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Senile woman

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  • Senile woman

    I really feel sad for this lady because I don't think her mind is there and I hope that she's not too upset by this whole incident. I didn't do anything wrong, but she really believes that I accused her of stealing and now she won't come to my register at all.

    I work in a grocery store by the way.

    Original incident:

    Me: *seeing she's an old lady with a cane in the cart, I come around to help her put her stuff on the belt, and finds a plastic bag with some prescriptions inside*

    "I'm pretty sure you already paid for this because it's in a bag, right?"

    SC: "I don't know."

    Me: "You don't know? That's ok, I can check it for you at the register and it'll tell me." *pulls out prescription and scans it, if she paid for it at the pharmacy, it won't charge her, if she didn't pay for it, then it will ring it up*

    SC: "Don't you scan that!"

    Me: *having already scanned it* "Don't worry, it won't double charge you, it just tells me whether you paid for it or not, and it says you did."

    SC: "I want to speak to your manager!"

    Me: *Put it back in her basket* "You said you didn't know whether you paid for it or not so I was just checking for you."

    SC: "I want to speak to your manager right now!"

    Me: "Ok, I'll go get her."

    I go and get my CSM and give her a summary, and she walks back over with me. The SC says "You need to straighten her out! She accused me of stealing!"

    The CSM acted a little confused.

    Me: "You told me you didn't know whether you paid for it or not!"

    SC: "No I didn't! I didn't say anything like that!"

    At this point the CSM is just trying to calm her down and is scanning the rest of the SC's stuff, and I'm trying to remain somewhat helpful so I start bagging the stuff up and putting it in the SC's cart.

    SC: "And I don't want her touching my groceries!"

    The CSM just tells me to go to self checkouts for a few minutes so I go over there and start bagging someone's groceries, and it's some paranoid person who thinks I'm watching them because of their race. Thankfully they didn't fly off the handle too, and I just said I was just trying to help bag their groceries and I would step away if they wanted me to. Thankfully they were satisfied with that and calmed down. That would have been crazy to have two people accuse me of accusing them of stealing in a row!

    Anyway from then on out the old woman will NOT come to my register.

    Just recently, another cashier and I were the only ones there and the other cashier was busy doing something, and one of the assistant managers for the store saw the woman standing around looking irritated. He said "If you're ready to check out," *indicating my direction* "she can help you on register 7." The SC just made a scowling face and said "I don't want to go over there." The assistant manager looked sort of confused, like WTH? Thankfully he's a cool person so I might tell him later about the funny story if he's not too busy and I get a chance to. Anyway he told the other cashier to go onto register 6 and help her. She had a confused look on her face too. She told me later she was wondering what was so wrong about me. I told her how the old lady had acted and she said when she checks her out she's senile with her too.
    Last edited by Rubystars; 02-13-2007, 04:04 AM.

  • #2
    They get confused, and then they get beligerent.

    If it makes you feel any better, the lady probably forgot the incident 10 minutes after it happened.


    • #3
      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
      They get confused, and then they get beligerent.

      If it makes you feel any better, the lady probably forgot the incident 10 minutes after it happened.
      Well, I feel bad for her because I don't know if she completely remembers what happened, but she does have bad feelings lingering, because as I mentioned, she will NOT come to my register at all now. Once in a while when I've seen her go by she's scowled at me a little.

      She honestly believes I accused her of stealing. It's so stupid.


      • #4
        My great aunt suffered all sorts of delusions before she died. She accused her caretakers of stealing from her...she would give them money to go to the store, then forget they'd gotten whatever she'd told them to get and accuse them of stealing it. Stuff like that.

        My own grandmother is headed down that road. She forgets EVERYTHING, and I'm sure her confusion sometimes contributes to her frustration and crankiness.

        It's very sad. I wouldn't take it personally. She's just a sad old lady who is literally losing her mind and who is confused and afraid. I'm just sorry she remembers the incident at all. What I think I find the worst thing about this is that often, the people who get like this in their old age would be absolutly mortified if they had any idea what they were doing.

