Well, me I love my coffee full of deadly caffeine, poisonous sweetener, fattening milk, evil coco powder and served in a cup carved from poison sumac and sprinkled with foxglove! Because I'm just THAT bad ass.
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We Sell POISON!!! (with a side of tacos!)
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Quoth LillFilly View PostWell, me I love my coffee full of deadly caffeine, poisonous sweetener, fattening milk, evil coco powder and served in a cup carved from poison sumac and sprinkled with foxglove! Because I'm just THAT bad ass.I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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A page we can all agree with!
Quoth Aethian View Postnot to say he wasn't sucky.... But diet affects mine. Not as much as the real stuff but it does do a spike.
But then so does everything these days...except water. *sighs*
Diet Pepsi - aspartame
Pepsi One - sucralose
Diet RC - sucralose
Diet Coke - aspartame
Diet Coke w/Splenda - sucralose (duh *heh*)
Coke Zero - aspartame
Roundy's store brand diet pop (all varieties) - sucralose
I third...fourth? Whatever the question of Health Nut there eating at Taco Bell. I'd also wager a bet that Health Nut goes to Starshmucks (as our dear Foamy calls it) and gets triple or quadruple sugar, cream, etc. As for the second loon loony nutcase...hey, at least it wasn't you getting hit on this time, Kisa. Sorry for your coworker though!"And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare
Hey, don't profane coffee on National Coffee Day! Besides, they just put out a study that claims the more coffee women drink the less likely they are to get depressed. Or something like that.
That guy was an idiot. As my grandma used to say, "If they ain't got it, they ain't got it." Order something else, bozo, and shut up.When you start at zero, everything's progress.
DB: Are YOOOUUUU on the menu??
as for healthy tacos, if you're at the "ding ding" place then I do beg to differ. I just tried those fresco ones (cheese and creamy stuff replaced with diced veggies) and they are fucking good.seriously i'm sticking to that menu now. omg yum.
Whether or not the SC takes cream and sugar in his coffee or drinks it black doesn't change the very simple and very hypocritical fact that he was bitching about "poison" while ordering his meal at TACO BELL.
I have vegetarian friends who choose their diet for their own reasons, and have no problem going to a steak house with me and ordering whatever is available that meets their needs. They don't go into a steak house seeking some specific vegetarian dish, and my meat-eating friends don't go into a sushi house and demand a t-bone steak. Why? Because my friends aren't fucking idiots. And for the most part, they aren't fucking rude.
If you're so worried about "poison," don't get your food at a fucking fast food chain.
And if you absolutely need coffee or juice, go somewhere where they fucking have it, or stock it at home. I don't really drink soda anymore, I tend to drink Gatorade (when I'm not drinking beer, of course), but I don't get all pissy when I'm at Subway and they don't have Gatorade or juice or beer. Why? Because, like (most of) my friends, I'm not a rude idiotic jerk.
"The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is Still A Customer."
he's whining about the sugar in pop, yet the average juice sold today is just as bad, if not worse, than pop. also, the juice woud cost him more, but then again, he's using the old fart variety of sc logic, so...
worst way to get a phone #: hit on some worker then pester them. buh...look! it's ghengis khan!
Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)
I administer a damaging toxin to myself just about every day of the week. That toxin is called alcohol, and I ingest it in many forms, voluntarily, and do not bitch about being poisoned. Actually, I am more prone to bitch about being refused said poison, or being asked to leave to leave a toxin den I may be socializing in.
It is self-destructive, potentially very damaging, and OH so yummy and fun!
"The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is Still A Customer."
Quoth Kisa View PostMe: How much you want a bet he takes his coffee with death sugar and poison caffine?To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...