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SC's On Holiday

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  • SC's On Holiday

    If you intend to be gross do it in your room We had a lady for three days who would park herself in the breakfast room and roost for a couple of hours. She would always jack up the volume on the TV so loud that she would be asked to turn it down. It's not a pleasant sight first thing in the morning to see some chick shoveling food into her mouth, talking into her cell phone (food still in mouth) and changing the channels every thirty seconds like a hyperactive child

    I need I want I need A family of four stayed here and they put the need back in needy. New can opener (they broke the one in their room didn't offer to pay for it or apologize. Towels, towels and more towels (apparently a family of four needs up to ten towels a day. Everything seemed to break down the second they entered the room. And after running us ragged and leaving late did they show their appreciation by leaving a tip or even saying Thank You. Heck no, they did manage to lose a key though.

    Begone Scammers Don't you love guests who don't reserve a room then cop a 'tude when they can't get the room they want? It's even more fun when they claim a pizza box was supposedly left in their room but cannot be found. That their bed sheets were "dirty" but despite the presence of a another bed slept in the "dirty" one anyway. And then don't bother to mention any of this until it's time to pay. I hate scammers, you are willing to endanger an innocent maid's job just to get something free or discounted get a life.
    My Horror Blog
