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First Night on the Job, Last night for a few weeks. (long)

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  • First Night on the Job, Last night for a few weeks. (long)

    Long time reader, First time poster. I worked in retail for a few years while in school until I transferred to a new college, plenty of stories from that job but that will be for another time. Anyway back to the now, I'm now going to school in a college town, and if there is one thing anyone knows about college kids is they like to drink. To pay for school I managed to land a job at *insert generic club name here* as a bouncer. Now from what I understand from the other bouncers who have been there much longer than I have, most of the job entails looking intimidating, asking people to leave, and the occasional minor scuffle you may need to actually intervene on, or more likely if its anywhere outside the cops will take care of it. So first day was Friday, at a time known to college students as "drunk o'clock." While standing there looking intimidating, I see a kid who has no wristband, so I decide to go over and inquire about why that is.

    Part 2: The conflict.

    Clearly the student had been drinking, but through the slurring I determine him saying something to the effect of having torn his wristband, before he pulled it out of his pocket and shows it to me, no problem right? Wrong. This wristband is months old (I can see this even though its pitch black inside and the bass is doing its best to shake my eyes through the back of my skull), and is the wrong color, as they are color coded for this very reason. When I inform him of this, I expect one of three things to happen.

    1. Apologizes, Goes outside and buys a wristband for 10 dollars. (if only)
    2. Gets argumentative, gets thrown out.
    3. Backs down, leaves of own free will. (also such a good option)

    If you guessed he didn't choose any of these options, you win a cookie. He instead went with the option of "pull a knife in a club filled with 200+ college students." OVER A 10 DOLLAR COVER CHARGE. so now there is me, 6'2" 240 vs a kid who I could probably snap in half, and about 4-5 inches of steel equalizing power. Needless to say we are well past the point of conversation, and I make my move, reaching for his wrist, The knife managed to catch me about 3 inches below the wrist on the back of my arm, and he dropped it when I jerked my arm in response. So now its me completely enraged vs scrawny kid with no knife. my rebuttal to his attack is to grab him by the face and put him halfway through a wall, the wall had this really thin wood paneling on top of basic drywall. Luckily a girl nearby happened to see the end of this scuffle and let out the most high pitched,blood curdling shriek, and so the regular lights came on to find me standing in hallway bleeding from deep cut to the arm, and the scrawny kid knocked out stuck in a wall.

    Overall for a first night of work I don't think I'm going to like this job, wound up with a stab wound and the club had to be closed early, ended up with 12 stitches, scrawny kid ended up being sent to jail, and I'm now enjoying medical leave while my arm heals.

  • #2
    Wow. Dumb kid. Won't do that again. Then again he probably didn't learn anything.
    Hope your arm heals fast. And the job gets less stabby.
    Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
    Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


    • #3
      Oh, my!

      At least you'll be all right.

      Welcome to the boards. Enjoy your stay.
      "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.


      • #4
        Welcome! I've got the brain bleach, Jester's got the beer, someone will be along with cookies in a bit.
        Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


        • #5
          Quoth dragon_wings View Post
          Wow. Dumb kid. Won't do that again. Then again he probably didn't learn anything.
          No, but hopefully he'll be in jail for quite a while, word will get out and nobody will try that again.

          Welcome to the job, right? I too hope things get much better soon.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!


          • #6
            Yeowch. What a first night.


            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Well, if there's one good thing about being a bouncer it's that you can throw a patron through the wall and the manager will congratulate you for it.
              Fiancee: We're going to need to do laundry. I'm out of clean pants.
              Me: Sounds like a job for Gravekeeper!
              Fiancee: What?!
              Me: Nevermind.


              • #8
                Ask how often such an incident happens. It's possible you just ran into the once-in-a-blue-moon armed troublemaker. I've been 'pseudo-staff' at a club before, and been in the 'in crowd' with staff in another. If it's just a college town and not a big city, it's likely such an incident may be rare.
                DJ Particle


                • #9
                  Check out one of the "War Stories" on this board:
                  Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...
                  TASTE THE LIME JELLO OF DEFEAT! -Gravekeeper


                  • #10
                    Jeez, what an introduction to the job! For some reason I was expecting that (being drunk) he'd try the sympathy card.

                    Hope the arm heals quickly and that this turns out to be the exception that proves the rule that most SC are idiots but not dangerous (except maybe to blood pressure levels ...)

                    And welcome to the site.


                    • #11
                      I talked to the manager again today giving him an update on when I should be able to work again, he said what happened to me was basically a one in a million freak occurrence, personally I believe him, going to a university you would think would require you to be smart enough to realize jail is gonna make it a really pain to pass your classes. Also want to say that the manager is awesome, I dont know what the rules are as far as injuries but I know that as a new hire at my old job they could basically fire me within the first 2-3 months for no reason, so to get paid time off after working less than 6 hours instead of just being let go is definitely a positive.


                      • #12
                        That's scary. I'm glad it didn't turn out much worse for you...and I'm glad you still have a job to go back to (hopefully weapon-free). Welcome to CS!
                        "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                        • #13
                          Yay Deus Ex reference

                          Holy crap! It could've been so much worse too. What a first day.
                          Out of retail!


                          • #14
                            If nothing else, this incident has probably "Made" you in the eyes of your coworkers and regular club-goers.

                            "Don't fuck with Jensen, man, he'll put you through a wall."
                            "Jensen's badass, man. He got stabbed and it just pissed him off."
                            PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                            There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                            • #15
                              You can call stupident "Little Veal McCaffery".

                              I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                              Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                              Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.

