Today, the single most epic moment in Taco Bell history took place. It all started when my kickass manager Tina made 2 orders at once and took them up to the counter on seperate trays. She called out both order numbers, lets say 278 and 279. They were the only orders on the board for inside.
Order #278 was 6 chicken flatbreads.
Order #279 was 5 hard tacos.
One guy was sitting at the corner table with a buddy and came up and grabbed both trays. He then asked Tina for a bag "for the leftovers". Tina assumed one order was his and the other order he was going to take to his friend at the table. He claimed the orders and she had no reason to doubt him. She got him a bag and wished him a good day before going back to work. No more than 5 minutes later, an elderly gentleman approached the counter, reciept in hand, asking about his order. We checked his reciept which read, "5 crunchy tacos; $5.25; To Go; Order #279". Yep....dipshit over there jacked this poor guys food.
Tina leaned over the counter and called over to the guy.
"Sir! Excuse me, sir!"
He ignored her completely. Tina has a very loud voice that's impossible to not hear, so he was quite obviously pretending he didn't hear it. She tried again.
"Sir! Excuse me sir! Those 5 hard tacos aren't yours! Can I have that back please?!"
She clearly saw the bag of tacos, tied up, hidden under the table on a chair. He knew they weren't his and he wasn't planning on giving them back.
Tina: Sir! I need those tacos back! They belong to this man right here!
DS(dipshit): You fucked up, bitch! You gave them to me!
Tina: Oh really now? I fucked up?! You took it knowing damn well it wasn't yours and I fucked up?!
DS: Yeah! They're mine now!
Tina: Wanna bet?
And with that, she stormed through the door, throwing down her gloves as she went. She marched right up to him, snatchjed the bag of tacos off the chair, smashed the shit out of them with her bare hands and violently threw them in the trash. Satisfied, she walked back behin the counter, apologised to the old man and promised to make him 10 tacos for the wait. He politely declined and said it wasn't her fault, not to worry about it.
DS: What the fuck did you do that for?!
Tina: If you want them tacos so bad, you can dig them outta the trash!
DS: Raggle fragge broggle!
DS stomped over to me, pen and paper in hand and demanded I tell him her name. I was speaking with a customer at the speaker so I motioned for him to wait which he didn't like.
Me: Sir, I'm with a customer. Either calm down and wait a moment or you can please leave.
DS: You! *points at Megan* Give me her name!
Megan: I can't do that. She can give you her nane if she wants, but I can't give out names for security reasons.
DS: Raggle fraggle!
Tina: You want my name, sweetie?! It's Tina! T-i-n-a and don't forget to dot the "I" with a heart, honey!

S: He's probably gonna report you.
Tina: And say what? "I tried to steal and she wouldn't let me"?! That'll go over well with corporate!
Me: Omg you're awesome!
Really?! I mean, if you see an order on the counter that isn't yours, DON'T TAKE IT! It's common freaking sense! What, did he think he steald 5 tacos, the other guy forgets he orders, life goes on? Or maybe we just let him keep the tacos because customers are our life blood and we CAN'T upset out lovely customers!
Dumbass. Karma's a bitch and you got bit HARD! The upside, entertainment can now be provided and shared will the world wide web!
Damn that felt good...
Order #278 was 6 chicken flatbreads.
Order #279 was 5 hard tacos.
One guy was sitting at the corner table with a buddy and came up and grabbed both trays. He then asked Tina for a bag "for the leftovers". Tina assumed one order was his and the other order he was going to take to his friend at the table. He claimed the orders and she had no reason to doubt him. She got him a bag and wished him a good day before going back to work. No more than 5 minutes later, an elderly gentleman approached the counter, reciept in hand, asking about his order. We checked his reciept which read, "5 crunchy tacos; $5.25; To Go; Order #279". Yep....dipshit over there jacked this poor guys food.
Tina leaned over the counter and called over to the guy.
"Sir! Excuse me, sir!"
He ignored her completely. Tina has a very loud voice that's impossible to not hear, so he was quite obviously pretending he didn't hear it. She tried again.
"Sir! Excuse me sir! Those 5 hard tacos aren't yours! Can I have that back please?!"
She clearly saw the bag of tacos, tied up, hidden under the table on a chair. He knew they weren't his and he wasn't planning on giving them back.
Tina: Sir! I need those tacos back! They belong to this man right here!
DS(dipshit): You fucked up, bitch! You gave them to me!
Tina: Oh really now? I fucked up?! You took it knowing damn well it wasn't yours and I fucked up?!
DS: Yeah! They're mine now!
Tina: Wanna bet?
And with that, she stormed through the door, throwing down her gloves as she went. She marched right up to him, snatchjed the bag of tacos off the chair, smashed the shit out of them with her bare hands and violently threw them in the trash. Satisfied, she walked back behin the counter, apologised to the old man and promised to make him 10 tacos for the wait. He politely declined and said it wasn't her fault, not to worry about it.
DS: What the fuck did you do that for?!
Tina: If you want them tacos so bad, you can dig them outta the trash!
DS: Raggle fragge broggle!
DS stomped over to me, pen and paper in hand and demanded I tell him her name. I was speaking with a customer at the speaker so I motioned for him to wait which he didn't like.
Me: Sir, I'm with a customer. Either calm down and wait a moment or you can please leave.
DS: You! *points at Megan* Give me her name!
Megan: I can't do that. She can give you her nane if she wants, but I can't give out names for security reasons.
DS: Raggle fraggle!
Tina: You want my name, sweetie?! It's Tina! T-i-n-a and don't forget to dot the "I" with a heart, honey!

S: He's probably gonna report you.
Tina: And say what? "I tried to steal and she wouldn't let me"?! That'll go over well with corporate!
Me: Omg you're awesome!

Really?! I mean, if you see an order on the counter that isn't yours, DON'T TAKE IT! It's common freaking sense! What, did he think he steald 5 tacos, the other guy forgets he orders, life goes on? Or maybe we just let him keep the tacos because customers are our life blood and we CAN'T upset out lovely customers!
