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  • Just...can't...sleep...

    So, even though I went to bed around 9pm last night, it wasn't until after midnight before I actually fell asleep. Hubs purchased a gym membership for me yesterday (he added me to his account so I can kick his ass and hold him accountable for actually using his membership), so I figured I'd be smart and go to bed early so I could get up at 2am, do the paper route, go to the gym, and then just stay up for my day shift. Of course, you know what they say of the best laid plans of mice and men...

    Since Boss Man is gone, I'm MOD for a few days in a row, meaning I have to stay at the motel.

    First off, there were some kids running around. Apparently, they were visiting some family, because I hear some kid screeching "BYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I'LL MISS YOU!!!! BYYYYYYEEEEEEEEE BYYYEEEEEEE!!!!" Ugh. It was annoying, and loud! But it was only a little after 9pm, and it didn't last long, so I could forgive that...

    My room was near the office, so everytime I was about to fall asleep, some car would pull up in front of my room, slam the door, and go into the office. Often followed by them shortly leaving, since we were sold out.

    Just when I was about to really doze off, at 10:30pm, the phone rang. A guest was complaining that someone was knocking on her neighbor's door. CW told me the door being knocked on was vacant (the guest had already left). She had a lobby full of people and could I go take care of it?

    Ugh. I got up, got dressed, and slogged my way over there. I see a woman standing outside the door in question, red-eyed and fumbling with her cell phone.

    Me: "Ma'am? No one is in that room."
    Girl: "Oh."
    Me: "And I'm getting complaints about you knocking on the door, so you need to leave."

    The girl then looked at me. Her eyes watered up, and then suddenly...


    She turned and fled around the building. I went the other way around, to make sure she was on her way out. As I was on the other side of the building, I could still hear her bawling. As I came around the building, I watched her get into a truck and drive off.

    I mean, don't get me wrong, I've comforted my fair share of friends who were upset, and I've been upset, but my God, woman! Pull yourself together! Wait until you get home with some Ben & Jerry's and a pillow to hug before you let yourself go like that. You are going to wake up half the motel with that volume!!!

    I got back to my room, got back into bed, apologized to Hubs, and tried to fall asleep. Shortly before 11pm, I heard some talking outside my door. I tried to ignore it. After ten minutes, I got up to peer through the peephole...and saw a police car parked right outside my door.

    I phoned CW.

    Me: "Why is there a cop car parked outside my door?"
    CW: "Oh yeah, they're just investigating [room a couple doors down]."
    Me: "Okay then. As long as you know what's up."

    Those police sure seemed to be chatting it up with the guests in that room. What I heard was this for the next 20 minutes:

    *murmer mumble mumble* "HAHAHAHAHA!!! LOL!!!" *serious murmers and mumbles that I can't make out.* "ROFL! HAHAHA! LOLOL!!!"

    Must've been something really funny they were talking about.

    Eventually, the police left. The guests who were being questioned, a male and a female, walked by my door to the office. All I heard was:

    Male: *inaudible*
    Female: "I, like, wasn't even involved!"
    Male: *inaudible mumble*
    Female: "But I wasn't even involved!"
    Male: *quiet, inaudible mumble*
    Female: "I mean, I wasn't even involved!"

    Yes, I get it. You weren't even involved. You may stop proclaiming your non-involvement to the world. The world is trying to sleep. Shut the hell up.

    I am drinking lots and lots of coffee this morning...
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  • #2
    Ugh. I hope you are coping OK today. It doesn't leave you too many options, does it, when it's the police helping to make an irritating racket ...

    As for Ms. Waterworks, for whatever cold comfort it offers, at least she did leave, and promptly (if a trifle noisily). She didn't start screaming obscenities and invectives at you and the world in general and have to be hauled off by force.


    • #3
      Sorry that happened. I'm betting the police were taking away the "I'm not involved" lady, I saw my share of shoplifters who tried to tell the police or LP that they were innocent. I hope you had a better night last night. Did the crying lady seem intoxicated to you at all? When I was on vacation in California a drunk woman kept knocking on my door asking for a guy named Lenny.
      Last edited by Grape The Cat; 09-18-2011, 10:18 PM.


      • #4
        Naw, they didn't take her away. A guy paid for the room, though, and said he was only paying for one and that she wasn't staying. When housekeeping knocked on the door the next morning, the woman answered. So I banned the guy for fronting the room for her. Have no ID info on the woman to ban her with unfortunately.
        Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


        • #5
          See, talking noises and stuff like that is how sometimes, I cannot sleep during the day for work for my 12 hour shifts. And working at night, it's hard. Very hard.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Ugh. I used to get that sort of stuff all the time when I was still at the apartment. It's so quiet at the new house, it's kind of eerie. But soooo nice.

            My brother has to have a fan running in his room for the white noise, or he can't sleep at all, no matter how quiet or noisy it is.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
              Ugh. I used to get that sort of stuff all the time when I was still at the apartment. It's so quiet at the new house, it's kind of eerie. But soooo nice.

              My brother has to have a fan running in his room for the white noise, or he can't sleep at all, no matter how quiet or noisy it is.

              I am the same way and since the kids all slept with us up until about 2 and then got moved into their own room they have to sleep with a fan as well. I have a small fan that is quite loud, not noisy loud but whoooooosh loud I have to pack it anytime we go to a motel because it is either super quiet and I can't sleep or there are people walking around and mumbling and cars pulling up and doors shutting and I can't sleep. I turn on my fan and whooooosh, it all goes away Once we forgot it and I had to run to walmart and buy one so me and the kids could sleep.


              • #8
                I can sleep with no noise if I have to but I like having the fan on. As a kid I almost ALWAYS fell asleep to music on the clock radio.
                "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                • #9
                  Lately my house has been so silent (that's what happens when we turn off the a/c I suppose). So I've been needed to have my iPod playing more then normal. It just eerily how quiet it is.
                  Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                  Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever

