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"I'm a regular and, therefore, am Perfect"

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  • "I'm a regular and, therefore, am Perfect"

    Today was actually damn good. A few sucky-ish customers but nothing worth posting....until this woman.

    She came in and seemed nice enough at first; a bit snooty, but nice enough. She ordered a bean burrito and a soft taco which totaled out to $2.10. She handed me a $5 and asked if one of the dollars could be changed in quarters. No problem. I handed her a $1, $.90, and then 4 quarters all seperately so she could see that I gave her her full $2.90 as requested.

    I took some more orders, helped hand out food and a few minutes later, she called me over saying I gave her incorrect change. I asked her to specify the issue. She said she gave me a $20 but, "you think I gave you a $5".

    For those who haven't seen american money, the older bills are all green with numbers in the corners and a persident's face in the center. The new $5 bills are green, pink and purple. The new $10 bills are red, orange and yellow. The new $20 bills are green, orange and blue. Because of the contrast of color and pattern between bill types, it's practically impossible to mistake one for another, even with a quick glance. However, the older bills are easier to mix up.

    I remembered the $5 she paid me with was older and all green so I apologised to her and went to get a key. If she was right, I would see an old $20 in the $5 slot. No dice. All the bills in the $5 slot were $5's and the bill on top was an old $5 just like the one I rememberd her giving me. I decided to look through the $20's I had in my drawer. They were ALL NEW ones with the colors. Also, I keep the money pen in my drawer so I can check the bills subtley and avoid the typical "you think I'm a criminal" SC reaction. I keep the pen in the $20 slot placed diagonally across the bill so it's impossible for me to place a bill in the slot without checking it, ensuring that each bll is examined. There was no way I accidentally placed a $20 in the slot without knowing it was a $20. I knew she was wrong.

    In order for her to be right, I would have to have:
    -mistaken a new, colorful $20 for an old, green $5
    -forgotten that I picked up the pen, marked the bill and placed the pen back on top of the stack
    -not noticed the obvious mistake after it was pointed out

    I'll admit, I am human and have made mistakes before which is why I take the precautions I do now (like the pen placement). However, in my 2 years at Taco Bell, I have made this mistake 4 times. All 4 times, the bill was old and in the wrong slot or I pushed the wrong button and didnt realize the difference. The customer pointed out the mistake and I would realise there's a $20 in the $10 slot or "oh, hey you did give me a $20, I pushed the $10 button".

    I told her I was sorry, but I'm pretty sure she gave me a $5. She insisted it was a $20. Note: Everything she says is in a ticked off, snobby, EW tone of voice.

    SC: I gave you a $20.
    Me: I'm sorry, but I"m pretty sure it was a $5. I remember the bill was all green and I have no green $20's in my drawer.
    SC: I had some singles and a $20 in my billfold. Now, I only have singles. It was a $20.
    Me: I apologise, but I don't remember you giving me a color $20.
    SC: Well, I was looking in the dark, so I'm not sure....
    Me: Ok, well I'll go count my drawer. If it's exact, I'll know I'm right. If it's $15 over, I'll know you were right and I will give you your $15.
    SC: Don't bother. There's a line of people behind me.
    Me: Are you sure? I can go count it. It will only take 3 minutes or so.
    SC: Yeah. Don't worry about it.
    Me: Ok. *takes care of the line* The line is gone. Would you like me to count my drawer now?
    SC: No. Don't bother. *huffs* *rolls eyes* *crosses arms*

    At this point, Claw comes over to see what's up. I tell him what happened. He insists he saw her hand me a $20 and tells me to give her $15.

    Claw: It was a $20. I was watching.
    Me: Well, I'm sure it was a $5.
    Claw: She's a regular. I know her.
    SC: *looks smug*
    Me: Ok, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm not sure. I'm not giving out $15 until I know.
    CW: What's going on?
    Me: *explains the issue yet again*
    CW: Oh, it's ok. She's a regular. She's a nice lady.
    Me: I'm sure she's a nice lady.
    CW: She's not trying to scam you.
    Me: I never said she was trying to scam me. I'm saying she may be mistaken. *explains about the pen placement and the complete lack of green $20's*
    CW: She comes in all the time. She's a nice lady.
    Me: I'm not giving out money until I'm sure. $15 short would get me red flagged and written up.
    CW: How about I take your number and if it's over, we'll call you and you can come pick it up?
    SC: I'm not giving you my number. If it's over, keep it. *snotty*

    I was putting my foot down. Last time this happened, it was a lady who said she gave me a $50 when, in fact, she gave me a $20. I checked my drawer and I did have a few $50's but they were all in my drop box where they belonged. I insisted it was a $20 she gave me. My boss said I was wrong and gave her $30. At the end of the day, my drawer was EXACTLY $30 short. Never again.

    I refused to let anyine touch my drawer and kept asking her if she wanted me to count my drawer. She refused again and again and again. Finally, the others left and we gave her her order. Again, she turned to me and said it was a $20.

    Me: I'm sorry, but I don't want to risk my job on this. I need to be sure. *explains the pen and no green bill thing again*
    SC: WHATEVER! *huffs and stomps off*

    For the rest of the day, my coworkers were guilting my by saying how nice she is and how she always gives them gifts and money and cards and I should trust her, etc, etc. I felt like shit. I asked Claw if he actually saw the $20 or if he was lying to help a friend. He insisted he saw a $20. I felt worse. Then, I started to doubt myself, wondering if it was a $20 and I didn't notice somehow.

    However, when I counted my drawer, it was PERFECT. Nothing over, nothing short. I got crowded by coworkers, curious to hear the verdict. When I announced my good news with a smile, I got:
    -"That lady din't know what she was talking about"
    -"Oh good!"

    That one coworker gave me the cold sholder afterwards....
    Answers: $1
    Correct Answers: $2
    Answers that require thought: $5
    Dumb looks are still free.

  • #2
    Ah, the sweetness of being proved right!! I once had a woman try that one on me, telling me I'd not given her enough change back and getting quite nasty about it, so I called a supervisor. When she asked what I was doing I said "getting a till check" and she said "I'm not standing here arguing with you over £2. GROW UP!" and stormed off. My till balanced to the penny.

    So yeah, good on you for not giving in, and shame on your co-workers for trying to guilt you. Glad they had to eat crow later on.


    • #3
      This kind of thing amazes me... where I work, if there is ever a dispute of this kind, there's no way any of us would ever just hand over the difference like Claw told you to do. The Cashier is called, she comes to the till with a manager and the till is removed and taken away off the shop floor to be counted. Doesn't matter if the customer is a regular or a complete stranger.
      Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


      • #4
        Even though you said it was just an honest mistake in front of her for the sake of diplomacy, I honestly thing she knew what she was doing. Why else was she so insistant you not count the drawer?
        To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


        • #5
          If they were so damn sure why didn't they fork over the fifteen? Good for you for not giving in! Just because someone is "nice" doesn't mean they aren't out to scam you or don't make mistakes.

          It's funny how quick they were to take the customer's side over yours. Shame on them. You did the right thing.


          • #6
            Why didn't you just count the drawer, anyway? If it only takes 3 minutes or so, that would've been much less hassle than going through that discussion again and again.
            You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


            • #7

              If she wasn't trying to scam, why not have you - or better, a manager - count the drawer?

              (If it were me, I'd probably be happier with a manager doing the count. Cashiers can be dishonest too. )

              (And no, I'm not saying you are. I'm saying J Random Cashier might be - and unless I visit a place frequently, I'm facing J Random Cashier.)
              Seshat's self-help guide:
              1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
              2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
              3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
              4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

              "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


              • #8
                Quoth Canarr View Post
                Why didn't you just count the drawer, anyway? If it only takes 3 minutes or so, that would've been much less hassle than going through that discussion again and again.
                The manager was the only person making food for the people in the dining room of people and was unable to move at the time. Also, whenever I had a free moment to count the drawer, I would offer and she would say "no". I would open my drawer and she would lunge across the counter saying, "nononononono don't bother", while motioning for me to close the drawer.
                Answers: $1
                Correct Answers: $2
                Answers that require thought: $5
                Dumb looks are still free.


                • #9
                  Yeah, the insistence on you not counting is pretty fishy.

                  I would have told Claw that if he's THAT sure, give the lady 15 bucks out of his pocket, then I'll reimburse you if my drawer is over at shift-end....


                  • #10
                    I think that your co-workers should be ashamed of themselves. Trying to guilt you when you knew you were right, anyone would then be a bit doubtful about themselves.

                    After all the times you've stuck up for Claw, I would have thought he would have your back at least.
                    There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Kisa View Post
                      and she would lunge across the counter
                      Fishy in itself. Also, scary!
                      Seshat's self-help guide:
                      1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                      2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                      3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                      4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                      "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                      • #12
                        Quoth sms001 View Post
                        Yeah, the insistence on you not counting is pretty fishy.

                        I would have told Claw that if he's THAT sure, give the lady 15 bucks out of his pocket, then I'll reimburse you if my drawer is over at shift-end....
                        Haha! That would have been so kick ass if Kisa had thought to do this.
                        To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                        • #13
                          Quoth Kisa View Post
                          Me: I'm not giving out money until I'm sure. $15 short would get me red flagged and written up.
                          The cashiers at my Hardley Normal store could be $15 short and not get written up. Mind you the one that found her till $1000 short in the middle of the day only lasted long enough to pack her bags. The manager on duty checked the security footage but couldn't see how she managed to lose the money. A customer had paid for a computer earlier in cash and it looked like she counted the same pile of $100 bills twice.


                          • #14
                            I once took a hundred and thought they gave me a twenty. I even put the bill under the drawer like a good little cashier and I'll admit I doubted the customer when he told me it was a hundred. He was surprisingly patient and I was quite embarrassed. In all my cashiering years, that happened ONCE. Know how many times I was accused of giving the wrong change? Yeah.
                            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                            • #15
                              I'm glad you didn't give in Kisa. Along with the woman, your co-workers were being sucky too, they owe you an apology. Their pressuring you would have gotten you written up.

                              At my work, if a SC claims they got the wrong amount of change back, the cashier must call a supervisor immediately so they can have a manager count their drawer. Along with having a shortage/overage you can get written up for just assuming the customer was right and giving them $ without counting the drawer. Always double check!

