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I paid all this money for it, so I should get a new one!

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  • I paid all this money for it, so I should get a new one!

    Yesterday and today. Same situation. Different faces.

    First yesterday: The customer service rep sent a Latino couple over to have me send off their camera for a "no lemon" exchange. The guy didn't speak English. "No problem," I think. I do speak conversational Spanish and his girlfriend/wife was there to translate stuff I didn't understand. So I asked for a phone number so I could look it up in the system and confirm that we've attempted to fix the camera three times (a requirement for a "no lemon" exchange).

    They couldn't remember their phone number. I asked again in Spanish and they still could not remember. Nothing under the name either. So I asked if they had the paperwork from a prior service order, which would have the information I needed. What paperwork? They explained that they've been to the store three times, so we should automatically give them a new one.

    Okay, I'm still pretty positive. It could be a misunderstanding due to the language barrier. I asked if they have a service plan and I could send it off to get it repaired. The girl told me that they didn't buy a service plan with the camera. The camera was out of the exchange period, but I could still send it to get fixed under the manufacturer's warranty. However, it would take 2 - 3 weeks to get it fixed, perhaps longer. If they wanted, they could call the manufacturer themselves and see what could be done, but it would still take time to fix or replace.

    That's when the excrement hit the oscillator. They were going on vacation to the country they came from. They couldn't wait that long to get their camera back. Why couldn't I just fix it right then and there with my magic wand? Why did I sell them a bad product? Back and forth for 20 minutes. I was desperately looking for some way to get out of this gracefully, but I definitely was not going to back down or let these coños bully me into authorizing a "no lemon" exchange.

    The whole time the guy was talking in Spanish and broken English. Finally, I heard a word I recognized: "basura" or "trashcan". I jokingly said, "Yes, that's an option, too. You can throw in the trash, but it still won't fix your camera, will it?"

    The look on the guy's face was priceless. And he finally realized that I spoke Spanish and possibly understood every word he said. And, suddenly, he remembered that he could speak English. After a few more minutes of telling me in perfect English about what I horrible company I worked for, the guy finally realized that I wasn't going to do what he wanted, took his camera, and left.

    After talking to my co-worker (who had observed parts of it while helping customers) about it, he explained that the couple had tried to con or bully us in the past. I got a compliment from the customer service senior at how I handled it and the patience I exhibited. And I lost a little more faith in humanity.

    Fast forward to tonight. This time, a white couple came in with a DVD/VCR combo that wasn't working. Again, no service plan. Out of exchange period. After arguing with customer service for about 15 minutes, they finally decided to have me send it off to get it repaired. Repeated the same wait time and speech that I did with the Latino couple as I prepared to get things together to ship it off.

    The woman was the SC here. She just could not live without her precious DVD player for 2 - 3 weeks. She just wanted an exchange or her money back 45 days after purchasing it (our cut-off is 30). She didn't want to call the manufacturer, who would probably send her a new one with no questions asked. And apparently, the fact that she could get another one for $30 - 50 at the discount store next door did not occur to her. Judging from her Fifth Avenue-style outfit, she could easily afford it. (Luckily, my filter was on, so I didn't mention this or call her out for the entitlement whore she was.)

    I finally recognized this was going to be a repeat from the previous evening. Then my sanity decided to do some self-preservation. I had been by myself at the tech counter all night. I hadn't had a break all evening and no offer to watch the counter while I grabbed a quick soda and candy bar. My stomach was growling because I had last eaten almost 7 hours ago. My feet were going numb because I had been on them all night. The help I was promised and obviously needed never arrived. It was ten minutes to close. I still had a metric ton of stuff to do before my shift ended. And this bimbo was changing her mind every 5 minutes as to what she wanted done and trying to finagle some kind of deal with me that I simply could not do. It isn't the store's fault that her player is broken or that she was too cheap to buy a service plan or that she's too impatient to wait for it to get fixed.

    All right, I thought. You people don't have the apparent excuse of a language barrier. You are just a couple of supposed adults that are acting like whiny children because we won't let you have your way. And I really don't want to spend the next 20 minutes debating with you like I did with the Latinos last night. [b]Screw this.[/i]

    You. Manager-type person. Get over here and talk to these people now. I don't care if you piss them off. I don't care if you commit hara-kiri to please them. Just get them out of my face. I don't get paid enough to deal with this crap. Especially when I have to beg for enough hours to make ends meet with six inches of string holding them together.
    A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran

  • #2
    I hate hearing how someone who speaks perfect english, decides to speak in a language the person they're dealing with, cannot understand.
    That is just wrong on so many levels.
    Cyberpunk mayhem!


    • #3
      What did they do?

      Well, i have accepted while there are hundred of nice people in the world there is a signifiant minority who are rats. Well organised as well, with developed techniques to get what they want, no matter who they need to bully or intimidate to get it.
      Oh well, anyway please could you tell me if they got the refund?
      ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
      Quoth Gravekeeper


      • #4
        Quoth Tigress View Post
        The look on the guy's face was priceless. And he finally realized that I spoke Spanish and possibly understood every word he said. And, suddenly, he remembered that he could speak English. After a few more minutes of telling me in perfect English about what I horrible company I worked for, the guy finally realized that I wasn't going to do what he wanted, took his camera, and left.
        I get that all the time down here. I look like the most stereotypical white bread, Germanic type guy you ever will meet. People of Mexican and South American heritage therefore immediately assume that I speak no Spanish. I have had people stand in front of me and discuss in Spanish how they are outright lying to me about something as they use very broken English to make their claim. Some have even made fun of the fact that I can’t understand them and have made some personal comments about me being a stupid white guy.

        They also are VERY shocked when they discover I understood everything they had said. A miracle inevitably happens right then and they are given the ability to speak perfect English.
        "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
        .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


        • #5
          Quoth symposes View Post
          I hate hearing how someone who speaks perfect english, decides to speak in a language the person they're dealing with, cannot understand.
          That is just wrong on so many levels.
          I would say sympathy ploy.


          • #6
            Quoth Format C View Post
            I would say sympathy ploy.
            I think more like they think the person will take the easy way out and give them what they want rather than try to explain things. More like frustration ploy.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
              I think more like they think the person will take the easy way out and give them what they want rather than try to explain things. More like frustration ploy.
              I think that's it more than anything. That and they want to be able to play the "Look at the big store taking advantage of the poor "immigrant"" card.


              • #8
                Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                I think more like they think the person will take the easy way out and give them what they want rather than try to explain things. More like frustration ploy.
                B I N G O!
                "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


                • #9
                  That's when the excrement hit the oscillator.
                  i am in love with this...can i put it in my sig?

                  god, i feel for you, tigress; you handled it much better than i would have, given the food and being upright for that long. i get downright bitchy and intolerant of anyone's bs when i've been standing forever without so much as a bit of food to recharge my blood sugar. (i get a cramped stomach and headaches because of it)

                  people who use the 'language barrier' need a severe verbal public humiliation for assuming and trying to use a serious problem as leverage. i'm rethinking my weak spanish skill usage, and considering buffing it up so that those who try to use this at our store find themselves in an awkward place when they realise that this little slice of keltic white bread does in fact, understand what they're saying.

                  it will also make communicating with those who actually do have the real problem much easier for both of us (the majority are actually pretty nice, we work with each other to try to get things done).
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Tigress View Post
                    (Luckily, my filter was on, so I didn't mention this or call her out for the entitlement whore she was.)
                    You've still got yours? I got rid of mine years ago. I'm much more honest now. I mean seriously, if the truth hurts, change it.


                    • #11
                      Quoth South Texan View Post
                      They also are VERY shocked when they discover I understood everything they had said. A miracle inevitably happens right then and they are given the ability to speak perfect English.
                      And you then proceeded to tell them, "Door's to your left," in perfect Spanish, right?
                      "I call murder on that!"


                      • #12
                        Quoth chainedbarista View Post
                        i am in love with this...can i put it in my sig?
                        Have at it.

                        god, i feel for you, tigress; you handled it much better than i would have, given the food and being upright for that long. i get downright bitchy and intolerant of anyone's bs when i've been standing forever without so much as a bit of food to recharge my blood sugar. (i get a cramped stomach and headaches because of it)
                        I was amazed that I didn't end up punching someone by the end of the night, but maybe I was just too tired to care. It was less busy than I feared it would be, but it still wasn't fair to have only one person on counter all day. (Apparently, the guy covering the morning shift had it worse than I did.) The excuse is that there isn't enough money in the budget to give everyone more hours and give the counter proper coverage. But we obviously do have some extra budget because I've been called in every other day to help cover the counter when my fellow techs get inevitably overwhelmed. (Okay, I live the closest and have the most open availability of the all the part-timers. But why not schedule the time in the first place so I know ahead of time and can plan around it?)

                        But if I can pull a 16-hour day judging a Magic: the Gathering tournament on a few slices of pizza around 1 pm and a package of granola bars, then a six-hour shift is nothing in comparison. OTOH, I only pull the 16-hour day every three months and I get some free product out of the deal...
                        A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


                        • #13
                          South Texan, I am so with you. People never stop to think that the nice little white(-looking) girl can speak Spanish. C'mon people-high schools pretty much all require you to take a language now, and Spanish is one of the most common. I may not speak it well, but I can sure as hades understand what you're saying about me.

                          This is especially entertaining when the guys from the warehouse here will make comments about my face/chest/@$$ while I'm in earshot, assuming I don't know what they're talking about.
                          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                          • #14
                            The funnest thing about being able to speak Spanish is that no one thinks I can speak it.

                            My favorite story happened when I was about sixteen. I used to stop into a McDonalds about once a week, because I'd get these terrible waves of nausea, and the heavy, greasy food was the only thing that could settle my stomach. So if I had anything really important to do and I was feeling like I was going to puke, I'd go grab some fast food.

                            Anyway, the manager was Latino, Mexican I think, and his English wasn't great. Instead of stuttering through an order in English, I'd just go ahead and order in Spanish. The first time I did, he was stunned, especially because I learned at a young age, and so I have a very good accent. After that, he'd sometimes take a break while I was in the store eating, and come over to chat with me a bit and help me practice my Spanish.

                            One day, I was waiting in line, and a couple of girls were in the store waiting for their food. They noticed me and started in on the bitchy comments. I was a tomboy gamer, going through a goth phase before goth was cool (this was before the reign of Hot Topic), and they were laughing about my clothes, my makeup, my hair, etc, etc. All in Spanish. I was just ignoring them, because I was used to it. Also, when you're a 16 year old gamer goth, getting mocked increases your street cred.

                            Anyway, I got to the front of the line, and the whole time, the manager is looking at them, and looking at me, and he's got this HUGE grin on his face. I grin at him and proceed to order, as I always did, in Spanish.

                            The look on their faces was priceless. They got their food about then and left. We didn't even bother to wait 'till the doors closed behind them before bursting out laughing.


                            • #15
                              Jumping in on the white guy who can't possibly know Spanish train.

                              I don't know a lot of Spanish - if you speak slowly, I can understand it, and it's the same if I speak it.

                              Well, our kitchen staff is mostly Hispanic, and in the kitchen they mainly speak Spanish. I suspect this is true in most (commercial) Texas kitchens. When I first started one of the cooks greeted me with "Hola! Como esta?" and I responded in passable spanish that I was good and asked her name and how she was doing. The look of shock on her face was amusing. She went on to quiz me about how much Spanish I knew and was impressed that I knew how to curse an entire family out in Spanish.

                              (I'm of primarily European descent, though I grew up on the border of TX/Mexico).

                              I do pretend to not understand when customers are discussing the food I'm offering in Spanish... until they start insulting me. Oh, I'm sorry, did I just call you an idiot? I'm a stupid white guy, I meant to say you're a pleasant fellow! (I kid I kid... sort of)

                              Our store manager knows at least 3 languages - he's not even from this side of the planet and speaks both English and Spanish fluently (along with his native language).

