I swear, in order to able to own and operate a telephone, one should have to pass a rigorous training program and test involving negative reinforcement. Lots of it.
Ten minutes to seven this morning, the phone rings. Keep in mind on Sunday mornings we open at 9. We had opened at 8 until a month ago. Store manager picks up the call--and gets somebody looking for something referred to only as "Reach dental strips."
Store manager explains we are closed and he is in the middle of something, so perhaps the caller would like to try again after we've opened for the day. Caller gets all uppity, asks him "why did you pick up the phone when you were closed?," and what could possibly be more important than helping a poor customer?
Store manager explains he is in the middle of doing payroll, and if he doesn't get that finished and submitted he will have 120 very angry employees. He also says he picked up the phone because he has to--an employee could be calling in sick or somebody else may be calling the store for some emergency purpose. Caller is still adamant about learning if we have Reach dental strips.
He transferred the call. I don't know know what the person who picked up the call told the caller.
Seriously, who goes calling a store two hours before it opens looking for oral hygiene implements--or anything else for that matter?
Ten minutes to seven this morning, the phone rings. Keep in mind on Sunday mornings we open at 9. We had opened at 8 until a month ago. Store manager picks up the call--and gets somebody looking for something referred to only as "Reach dental strips."
Store manager explains we are closed and he is in the middle of something, so perhaps the caller would like to try again after we've opened for the day. Caller gets all uppity, asks him "why did you pick up the phone when you were closed?," and what could possibly be more important than helping a poor customer?
Store manager explains he is in the middle of doing payroll, and if he doesn't get that finished and submitted he will have 120 very angry employees. He also says he picked up the phone because he has to--an employee could be calling in sick or somebody else may be calling the store for some emergency purpose. Caller is still adamant about learning if we have Reach dental strips.
He transferred the call. I don't know know what the person who picked up the call told the caller.
Seriously, who goes calling a store two hours before it opens looking for oral hygiene implements--or anything else for that matter?
