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Adventures of the Insane Customer

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  • #16
    Yeesh! That's totally unfair and ridiculous of your company to expect you to put up with abuse and profanity in the name of spurious 'customer service'. I'd bet the other customers waiting in the queue would take serious issue with the importance of allowing some ignorant entitlement whore to rant and scream at a tech or rep for ages.

    At the security call center we had a 'three and out' policy. I only had to enforce it a few times, but each one of those times it was sorely needed. In every case the customer had lost it and needed to be told to calm down, STFU and listen, or get disconnected. I had to hang up in every case--jerks!

    Anyway-here's hoping you can find a better job soon. You deserve better treatment than this!


    • #17
      Warn, yes but we're not allowed to disconnect the person unless they're swearing (calling us B**** and the like). She wasn't doing that.

      I'll tell you, since I work in customer service, its sure made me look at those clerks differently after all these years. I'd never treat them rudely though I don't tip unless the person deserves it. I'm not giving people anything free for doing their regular old job. If, however, they distinguish themselves, thats when they get a tip.

      I'd never ever treat some people the way I've seen customer service people get treated. I don't care how bad a day you've had, how annoyed, angry, frustrated you are, there's nothing in this world that could be bad enough for you to be treating the other person like dirt.


      • #18
        Quoth Moirae
        I'd never treat them rudely though I don't tip unless the person deserves it. I'm not giving people anything free for doing their regular old job. If, however, they distinguish themselves, thats when they get a tip.
        That is how I feel as well, although most people look at me as if I grew another head whenever I explain it.

        Is it really that difficult of a concept to grasp that if you're just going to do your normal job, not distinguish yourself in some out-of-the-ordinary way, I'm not going to give you free money for that? That'd be like if I kept a tip jar next to my cash register at work... it would never fly then, so in my mind, why should it fly at restaurants?

        Several times, I've gotten the comeback to that: "You HAVE to tip them, they make next to nothing (read: under minimum wage)!". My thoughts on the matter? That sucks, but doesn't warrant an extra 15-20% added on to my bill.

        I'm sorry if that came off as rude. I didn't mean it to... simply trying to express my feelings.


        • #19
          Quoth theredbaron47

          Several times, I've gotten the comeback to that: "You HAVE to tip them, they make next to nothing (read: under minimum wage)!". My thoughts on the matter? That sucks, but doesn't warrant an extra 15-20% added on to my bill.

          Management: Okay, in order to offset the additional cost of paying our servers minimum wage, we're laying off servers and raising the price of food.


          • #20
            You all do realize that servers in restaurants make about 2.13 per hour, and get taxed on a percentage of the food they sell whether or not they actually have recieved tip for said food?

            I hope you all are talking about not tipping, say, the bagger or gas guy, who I presume make minimum wage and to tip them is to just be nice (although if I'm wrong about that, somebody please correct me). Because if you are talking about not tipping a guy who brings your food out, then you are forcing him to basically pay to serve you.


            • #21
              my boyfriends mother worked in a call centre were they werent allowed to hang up on people either

              but they were allowed to put them on hold to let them calm down

              she would literally say " maam until you stop screaming, being verbally abusive and calm down im putting you on hold"

              a minute later she would take them off, if they were still angry they got "time out" for another minute.

              perfectly legal in her call centre as well
              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


              • #22
                I had some idiotic woman accuse my company of being responsible for the power outage in her home.

                Yes, because I somehow have a magic switch I can hit that will turn your power off in your entire house.

                Now thats the first time I've heard that one. When I tried to explain thats something the city is responsible for, not my company, she said "Uh huh" and hung up.

                They're onto us!!!!!! They know we have mystical, magical powers to do at least one thing to piss them off, because we have a HUGE conspiracy against them!!!!!!!!!
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #23
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid
                  You all do realize that servers in restaurants make about 2.13 per hour, and get taxed on a percentage of the food they sell whether or not they actually have recieved tip for said food?

                  I hope you all are talking about not tipping, say, the bagger or gas guy, who I presume make minimum wage and to tip them is to just be nice (although if I'm wrong about that, somebody please correct me). Because if you are talking about not tipping a guy who brings your food out, then you are forcing him to basically pay to serve you.
                  Not in Canada, they don't. They make around $8 an hour plus tips. I don't sympathize. Some of those suckers make more than me and I make around $11 an hour.

                  And that's without every customer tipping. It isn't simply assumed you'll tip here no matter what. Unless you work in a bar. Then every waitress seems to think she's entitled just because she poored some drinks for you and brought them to the table.

                  They're onto us!!!!!! They know we have mystical, magical powers to do at least one thing to piss them off, because we have a HUGE conspiracy against them!!!!!!!!!
                  lol. Apparently, some of them do think they do. I can't tell you the number of times I've been asked "Do you have me on a list that says you can &^%$ with me as much as you want by screwing me over all the time?"
                  Last edited by Moirae; 07-20-2006, 02:01 AM.


                  • #24
                    Moirae, you're right. I'm speaking of American waitstaff. I forgot there are people from all over on here.


                    • #25
                      Quoth erik316wttn
                      It's times like this one you wish you had a button that could send a 10,000 volt shock through the phone.
                      The only trouble with that is, I'm pretty sure that within a week I'd just be answering the phone with it...


                      • #26
                        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                        • #27
                          Now get this... remember I said that I has asked for tomorrow off too because I was losing it yesterday and needed some time to cool down from everything that happened?

                          Well, I just called to check on my schedule. Guess what?

                          The jerks have me scheduled anyway. I have to call tomorrow morning to make sure it's been entered into the system.

