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"I'm not a homeless person!"

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  • "I'm not a homeless person!"

    cast of char.

    ow: old woman
    fbd: facebook dude
    om: old man

    so sc comes up to me to request microfilm of old newspapers, which we keep in storage. He need nine diff. dates. I have to fill a form electronically and I tell him it will take 10-20 min., and when it came from storage I will give it to him.

    While I'm filling the form for each date, ow and fbd comes up.

    Me: (to old woman) do you have a quick question?
    ow: I need to print, where is the printer
    me: (points) each print is $.15, but you have to pay a $1 for a printcard.
    ow: print card? I think I'll just write down the information.
    fdb: does anyone here know how to delete photos in facebook.
    me: not right now.
    fbd: well, arn't there any librarians here who can do it?
    me: let me finish helping this gentleman here and I will go help you.
    fbd: I'm on computer 67.
    now sc isn't shooting daggers at me but I think he didn't like me helping these people by speaking to them.

    so I submit his request, and go help fbd, thinking to myself "why the fuck can't you just play around with the photos?" I don't know how to delete photos from facebook; I don't see a little box to click and a button to chose to delete. But I click on a photo, the photo opens a new window, and there is a thing that says "delete". I click on it and it deletes. At lest fbd wasn't sucky and was appreciative.

    om comes up wanting books on Himlech Himmler (sp). He came a few months ago and we only had 2 books, and he wants to know if we got more. Of course, he's been to the doctor this morning, and the doctor put in drops and he can't see so well so he needs me to look up the titles, and help him find them on the shelves. So as I walk with him to the shelf I hear the film has arrived on a lift (kind of a dumb waiter but it's mechanical so a human doesn't pull a rope) but I decide to show the om the books, since if I stop to get the film I figured om will be confused why I stopped and went into an alcove and pull some stuff and walked away...

    I came back and sc got the film from the buckets. Now the alcolve has moving machinery (granted, you have to stick your hand or head in the opening to be around the machinery) and buckets come down and they smash against each other. Imagine you have your hand on the first bucket and the second bucket smashes against your hand.

    me, to sc: sir, you can't get your own film, you have to wait for one of us to get it, a bucket could have came down and smash your hand.
    sc: (laughs unpleasently)
    me: sir, this is serious.
    sc: I see you are serious, but I can laugh if I want to. I'm not a homeless person!

    Hopefully dumbass doesn't ask my cw who relieved me for more film
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    Quoth depechemodefan View Post
    sc: I see you are serious, but I can laugh if I want to. I'm not a homeless person!
    Because homeless people aren't allowed to laugh?
    "Redheads have at least a 95% chance of being gorgeous. They're also concentrated evil." - Irv

    "This is all strange, uncharted territory and your hamster only has three legs." - Gravekeeper


    • #3
      Don't try to understand the crazy, it only leads to you becoming crazy. I am safe, because I am insane, I passed crazy a LONG time ago
      Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


      • #4
        I forgot to mention that this man was dressed like a toff. Really nice, ironed pants, suspenders, had a gold ring with enlaid black onyx with some type of symbol. Hair was well-groomed.

        So just because you, mr. sc, isn't dressed in a orange snow suit in this 100 F weather, with lice and odor of old tennis shoes, doesn't mean you can do what you want. note, this moring a homeless guy in a orange snow suit did walk in. His fly was open. No tighty-whities. I siced the police on him but homeless guy went into the bathroom, where he could have his zipper down. The po po didn't say to me he told him to zip up when he left, so hopefully homeless guy didn't walk around with the zipper unzipped. I did't see him leave t he mens room, though I can only see from the front desk if he goes into the lobby, not the back of the library.
        Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

        Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

        I wish porn had subtitles.


        • #5
          I forgot to mention one thing he told me after I told him again not to get his own film.

          sc: I'm not going to ask you for anything else!

          yes, he sounded five years old.

          When my cw relieved me I told her what went on. The next day she told me he requested film, and he got it out of the lift before she could get them. She told him not to do it, since it's a safety issue and he bitched that I reamed him out already about it. And he laughed at her too, the "This is bullshit" laugh.
          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

          I wish porn had subtitles.


          • #6
            If he gets banned from the library, you'll be the one laughing at him while facing out the front door. Sounds like he's too much of a liability to the library to keep him around then. He wants to do things his way? Start charging him (as an insurance measure). He won't comply? Then he's no longer welcome.


            • #7
              Quoth Mytical View Post
              Don't try to understand the crazy, it only leads to you becoming crazy. I am safe, because I am insane, I passed crazy a LONG time ago
              Can I steal this please? I suits me perfectly.
              A good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read. - Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards!

