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If you are applying for federal aid...

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  • If you are applying for federal aid...

    Make sure you don't have any Federal Warrants for your arrest

    I missed this last Friday because I was off, but Federal Marshals showed up at the college to arrest a student. Apparently he had been on the run for a while, but when he applied for Federal aid, he used his real Social Security number.

    They were waiting in the hall and sent campus security into his classroom and told him someone had hit his car in the parking lot and he walked out right into the handcuffs.

    I later heard that some of the teachers were upset by the arrest.

    One complained that she heard the handcuffs "click" and that bothered her.
    Another was upset that the tricked him and it might make other students uncomfortable if we had a real parking lot incident.

    Oh and we also had some guys working on our new security cameras on the roof and when people saw them and the police cars, they though we had a jumper or a sniper.
    "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"

  • #2
    Wow. Nothing that exciting ever happened when I went to college!

    Any idea what the guy did?


    • #3
      Quoth Dark Psion View Post

      I later heard that some of the teachers were upset by the arrest.

      One complained that she heard the handcuffs "click" and that bothered her.
      Wow, just wow.
      Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.


      • #4
        I heard it was a laundry list of offenses, but most of them were for evading arrest.
        "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


        • #5
          Hearing handcuffs click bothers the teachers.
          Having a student in their class with a federal warrant for his arrest does not bother them.


          • #6
            So these teachers were more bothered by the sound of handcuffs than about the fact that they had a criminal in their class? I can tell there's at least one staff member there who isn't into kinky sex.

            And yeah, nothing exciting like that ever happened at my school either. I think the most excitement I ever saw was in my dorm when lightning blew a huge hole in the library next to my building and needed to be closed and fixed for a year.


            • #7
              Quoth Dark Psion View Post
              One complained that she heard the handcuffs "click" and that bothered her.
              Another was upset that the tricked him and it might make other students uncomfortable if we had a real parking lot incident.
              Well, I'll be honest about something: when I worked in corrections, the sound of a cell door closing never bothered me. I knew I could get out, you see.

              The sound of handcuffs clicking or leg irons creeped the hell out of me for three years.

              Different strokes . . . .

              On my campus, there are some faculty who want nothing to do with law enforcement or rules enforcement issues. One colleague actually asked (in front of the entire faculty) how could he be expected to ask a student for his student ID if he caught a student smoking.

              To which I asked, "is this not state property? Are we not state employees? Is a student ID not state property?" Chickenshit.
              They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


              • #8
                Ah, the hypersensitive strike again ...
                Would the second teacher have preferred the more direct, stormtrooper approach: the police barrel in, grab the student in front of everyone else, wrestle him into submission and haul him bodily out? Oh, and better hope the kid doesn't just happen to have a weapon ...
                Overall, kinda funny though. Maybe he thought they'd lost track of him in the system or something.


                • #9
                  Quoth Dark Psion View Post
                  I later heard that some of the teachers were upset by the arrest.
                  One complained that she heard the handcuffs "click" and that bothered her.
                  Another was upset that the tricked him and it might make other students uncomfortable if we had a real parking lot incident.
                  Oh, the poor innocent souls.
                  I guess that the "click" of the handcuffs must be so much more disturbing than the "ka-chung" of the rifles...
                  Quoth Dark Psion View Post
                  Oh and we also had some guys working on our new security cameras on the roof and when people saw them and the police cars, they though we had a jumper or a sniper.
                  There must be some tinfoil hats left here... somewhere...
                  FABRICATI DIEM, PVNC

                  You're not a unique snowflake unless you create your own mould (Raps)

                  ***GK, Sarcastro, Lupo, LingualMonkey, BookBint, Jester, Irv, Hero & Marlowe fan***


                  • #10
                    Quoth hornet95 View Post
                    Hearing handcuffs click bothers the teachers.
                    Having a student in their class with a federal warrant for his arrest does not bother them.
                    Teachers are sometimes weird like that. We have some who are always freaked out about someone attacking them at their location but then when it comes to doing smart things to keep themselves safe.....well it's interesting dealing with them to say the least.

                    Quoth Panacea View Post
                    On my campus, there are some faculty who want nothing to do with law enforcement or rules enforcement issues. One colleague actually asked (in front of the entire faculty) how could he be expected to ask a student for his student ID if he caught a student smoking.
                    It's amazing some of the things we hear about after the fact. The employee didn't think to get their names or even tell us about it that day. At which point there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Students could be stripping down and having sex in some weird spot or threatening someone and we don't hear about it till days later.
                    "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


                    • #11
                      My math professor just told us a story about a student he had at a different college that got mad at him for some reason and threatened to kill him. The cops took him out of class and let him come back the next session. Then the student escalated it, posting the teacher's street address to the online class board.

                      The cops kept pulling him out of class and then letting him come back the next day. Finally they suggested that the student take his final sitting outside the classroom. Teacher had no choice but to let him.

                      And the student got an A. The point being my math professor is very fair with grades.


                      • #12
                        Quoth manybellsdown View Post
                        The cops kept pulling him out of class and then letting him come back the next day. Finally they suggested that the student take his final sitting outside the classroom. Teacher had no choice but to let him.
                        Sometimes it's not on them as far as the student coming back. Where I work, we might take them out of class but the dean is the one that decides if they can come back or not. That might not be the case in this instance though.

                        It sucks when people in charge don't pull students who shouldn't be in class.
                        "Man, having a conversation with you is like walking through a salvador dali painting." - Mac Hall


                        • #13
                          Couldn't they trump the dean by arresting him?
                          Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Cai1987 View Post
                            Wow. Nothing that exciting ever happened when I went to college!
                            Not to threadjack, but I had something pretty interesting happened when I was in college. I'll give you a hint, the anniversary is Sunday.

                            Anyhow, I think the teacher overreacted. Yeah, here's an idea, tell the kid there are federal marshals waiting in the lobby for him and watch him rack up even more charges for evasion. Watch millions in taxpayer dollars as even more hours are clocked trying to bring him in, instead of doing it in a quiet and respectful manner so that this kid can get this stuff behind him.

                            Don't know what the charges are, but hopefully if the kid had the sense to apply himself to college, then maybe the judge will see that and it will help him in the long run.

