You'd have to be stupid to work here !!! God it's good to be rich y'know? I love insulting these people they can't say anything back or I'll have them fired. Ain't that great? I know. It's so much fun to insult people!
              Something tells me that if she had to say such things so that you could hear them, she not only wasn't rich, she had such a low self image that she had to resort to insulting people she thinks cannot respond in order for her to feel as if she has some kind of authority over anything in her life.

              The fact that she had warrants actually cinches it for me.
              "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
              .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


              • #8
                How did you find out there were warrants out on her? I would think that sort of thing might leave the cops open to libel.

                So will you have to appear in court now?


                • #9
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                  How did you find out there were warrants out on her? I would think that sort of thing might leave the cops open to libel.

                  So will you have to appear in court now?
                  Warrants are .. oh shoot, I can't remember the name of it.. public interest or something like that. It has to do with the public's right to know. I wish I could remember the name, dangit. But anyway, you can call the police station and request a warrant check on anyone. Also, why people were arrested and such. I do it on my sister-in-law all the time.


                  • #10
                    As I kept reading, instantly I had thoughts go through my mind as to what I would say and how I would handle it. I would have lost it pretty quickly. Wal Mart doesn't pay you to take abuse like that though, but you clearly came out the winner. If you hadn't been so cool and calm through the whole thing, the perp may have gotten off scot-free. But your determination and willpower pissed her off to the point of her getting belligerent, thus getting arrested. THAT would have been the time to throw back all those insults she threw at you, but I probably would have pissed myself laughing, pointing at her the whole time she was being led out by police.

                    You are truly a role model and I'm being sincere.


                    • #11
                      I'd call her a heifer, but that would be an insult to heifers.... I think the "C" word actually fits here.

                      Quoth notlovinit View Post
                      Warrants are .. oh shoot, I can't remember the name of it.. public interest or something like that. It has to do with the public's right to know. I wish I could remember the name, dangit. But anyway, you can call the police station and request a warrant check on anyone. Also, why people were arrested and such. I do it on my sister-in-law all the time.
                      Matter of public record?
                      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                      • #12
                        I'm so sorry Ms. Calling the Kettle Black was so awful. At least she ended up getting arrested though.


                        • #13
                          Oh...Wow! I almost couldn't believe this was true; and then I remembered what site I was on, yeah.

                          But, you would know she was being arrested on warrants, because as the police check her information, they would see that she had warrants, and then as they began to arrest her she would probably have said 'what for?' and they would say 'you have outstanding warrants for x, x and x ma'am.' I've seen it happen before. And oh, isn't it sweet?
                          "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


                          • #14
                            Quoth South Texan View Post
                            Something tells me that if she had to say such things so that you could hear them, she not only wasn't rich, she had such a low self image that she had to resort to insulting people she thinks cannot respond in order for her to feel as if she has some kind of authority over anything in her life.

                            The fact that she had warrants actually cinches it for me.
                            That is what I was thinking as well. But what clinched it for me was the demand for the discount. If she was so rich why demand the employees discount.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Pagan View Post

                              Matter of public record?
                              Yes! Thank you!

