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Thanks for the generosity

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  • Thanks for the generosity

    One of my jobs is delivering pizza part time. Tonight we had a customer call and order from the south side of the local lake (~7 miles from the store). Her total was $14.33, she hands me a check for $15 with a big smile. But wait, the story gets better. My last delivery of the night was to the local Bible college. After getting pissy with the manager about getting a large pizza for $6.99, which with tax and delivery charge comes to $8.92. I arrive with the pizza, and after having to wait 5 minutes for his dormmates to find him, he hands me a check. Guess how much this check is worth. No, go ahead and guess........

    The check in question was made out for $9.00. A whole stinking $.08 tip. I find this to be personally insulting. I would much rather someone hand me a check for the exact amount, putting them in the category of "They just don't tip." If your going to tip, at least make an effort. I find the 67 cents and especially the eight cents to be insulting. You're basically telling me and my services are worth that much to you. Oh, how I wish I could refuse to deliver to these people.

    BTW, to the bible college student, as a reader of the Bible myself and as a Christian, Jesus would want you to tip.

  • #2
    To be fair, Jesus probably also wouldn't have wanted you to be ticked about getting a skimpy tip.

    That having been said, I'm not a Christian, and I think both those people were stupidly cheap. Either don't tip at all, or tip reasonably. Gas prices ain't cheap these days.


    • #3
      Yes Arachne, very much in agreeance with you there .
      I'm a Christian BTW.
      'Our brightest days are yet to shine'
      'You see the depths of my heart, and You love me the same'


      • #4
        Just out of curiosity how much is a decent tip for the pizza delivery? I usually tip what I would a restaurant which I am told now is way too much.


        • #5
          It's gotta suck even more now. I found out all the big chains (around here at least), now charge $1.50 for delivery. You know that's gotta eat into the delivery boys tips, even further.


          • #6
            I tip about 15-20% for pizza delivery, too. I hadn't heard that it was too much...of course, whose going to tell me? Surely not the delivery guy!
            I think I'll continue to tip "too much" because I can call my local pizza place on a busy Saturday night and get my pizza very hot and very fast.
            To the OP, you can probably still classify those customers as "non-tippers" because they likely just rounded up the amounts for easy chequebook balancing. They weren't trying to insult you....they're just damn cheap and weren't taught proper manners.

            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


            • #7
              To play a bit of devils advocate, it's possible you got a person who doesn't tip, but also doesn't do math very well and tries to write checks to full dollar amounts to make balancing a the cheque book easier.

              But yeah, tiny tips are worse than no tip. No tip just says "I'm just ignorant and/or cheap" a tiny tip says something else. Although, I have been known to give tiny tips when I have gotten really bad service as way of saying "yeah, I do tip but you don't deserve it"


              • #8
                My sister never seems to tip the pizza boy... I rarely have pizza delivered, but what I do is sort of a generous rounding. Pretty much, if the order is 5-10 dollars, I pay $15. If it's 10-15, I pay $20. At least $5, especially during winter. If it's an especially frigid and cold, dangerous snowy night... I'll tip up to $15 for a single large pizza... just a little something to keep them happy and that, in turn, reduces the chance they'll get into an accident (The turn down the street is especially dangerous)
                I've been here for two years, work harder than most others, and I'm getting paid $1.80 an hour
                less than the 17 year old slacker you hired two months ago. Maybe that's why I'm not chipper at work.


                • #9

                  How Much Would Jesus Tip?

                  We need to make that into a bumper sticker and sell it to delivery people.
                  I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                  • #10
                    Quoth trunks2k View Post
                    To play a bit of devils advocate, it's possible you got a person who doesn't tip, but also doesn't do math very well and tries to write checks to full dollar amounts to make balancing a the cheque book easier.
                    If they're gonna do it for that reason, though the polite thing to do would be to add an extra few dollars to the total.


                    • #11
                      at least you aren't delivering to my fiancees cousin. we will call him H. H believes that because there is a $1.50 delivery fee, we should not tip. oh, and because alot of drivers earn $10 an hour around here. i say, who knows if that delivery fee is for the driver, and the driver is always driving for his job, whichmeans he is filling up on gas ALOT! that $10 an hour doesn't go far if you are filling up your car all the time.

                      so H will not tip any pizza delivery guy. he thinks they get enough money. i don't think so. so i tip the delivery guy!


                      • #12
                        When I was waitressing, I was given my all time favorite shirt. It had a waitress on the front and she looked a little disgruntled and it said "God knows when you don't tip".

                        I wore it once to work as a joke. My boss wasn't too happy. Some customers thought it was funny though.
                        Is is me, or has someone let the crazys out of their cage today?
                        have you ever pulled up to your work and wish it was a smoldering crater in the ground?


                        • #13
                          Ugh, I hate crappy tippers.

                          If someone does you a service, particularly one that requires them to drive in bad conditions, to bring you something that you could've gone and gotten yourself, give'em the damned tip!

                          I know when I ordered pizza last night(and I'm in Ohio where the conditions *suck* at the moment, and they were worst last night), I had a 22 or so bill, I tipped 8 bucks. If I could've afforded to, I would've just handed him both 20s and said keep the change, but I don't quite make enough to do that...
                          Character flaws aren't a philosophy -Scott Adams


                          • #14
                            Our delivery charge is $1.25. We do not see any of that, but we do get a $1 per delivery from the store.

                            To the person who said that Jesus probably wouldn't want me to complain: You are probably right about that too. I just found it frustrating and very rude, considering that he got lippy with the manager and that he called late in the night (~45 minutes before close).


                            • #15
                              Quoth Boozy View Post
                              I think I'll continue to tip "too much" because I can call my local pizza place on a busy Saturday night and get my pizza very hot and very fast.
                              I've noticed that we always get our pizzas fast and hot, but then I tip at least 15%, more if the weather's bad.

                              When I go out to lunch, I always tip at least 25%, which seems to result in my getting my food very quickly, and faster service in general.

                              Now and then, I have lunch with someone in my department. IMO, she is weirdly cheap. She'll spend a lot of money on things that I consider low priority, but she only orders water to drink at lunch. She drinks other stuff, but only if it's free (I know this, because we get free sodas and juice at work, and she regularly has some).

                              Also, she never tips more than a dollar. I end up chipping in more, which is annoying, because I have kids, she doesn't (never did), and both she and her husband are extremely well-paid, whereas my husband works part-time so that one of us is always with the kids.
                              Last edited by wagegoth; 02-14-2007, 11:48 PM.
                              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                              HR believes the first person in the door
                              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
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