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Screeching Harpy Drove Me Mad

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  • Screeching Harpy Drove Me Mad

    Today I was making food in back with Q. I really like working with Q because we sync really well together and I can read her train of thought well and vice versa which was good because we were absolutely slammed. Like, a line out the door which is rare for inside. Also, most of the orders were massive with a few smaller orders tossed in here and there. It sucked major ass.

    So there we were, pushing out orders like nobody's business when we come across something odd. It said "2 s~ch---" *the --- are letters we couldn't make out because the print is smaller*. After some thought, we decided it was 2 sides of chunky salsa because the "s~" means side and we thought it said "chsal" for chunky salsa. So, I popped 2 cups of salsa in a bag and called out the order number multiple times as loud as I could. Nothing. I called it again and again and again. Nothing. Finally, I just thought, "fuck this, I have 20 or so other orders to make; I don't have time to babysit 2 salsa cups until this idiot decides to show up", and walked away.

    We burn though the other orders, but during the last 4 orders, this woman was standing at the counter just glaring at me. Whenever I handed out an order, she would glare more intensly. I thought she had something to say, so I stood there and stared back for a moment. She stayed silent so I walked back to the kitchen. Repeat this x4 until my last order was done. I call out the last order, let's just say 184.

    SH: What order did you say?!!! *everything she says is in a loud, screaming bitchy tone*
    Me: 184.
    SH: What order did you say?!!!
    Me: 184.
    SH: I'm order 168! How DAAAAARRREEE you be on order 184!!!!!111!!!
    Me: ......
    SH: YOOOUUUUUU skipped MEEEEEE!!! How DAAAARRREEEE you make those orders before MIIIINNNEEE!!!!
    Me: What was your order?
    SH: 2 sides of CHICKEN!
    Me: *realised what happened and sees the 2 cups of salsa still on the counter* Oh, I'm sorry mam. We thought it said 2 sides of salsa. I handed it out a while ago.
    SH: *jabs a talon at the poor little cashier girl* SHEEEE rang it up wrong!! How DAAARREE she mess up my order!!! She said she rang up chicken!!!
    Me: She did. We read it wrong.
    SH: I've been waiting here for 25 *yeah right* minutes! I finished all my food! How long does it take to make 2 sides of chicken!?!!! It doesn't take 25 minutes to make chicken!
    Me: I'm sorry for the wait, but we did make your order. We just read the screen wrong. I'll go get your chicken right now.
    SH: *keeps screaming about how dare I make order 184 and I'm slow I'm blind I'm rude yada yada yada*
    Me: Mam, I'm going to get your chicken now.
    SH: *keeps screaming*
    Me: Mam, stop yelling! I'm getting your order now!
    SH: *keeps yelling*
    Me: Whatever. *walks away*
    SH: *keeps yelling after me*

    I bring Q up to speed while getting her 2 sides of chicken. Q loves dealing with SC's just so she can tell them off so she offered to hand it out. SH bitched at Q and continued her one sided debate with her. Q, well, she just laughed hystarically and walked away. SH demanded her money back, so Mr. Dave went up and did a refund for 2 sides of chicken, scooped the bag off the counter before she could dig her claws into it and threw in in the trash. SH threw a fit saying she wanted her chicken yada yada.

    MD: You can have your food, or the refund. Take your pick.
    Me: Bitch....
    Answers: $1
    Correct Answers: $2
    Answers that require thought: $5
    Dumb looks are still free.

  • #2

    The sad thing here is this is yet another case of where people have lost the ability to acknowledge that sometimes shit happens and when a place is getting slammed mistakes are going to be made.

    The fucked up thing about this? If the screaming woman were to make a mistake, she would have said something to the effect that she was only human and that you can't expect perfection all of the time. Yet other humans must have the precision of the divine.
    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


    • #3
      I'm head hurts, mostly because all I could hear while reading that was an insane bird screeching at the top of its lungs. That's what she seemed like to me. Just....SCCCCCCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Ugh. Kudos to Mr. Dave for denying her the food after she got her refund though!
      "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


      • #4
        ....and I am definitely making it a goal of mine to sit there one day when Kisa is working and ream out the idiots.


        • #5
          She should have just said something. I don't know why she just stood their glaring at you for so long.

          Well... You know how, in some conversations, you try to ask a question, and the other person clearly doesn't understand the question, so you have to ask it a dozen times, and by the time you finally get your point across, you sound angry and almost mean just because you're tired of asking that question over and over? Maybe that's what happened to this woman, but she tried to ask the question the first ten times telepathically, so only when she reached the "Dang it, why aren't you listening" stage did it come out verbally. I had customers do that kind of thing when I worked retail: after telling me they don't need help, they'd stare at me for at least ten minutes before exploding and furiously demanding to know why I wouldn't come talk to them even though it was (they thought) obvious that they needed help and wanted me to come talk to them.

          Still, that's a bit of an overreaction for chicken!

          Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
          If the screaming woman were to make a mistake, she would have said something to the effect that she was only human and that you can't expect perfection all of the time. Yet other humans must have the precision of the divine.
          Self-serving bias! (Sorry, I had to label it. I don't get to use my psych degree much these days, so I take what opportunities I can get.)
          I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
          - Bill Watterson

          My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
          - IPF


          • #6
            Quoth Kisa View Post
            So there we were, pushing out orders like nobody's business when we come across something odd. It said "2 s~ch---" *the --- are letters we couldn't make out because the print is smaller*. After some thought, we decided it was 2 sides of chunky salsa because the "s~" means side and we thought it said "chsal" for chunky salsa.
            Granted, this system could be clearer. Abbreviations and bad type can be easily misread; it should be better written out.

            Still no reason for the SC to be a screeching harpy.
            Last edited by XCashier; 09-19-2011, 07:22 PM.
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
              She should have just said something. I don't know why she just stood their glaring at you for so long.

              *large snip*
              Ah, the joys of passive-aggressiveness ... it gave her enough time to work up a really righteous (in her mind, anyway) head of steam because she'd been ignored for sooooo long (I mean, they should've known she was waiting for her chicken, right?) so she'd have a good reason (IHMA) to shriek like a harpy at everybody in sight.

              I love your Mr. Dave.


              • #8
                So she wanted her food AND a refund? So basically she wants free food because of a misunderstanding! What a bitch. She should never eat out again.


                • #9
                  Yep, you made a mistake. But you called her number, if she'd bothered to come when she heard it called, saw it was wrong, and said something, you could have corrected it immediately. Why on earth would she stand there after you called her number and set the wrong thing on the counter? I could understand if she had no idea what her number was, and was just waiting for the items - but she went on about what her number was, so obviously, she knew it. So why ignore it when you called?

                  Step A, you make a mistake. Step B, you offer to correct it immediately. Why on earth to SC's think that they don't have to tell you there is a problem (or what it is) for you to be able to get from step A to B ?

                  Madness takes it's toll....
                  Please have exact change ready.


                  • #10
                    Missed her number

                    Even if she missed her number when it was called, she said she was 168.

                    She started this screech at 184! Getting a little out of order happens but why did she not come forward when it was in the high 170`s? Oh, yes. Just remembered where I am posting.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                      The fucked up thing about this? If the screaming woman were to make a mistake, she would have said something to the effect that she was only human and that you can't expect perfection all of the time. Yet other humans must have the precision of the divine.
                      Yeah, the bolded bit? Not in this universe. Not in ANY universe. SHE does not make mistakes. If mistakes happen, they are always...without fail... someone else's fault.

                      I'm surprised at you, Mongo, that's a rookie mistake. You're almost as cynical as I am, I thought.
                      What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


                      • #12
                        You say you called that number many times before giving up and going back to work on other orders. So she wasn't listening....probably running her mouth on her cell phone, or waiting for you to call out "Your order is here, Your Imperial Majesty."

                        I never understand why people who have to wait for their order to be done don't pay attention to what's coming up on the counter!
                        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                        • #13
                          I really want to clone Mr. Dave...he just sounds like such an awesome manager
                          "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                          • #14
                            i agree; she waited way too long to tell you about the problem. proactive, woman, be it.
                            look! it's ghengis khan!
                            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

