Okay, for my first, SC post. I'm just going to post some of my peeves. Cause, yeah.
BG: I work 3rd shift as a Casheir (mostly.) The main lane is register 11, it's open all night and it's technically an express lane (10 items or less, but after 10pm, this rule doesn't matter.) It's also the cigarette lane, (the ONLY lane you can buy them at) and in the middle of the row of registers up front.
SC: *Pulls up with a full cart* Oh, I have more than 10 items.
Me: I see that, that's okay.
SC: Well, you're the only lane open.
Me: I know...

One of these days, I'm going to make a dramatic act of looking around and saying, "But where did everyone goooo?!?!"
Then when I'm scanning a fruit or vegatable that doesn't have a sticker. I have to look it up in our handy book (I have a lot memorized, of course).
SC: Um, I'm pretty sure they're 59 cents each.
Me: Yeah, I have to look up the PLU. The four didget number.
I also love it when people walk up to the Customers Service desk, with all the lights off, and procede to stand around until I have to leave my register to ask what they need. Then they're SO relieved that, yes, we are open. First, I have to say, no it's not. I can do pretty much anything, except for wiring money and such. If people do want that, and I tell them it's closed til 7am, oh boy. I then tell them that NO ONE is open for that in the middle of the night.
Another favorite is our beer law. In Michigan, we don't sell alcohol between 2am-7am (12am on Sundays. NONE on Christmas.) An entire 5 hour window, hurt me. Of course we get the last minute people (cause coming a half-hour early would be lame), and I LOVE that our registers automatically reject the order. So I can tell them it's physically impossible.
One time, it was about 6am, and I had to tell this guy we couldn't sell beer until 7. He just looked at me in utter disbelief. (I always feel stupid afterwards because I think of better things I could have said to the SC, and I basically forgot to say it was Michigan LAW, not just store policy...) He was obviously buying for a party or something, cause he had plates and cups too. He was so mad that he pushed his cart against the counter at the end of my lane, and a case fell of the bottom. It broke several bottles, and he said so sarcastically, "Sorry." I wanted to deck him!!!!
I started cleaning up, and he eventally calmed down and seemed sympathic and gave me a box he was taking to put it in. Jerk.
Oh, and OMG. Our store has started this thing where we DON'T have to ID everyone anymore. Just the person who is "buying" the beer. Of course we probably "offended" somebody at one point. God forbid we don't break the law.
BG: I work 3rd shift as a Casheir (mostly.) The main lane is register 11, it's open all night and it's technically an express lane (10 items or less, but after 10pm, this rule doesn't matter.) It's also the cigarette lane, (the ONLY lane you can buy them at) and in the middle of the row of registers up front.
SC: *Pulls up with a full cart* Oh, I have more than 10 items.
Me: I see that, that's okay.
SC: Well, you're the only lane open.
Me: I know...

One of these days, I'm going to make a dramatic act of looking around and saying, "But where did everyone goooo?!?!"
Then when I'm scanning a fruit or vegatable that doesn't have a sticker. I have to look it up in our handy book (I have a lot memorized, of course).
SC: Um, I'm pretty sure they're 59 cents each.
Me: Yeah, I have to look up the PLU. The four didget number.


I also love it when people walk up to the Customers Service desk, with all the lights off, and procede to stand around until I have to leave my register to ask what they need. Then they're SO relieved that, yes, we are open. First, I have to say, no it's not. I can do pretty much anything, except for wiring money and such. If people do want that, and I tell them it's closed til 7am, oh boy. I then tell them that NO ONE is open for that in the middle of the night.
Another favorite is our beer law. In Michigan, we don't sell alcohol between 2am-7am (12am on Sundays. NONE on Christmas.) An entire 5 hour window, hurt me. Of course we get the last minute people (cause coming a half-hour early would be lame), and I LOVE that our registers automatically reject the order. So I can tell them it's physically impossible.
One time, it was about 6am, and I had to tell this guy we couldn't sell beer until 7. He just looked at me in utter disbelief. (I always feel stupid afterwards because I think of better things I could have said to the SC, and I basically forgot to say it was Michigan LAW, not just store policy...) He was obviously buying for a party or something, cause he had plates and cups too. He was so mad that he pushed his cart against the counter at the end of my lane, and a case fell of the bottom. It broke several bottles, and he said so sarcastically, "Sorry." I wanted to deck him!!!!

Oh, and OMG. Our store has started this thing where we DON'T have to ID everyone anymore. Just the person who is "buying" the beer. Of course we probably "offended" somebody at one point. God forbid we don't break the law.