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Making me angry is NOT the way to my heart (a little long and ranty)

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  • Making me angry is NOT the way to my heart (a little long and ranty)

    (I'm typing the intro in the way the beginning of the call went, the way the SC talked to me--it scares me that our higher ups can be this, well, distracted.)

    Today, I get a call from a guy in New, wait, make that New York. He's the um....System Manager, no wait, the customer support manager for the, uh, NYPD. Oh wait, they're listed as the NYCPD. He's in the uh, comparator room, working on some equipment. It's at, um some address...uh, 59 no 56 no um, I don't know hold on....I don't know. The whole time we're going through this, he's distracted by, oh, I don't know what, perhaps the other 12 people in the room I could barely hear him over.

    Basically, it took 5 minutes just to work out his name, his title, and who the customer was, and that he basically knew nothing, even though he is the gent in charge of this customer's account, contracts and generally making them happy. Once we got past that, I had to start a search for the site ID number, which takes some time for the computer to run, and once I start it, I can't do anything else til the search is completed. He spends this time chatting loudly with other people, without bothering to move the phone away from his mouth. Once I find a site ID that looks correct, which works for him, we open the case, and he changes his statement about him being on site to work on the equipment to say that he wants the tech paged to go out to site, and keeps harping on serial numbers, which I really don't need, unless we're trying to prove the unit is under warranty, which we don't need to do to send a tech to site.

    Then, without warning, he hands the phone off to someone else, I'm assuming it was the customer, who gives me three serial numbers I didn't want, along with a list of some equipment and the issues they're having. This guy asks me for the CSR number, then hands the phone back to the CSM, all the while mumbling something I can't make out.

    The CSM gets back on the phone, acting all chummy with me, which I suppose means I did a good job hiding my annoyance. He starts laughing and telling me that the tech wants my home phone number and/or direct line, and that he wouldn't mind getting that/those number(s) either, which I kind of laugh at, even though I don't find it funny. He then gets the CSR number and laughs his way through my closing comments and off the phone.

    By the end of the call, I was scared (that this guy is in charge of some of our biggest customers' accounts, and yet he can't remember simple numbers), annoyed (by his flippant attitude about his lack of knowledge) and kind of ticked off (that after all that, they'd try to hit on me over the phone). I may be over-reacting, I suppose, given that I just found out our scheduler left us short-staffed, and I have to stay at least 2 hours after my shift to cover for his mistake, but still.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford