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PLEASE give me a chance to help you first!!!!!!!!

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  • PLEASE give me a chance to help you first!!!!!!!!

    I am reaching the sad conclusion that although I love my job I don't really enjoy dealing with "our clients" very much!! (At least today) One of my most annoying SCs apparently feels that if he doesn't get an answer the first time he calls and I don't call him back within 15 minutes, I must not be doing my job. He then makes it a point to call my boss at home to complain that he's been trying to reach me and I won't return his calls! Then, when I need him to give me information, he avoids calling me back about the very thing that was sooo important he had to tell the boss on me. Like he's the center of the universe and I have nothing better to do than wait on him.

  • #2
    Tattling SCs

    Sadly, many SCs are like this. One of my co-workers had a guy who kept calling and trying to get her to set an extra dumpster for his apartment complex. First, she can't do that, someone else handles permanent set cans. Second, he's not the manager of the apartment complex, so she REALLY can't do that. Third, when she tries to transfer him to the person who has the ability to make things happen with that, he WON'T take her voice mail and keeps calling back.

    She explained the person who could possibly do this was on lunch. He asked for the sales department (we don't have one). He refused to leave a message. Absolutely refused. He asked for our office address, and then asked what office the other lady was in. Crazy man.

    Then he proceeds to call the head honcho of our department who informs him that, yes, that "other person" is the only one who can do that, and yes, she is on lunch. Guy proceeds to call US back, insisting that he WON'T listen to a recording, and that he needs to speak with her right then.

    The kicker? We can't set extra cans for apartments, they are only allowed a certain number of cans/dumps per week based on the number of tenants. But the guy was so unreasonable that this little fact couldn't penetrate his thick skull.
    You can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts.

    "I hope you get hit by a bus and beaten by hockey-stick-wieldling pygmies." - IMA

