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"I'm not harrassing her, I have a woman!"

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  • "I'm not harrassing her, I have a woman!" was the beggining of the day.

    Then I went to relieve a cw after lunch; cw, Cheryl, was helping a woman (old crazy woman, ocw) find a housing commission. Ocw has one of our phone books.

    me: are you driving there or taking a bus?
    ocw: I don't have a car. I'm not from around here and I have to take the bus. Can I have a print out of that map of that location.
    me: no, but I can get you a Metro map that will show you wish bus to take and how to get there.
    (I'm assuming she was going to give a free print out to ocw, and didn't like that Iwouldn't do it. I think giving free anything to our customers will lead to them always asking for free things-in fact, they will lose what we give them and come back and want another free item).
    cw goes to lunch.
    me: ok, you want to take bus 18. You get off at x street. Here is the address.
    ocw: where is the bathroom?
    me: go down this hallway, make a right at the first hall. YOu want me to take that phone book back up front?
    ocw: *looking at me like I'm about to take her purse* no, I said I will take it up to the lady.
    me: but you can't take that to the bathroom.
    ocw: I won't
    and she heads towards the bathroom. I follow her and she misses the hall I mentioned and goes to the lobby. I didn't see if she returned it to that desk or not.

    Second story.
    I'm on another floor. I see a guy without shoes on, and I tell him to put them on. Latter on I pass by and see he just stuck his toes in the shoes. I mention this to a guard but that guard blew me off. I found another guard who came up with me and we see the guy has his shoes totally off. He got kicked out. Latter, I see a guy with his head back, and his eyes are closed. He is sitting with a woman.
    ah: asshole with his eyes closed, giving me lip.

    me: sir, you have to keep your eyes open.
    ah: I had my open!
    me: no sir, you had your eyes closed and your head back *I demostrate*
    so I'm going about my business but ah is staring at me, like trying to intimidate me
    me: sir, you can't stare at me.
    ah:I can do what I want! I can look where I want!
    me: *calls security* Hi, this is dmfan, and I found this man with his eyes closed. I told him to keep them open. Now all he does is stare at me. I told him not to, and he still does, so now he is harrassing me.
    security: ok, coming up.
    ah: you are the one harrassing me. *blargh blargh blargh*
    me: sir you have to keep your voice down, there are other people in the library.
    security comes up, bringing the rules stating that staring is harrassement.
    ah: I'm not harrassing her, she is harrassing me! I'm not harrassing her, I have a woman!
    guy gets kicked out.

    So 30 minutes to closing I'm helping Cheryl on the Reference floor. 20min to closing a guy asked for magazines and Cheryl tells me this (I was picking up the many books people leave on tables like the jackels they are).
    me: I think it's too late to request magazines, since the people in storage already left.
    Cheryl: You think? Looks like they got the requests. I'll go up and get the magazines.
    the way she told me this was in a manner that lets me know she was annoyed with me. That was the rules we had years ago, though, that we don't request anything from storage 30 min before we close since the people in storage have to do clean-up. Now there aren't people in storage, they are on the bottom floor doing other things, and only looking at the request screen for requests. But I coulod tell Cheryl was mad at me. Maybe also for not giving a free print for ocw earlier.

    And of course, if the guy who requested the magazines wanted to make copies, he won't have the time. And he didn't.

    Then I go around, pronouncing "library is closing in 20 minutes," "library is closing in 10 min." There was one woman in the study room with earphones on when I went up to her room to tell her we are closing in 10 min. I think she heard me; she did nod her head. I go up to her room to tell her she had 5 min. She acted surprised that we were closing. Then she takes her time getting her shit together. And I'm wondering where Cheryl went. it's 2 minutes after closing when she gets out of the room and tells me she needs to use the bathroom and then she will leave. I tell her the bathrooms are closed. She is surprised. She goes to the elevator and then starts putting on her jacket I call the elevator for her and again she tells me she is surprised we closed the bathrooms. Fucking leave already, you should have gone earlier. And my cws are always leaving me alone to take care of shit like this.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    Wait... what was bad about the guy with the closed eyes was he walking, or sitting? I am confused by that one.


    • #3
      It's because you aren't allowed to sleep in the library...I'd assume.

      I also can relate on that "no free stuff/goodies/whatnot"-attitude you got going, I've charged the director of our municipal and my own mother the same fee for using the copier


      • #4
        Quoth Rumiel View Post
        Wait... what was bad about the guy with the closed eyes was he walking, or sitting? I am confused by that one.
        Probably watching DMF to see when he can go back to sleep.
        I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

        Who is John Galt?
        -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


        • #5
          Quoth Rumiel View Post
          Wait... what was bad about the guy with the closed eyes was he walking, or sitting? I am confused by that one.
          From what I understand, the OPs library has issues with homeless people using the library to sleep in, which is not allowed.
          "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

          RIP Plaidman.


          • #6
            Quoth Dave1982 View Post
            From what I understand, the OPs library has issues with homeless people using the library to sleep in, which is not allowed.
            Ah that makes a lot of sense, thanks hadn't read the previous info so I was a little confused. ^^;

