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Over a month

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  • Over a month

    I once worked at a mall selling cellphones. This was a long time ago. The pay was crap and the sales were few and far between.

    A nice day outside and Im about as far away from a window as possible.

    Behemoth Lady walks up to counter:

    BL: I would like to return these phones and cancel my account.
    Me: Im sorry to hear that, may I ask what the probelm is?
    BL: I get no service and the bill is way to high.
    Me: Okay, Ill need a picture ID and the phones along with all the original packaging (we didnt need receipts cause it was a type of place that stored everything)
    Me: Im sorry BL, but you are past the the Cell Phone companies 30 day return policy and are past our own 15 day policy for returning equipment. Because of that I am unable to cancel your account without you having an early termination fee of 200 dollars per line.

    BL at this point goes on a little rant as to why an exception should be made, I cannot remember this all to well as it was about 10 years ago. Essentially what she claimed was that she got no service no matter where she went and that her bill was to high. She did not have a copy of her bill, but I did look at her phone. She had well over 20 hours of talk time on it. The phone had never been used prior to her purchasing it. She had the phone for just over a month. We cannot take a phone back as new if it has over an hour of talk time on it as we cannot sell it as a new phone at that point. So we are now up to three reasons why we cannot take the equipment back. She also has out of state roaming on her phone (yeah.. it was a long time ago). I found this out when I called customer service about her bill, we were not a corporate store so there wasnt a lot we could do, but we did have a direct number so we didnt have to wait in the que very long.

    After 30 minutes going over her bill with the call center agent explaining proration and the roaming, she finally left. About 30 minutes after that she called in from her car and told me that she had called customer care and that they told her they would let her cancel if we would take back the equipment. I told her that they only told her that because they know we cant take back the equipment (and we couldnt because they would not reimburse us for the equipment if we took it back outside of the policy).

    She also tried claiming that the guy she bought it from told her she would have free mobile to mobile on any network, which I doubt that was true, but possible. I couldnt ask him as he had been fired for not locking the stockroom door one night when he closed.

  • #2
    how could she have had 20 hours of talk time, yet claimed she got no service? AND her bill was too high, if she got no service?


    • #3
      Quoth vloglady View Post
      AND her bill was too high, if she got no service?
      Her bill was too high because it was larger than zero.
      "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


      • #4
        Damn. When I got my iPhone I got it as a refurbished phone through AT&T's website (as a sizable discount) and I was able to chose my plan when I ordered the phone (it was shipped to me). Shortly after I got it and activated it I realized I was gonna go over my data limit and increased it to accommodate that. And then I moved shortly after that and had less access to wifi and had to increase my data limit again. And any overages I use (like when I watched 3 seasons of Doctor Who in a ridiculously short time on the Netflix app. Lol.) I pay for like a grownup.
        But then I'm not an SC.
        Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
        Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


        • #5
          don't forget the ones who want credit issued to their phones for emergencies like their mom dying... for the 3rd time.

