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The usual stuff I get

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  • #16
    Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
    Honestly, I don't think Walmart cares about the law as much as they do about getting more profits. And I'm willing to bet they get more in sales from people abusing their policy for the third party sales than it costs them in fines when they get caught.

    If that Walmart gets busted for not following the alcohol-sales laws, and somehow manages to keep their alcohol license, you'd better believe they're going to be under some very close scrutiny indeed. If they get caught a second time, they're going to lose the alcohol sales. ALL of them. For a very, very long time.

    Somewhere there's a lawyer already warming up for this.


    • #17
      I am amazed at Wal-Mart allowing sales like that. It's one thing if it's a parent with young kids buying alcohol, but a group of youngsters?

      I know WM is pretty much customer rules all, but this is just asking for trouble.

      And, customers from the OP would shit bricks if they lived in this part of WI. Most places, you can't buy beer/liquor after 9 PM, save for a few smaller towns in this area that sell beer/malted beverages until midnight.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #18
        Quoth blas View Post

        And, customers from the OP would shit bricks if they lived in this part of WI. Most places, you can't buy beer/liquor after 9 PM, save for a few smaller towns in this area that sell beer/malted beverages until midnight.
        Which is about the only prohibition on alcohol sales we have.

        Here, beer is practically served with grade-school cafeteria lunches. We're professional drunks.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #19
          Back when I was a cashier in Michigan, we couldn't sell alcohol until noon on Sundays either. That was a blast.

          Although, that got more than made up for when I worked Sunday nights which was the only night we closed at 10:00. Watching people walk into the door was so worth it.


          • #20
            Welcome aboard. Because no one else mentioned it yet, I'm going to throw this out there.

            We usually like to obsfucate the names of places we work for. The reason being is that companies have staff who regularly search the Internet for mentions of their company. And if they see a post you've made they could trace your ISP, etc, or whatever. Basically it makes it easier to single you out.

            You'll notice a lot of different alternative logos and names for big name companies on the boards. The Big Smiley Face is a popular one for W-mart. (There's another one)

            Oh, and OMG. Our store has started this thing where we DON'T have to ID everyone anymore. Just the person who is "buying" the beer. Of course we probably "offended" somebody at one point. God forbid we don't break the law.
            Don't get me started on alcohol purchases.

            Your area seems pretty lenient. In Vermont you can buy them any day you want, but between midnight and seven it's a no go. I've had many people trying to rip off a case of beer because the cases themselves were on display and not in the actual cage.

            Then there's the corrallary. What if it's a group of kids with one legitimate alcohol buyer and it's balatantly obvious he's buying for them. You are the one that gets thrown under the bus if those kids get busted later on. Love it.
            Last edited by NateTheChops; 09-10-2011, 09:45 PM.


            • #21
              Personally, I prefer "The Little shop of horrors" as a substitute for my job.
              Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


              • #22
                I figured that out as much once I started posting.


                • #23
                  Maybe it depends on your location? When I worked at WM, our store was very strict about alcohol sales and management was always supposed to back up the employee if he/she refused a sale (they didn't of course, but that's another rant). The store was pretty good at making sure employees were drilled about asking for ID. Why? Because a few years ago the store lost their license temporarily for failing undercover shops. Considering the revenue they lost, that location now takes carding for alcohol/cigs very seriously.
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #24
                    Maybe someone should make a little call to the local liquor board to send in an agent.


                    • #25
                      Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post
                      Maybe someone should make a little call to the local liquor board to send in an agent.
                      Do this. Also make sure whatever cashier is on the line for the inevitable sting is in on it (you're trying to get the company, not the poor person on the line), so they don't get charged with endangering the welfare of a minor. It's a crappy charge and hard to beat.


                      • #26
                        I was actually kind of hoping this thread would die. I'm sorry I brought this up to begin with.


                        • #27
                          I only worked in a grocery store for a summer, but I still remember bananas are 4011. Also, about the liquor laws, I actually think I'd find it convenient for the computer to basically override sales. "Nope, sorry, as soon as the computer clock hits 12, I literally CANNOT do any sales. Plan ahead!" Makes me sad you can't do sales on Christmas though My friendly local liquor store is closed on holidays, but I can always still buy beer or wine from the grocery.


                          • #28
                            Ah Liquor Laws.... working 3rd shift in a convenience store is great... especially loved a crank caller who I could tell was from out of state when he asked if we had Vodka.

                            In WA only the state can sell the hard stuff, nice using Google Talk (happened during their roll out of that feature.) Second clue it was a prank, since the first was that the conversation wasn't about racing forms, or money orders.

