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Gee, I wish I got 300$ an Hour

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  • Gee, I wish I got 300$ an Hour

    Where I work, one of the most dreaded SC's is the "missed installation SC". It wouldn't be that big of a problem if our localized 'HUB" offices had more initiative, but half the time the problem is their fault. But that's a rant for another time, right now I need to blow off some steam:

    Today I got a call from a man who, at first seemed very pleasent. I hate those kind because they trick you into thinking you can be genuinelly nice, when really they're just SO bitter at their lives, they have to make sure they make you feel horrible in the sweetest voice possible.

    Anyway, the gentleman informed me that he had an installation scheduled for a pm appt, and it was 6pm and the technician never called. Immediatly I launched into my normal routine, because honestly it's very rarely the local installers are going to push up the soonest date, much less get out there the next morning. So I called the local hub office, reached the voicemail that told me the dispatchers we're gone for the day.

    At this point the only thing I can do for the poor customers is reschedule, and if it's only the first incident, and only if the customer gets sucky, we can offer 1 month free of service. Well mr. Millionaire did not believe that was enough:

    ME: Sir, I cannot apologize enough for all this inconvience. I did give your local area a call, and it looks like the dispatchers have left for the day. What I can do for you now is go ahead and get you rescheduled.

    SC: Your kidding me, what do you mean you can't get ahold of them? Fine, go ahead and reschedule me...and what are you going to give me for all this bullshit?

    ME: Well sir we can get you in for thursday, and I'm more than willing to offer you your first month of programming off.

    SC: THAT'S IT? Do you know who I am? Do you know what I'm worth? I own my own business, and I had to take time off to wait for your lazy technician today, and he couldn't find the time to show up, and i'm going to get 1 month programming? That's what 100$?

    ME: Sir, I do apologize that we missed the apt today, but unfortunatly the most I can do for you is reschedule and give you 1 month off.

    SC: Lady (ME: Oh no you didn't!) I make 300$ an hour, and you better start rethinking that offer, because 1 month of your stupid tv does not equal 5 hours of my time! (insert excessive ranting, while I do math on my notebook)

    ME: Sir, once again I do apologize, but the most we can offer you is one month. In situations like this, if and when they occur, we offer no more. If we were to give you 300$ we couldn't, even with the 18 month commitment, garuntee you would be with us long enough for us to gain a profit. Moreover sir, it was your decision to take time off from work, we work every day of the week. I'll give you 1 month credit sir, and that's all.

    ...To cut it short he asked for my supervisor, and then our manager, and in the end went to our elevated response team.... who gave him less than I was going to offer him. XD
    "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."

  • #2
    Yeah, I really believe this guy makes over $500,000 a year (if he works full-time) and is gonna be stressing about TV. I'd be more worried about taxes coming up =/

    I made an equivalent of $300/hour once. Someone gave me $5 to do a 1-minute task.
    I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
    less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


    • #3
      Ah...the "I-make-a-jillion-dollars-an-hour-SC". Love those. Firstly, If you come in with attitude claiming you make all this money, I'm not going to believe you. Secondly, even if you DO make that much, I really could care less and you still aren't getting special treatment.

      The owner of a company has to 'take time off'? Um...whatever. That's what his employees are look after his business while he's off doing whatever the hell he feels like. Unless, of course, a) he's lying or b) he can't afford employees.
      Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


      • #4
        I seriously doubt he makes that much an hour on any regular basis. I do understand the irritation though. My satellite internet has horrible installers and techs. The installer didn't even want to come out, told me he was "sure" we wouldn't get a signal, got here after missing one appointment, didn't want to listen to my husband on the best spot to place the dish (saved the guy work and time)... we basically had to fire him to get him to do the job right. (loved that we had an excellent signal he was so "sure" we wouldn't have) Then when they sent out a tech for a problem we had, they simply didn't show up when the appointment was set for. Being self-employed it means it affects not just me but whomever has to work for me each time they schedule an appointment.

        "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


        • #5
          It's quite possible that he does really make $300/hour, but the real question is how often does he work. I have a friend who teaches chess to children and he gets paid $60/hour. However he's usually only gets in 10 hours in per week.

          $300/hour is likely a speciality consult that takes about an hour and he charges $300 for it...hence $300/hr.

          Odds are he works 1-5 hours max.

          I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


          • #6
            "Well, unless you're gonna share some of that immense income with me... I really don't care"
            I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
            less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


            • #7
              As soon as he said $300 bucks an hour, I immediatly thought some type of proffesion where you bill out your hours. This would not be an uncommon rate for a lawyer or a doctor, But again it comes down to, how many hours of the day are able to bill. And then you also have your overhead. I know plenty of Lawyers, and they all bill around the $200-$400 range, and their expenses are so high that they really don't usually live to high on the hog unless they are lucky or have been at it for a long time and hit the big score.
              My Karma ran over your dogma.


              • #8
                Could be a male prostitute, I guess, or a liar.

                Thing is, if you earn that sort of wonga, you're going to be able to pay someone to sit in your house while a technician comes around.



                • #9
                  Hell, if I made $300/hour, I'd work one day a week, and on my van the rest of the week. God, I can only imagine the mods. Four-wheel drive, nice big 528 cubic inch (8.6L) Hemi engine outputting 610 horsepower and 650 ft-lbf torque, offroad suspension, dual exhaust.... it'd be awesome.

                  But yeah, $300/hour == you can stay home for half a day for services.
                  I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
                  less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


                  • #10
                    When I worked for Dish Network, one of my first customers probably made that much and more... he was getting 8 receivers installed in his "cabin." He was an extremely patient and friendly man while I stumbled around trying to set up his account.

                    The installer got on the phone to have the receivers put into the system. It's been a long time, but the conversation went something like this:

                    Installer: Do you know who that was?
                    Me: No...
                    Installer: Are you familiar with [such and such huge national restaurant chain]?
                    Me: Yeah.
                    Installer: That's the owner.
                    Me: I'd have never guessed. Very nice guy.
                    I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


                    • #11
                      Quoth digilight View Post
                      I know plenty of Lawyers, and they all bill around the $200-$400 range, and their expenses are so high that they really don't usually live to high on the hog unless they are lucky or have been at it for a long time and hit the big score.
                      My husband bills hourly (he's not a lawyer, he's a consultant). His firm bills him out at $150/hour. But he doesn't make that - not even close. All the partners take their cut, the overhead gets paid, expenses get paid, and we get the leftovers.
                      So my first thought at reading this story is that this guy's FIRM bills him out at $300/hour, but no way he MAKES that. Because if he did, why the hell doesn't he have domestic help? Why wouldn't he just hire a housesitter for the day? No one with such a complete lack of financial planning ability makes $300/hour.

                      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                      • #12
                        He was probably a lawyer *oooOooh*. The kind who charge $300 per hour for time they have to spend in court- Obviously he was SO important the judge postponed the trial so he could be home to wait for the cable guy...


                        • #13
                          I can make $300 for one hour's work as a musician. It's just that gigs only come up about once a month or so...

                          Not quite enough to quit my day job.
                          The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                          The stupid is strong with this one.


                          • #14
                            Quoth TNT View Post
                            Installer: Do you know who that was?
                            Me: No...
                            Installer: Are you familiar with [such and such huge national restaurant chain]?
                            Me: Yeah.
                            Installer: That's the owner.
                            Me: I'd have never guessed. Very nice guy.
                            There's a saying: "Important people don't have time to talk with other people.

                            Really important people, however, have all the time in the world."


                            • #15
                              Quoth TNT View Post
                              When I worked for Dish Network, one of my first customers probably made that much and more... he was getting 8 receivers installed in his "cabin." He was an extremely patient and friendly man while I stumbled around trying to set up his account.

                              The installer got on the phone to have the receivers put into the system. It's been a long time, but the conversation went something like this:

                              Installer: Do you know who that was?
                              Me: No...
                              Installer: Are you familiar with [such and such huge national restaurant chain]?
                              Me: Yeah.
                              Installer: That's the owner.
                              Me: I'd have never guessed. Very nice guy.
                              I didn't know Colnel Sanders liked ESPN that much.
                              I guess they shouldn't have set their phasers to miss-Mike Nelson

