This is similar to the first story I posted ... only worse.
Had two women come through my line with a cartful of stuff. So I ring it all in and tell them the total ... you guessed it. It's maybe $60 over the amount of cash the one woman has on her.
So of course then she has to start putting stuff back. But it can't be just anything, oh no. This requires much careful thought.
SC: Oh, let's see, what don't I want ... hmmm, okay put this back ... and this ... and this ...
Now we're down to $50 too much.
SC: Oh geez, what else ... this ... and these ... hmmmm ... and ... okay, and this ...
$40 too much ...
SC: Wow, still that much?? Well, hmmm, maybe I could put ... this back ... and ... um ...
And on it goes, until finally we get down to a total she can manage.
If looks could've killed, the glares she was getting from the half-dozen customers waiting behind her would've left nothing but a small pile of ashes on the floor. Throughout the whole thing she was giggling and laughing like this was the most fun she'd had in weeks.
And the number of 'voids' I had to do meant I needed a manager's override before I could re-total what was left, so of course that created an additional small wait for everybody.
As she left, she carolled out that I was "really patient!"
Me, to next customers in line: "I have no choice. We're not allowed to shoot customers."
Had two women come through my line with a cartful of stuff. So I ring it all in and tell them the total ... you guessed it. It's maybe $60 over the amount of cash the one woman has on her.
So of course then she has to start putting stuff back. But it can't be just anything, oh no. This requires much careful thought.
SC: Oh, let's see, what don't I want ... hmmm, okay put this back ... and this ... and this ...
Now we're down to $50 too much.
SC: Oh geez, what else ... this ... and these ... hmmmm ... and ... okay, and this ...
$40 too much ...
SC: Wow, still that much?? Well, hmmm, maybe I could put ... this back ... and ... um ...
And on it goes, until finally we get down to a total she can manage.
If looks could've killed, the glares she was getting from the half-dozen customers waiting behind her would've left nothing but a small pile of ashes on the floor. Throughout the whole thing she was giggling and laughing like this was the most fun she'd had in weeks.
And the number of 'voids' I had to do meant I needed a manager's override before I could re-total what was left, so of course that created an additional small wait for everybody.
As she left, she carolled out that I was "really patient!"
Me, to next customers in line: "I have no choice. We're not allowed to shoot customers."
