Scene opens on a small strip mall. Behind the fast food establishments on pad sites out front, sandwiched between a cigarette store, pay-day loan, tanning salon and mixed martial arts gym, sits a small electronics store.
Inside standing there behind the counter, watching the TVs, waiting for a customer, is a geeky looking 20-something guy with glasses.
Inside standing there behind the counter, watching the TVs, waiting for a customer, is a geeky looking 20-something guy with glasses.
A customer with a return walks in.
C: "Hi, I just got this from your other store last week, and I'd like to return it."
I myself had never seen such an item before, but as it was similar to others we had in stock, I considered it was perhaps a hold-over some other store put into a clearance sale bucket. Electronics can change so fast one new product is gone the next month.
Me: "Ok, let me see here."
I take the item and scan it for a return. It doesn't come up on the POS. Usually the POS clears out old SKUs quarterly during inventory cycles.
Me: "Well sir, it doesn't come up in the system, let me see if I can find it in another place."
I then start looking up the item on our intranet to find its last sale price. Its possible the guy bought it from a store, who didn't have the item in THEIR system either, and just rang it up as general merchandise with a price, which would have been found with the same method unless the manager/associate decided on some random price.
I was just about to process it as a non-receipt-present gift-card refund when...
C: "Oh, I've got a receipt!"
AH, this should help matters so I think... But, he produces a receipt dated 2003. It was 2006.
I consider my options... Should I simply give the guy his 9 dollar gift card, or should I explain return policies... Ah, well, he was the one who was able to keep track of a receipt for 3 years, but apparently he failed to actually *look* at it during this time. Tough love I say...
I decided on being the tough-love sort of clerk that day...
Me: "Well, hmm... This receipt was dated about 3 years ago.
I flipped his receipt over and pointed to the return policy.
Me: "Now, we normally accept returned items within 30 days for a full refund. Up to 90 days we are able to return the item and give you store credit on a gift card. This receipt is 3 years old, so unfortunately I can't actually refund your item sir."
Possibly the wrong move...
"What?!!?!?? But I have my receipt right here! I bought it, I just want to return it! Why can't you give me a refund?!

And so it begins.
Me: "Sorry sir, but that's entirely against the return policy. We print it right there on every receipt that you have a certain period to return the item. Had you NOT provided me with a receipt, I'm the kind of person to give the benefit of the doubt, and I would have simply given you a gift card as a refund. HOWEVER because you brought in the receipt I have a date to work with, and now store policy prevents me from proceeding any further.
Don't get me wrong, I hate some of the store policies, and also dislike using that as a crutch to fall back upon versus giving a 'real good reason'...This was just one of those "dear god, you're trying to do WHAT!?" moments.
C: "You've got to be kiding me!
Me: "Sorry, that's just the way it is. I cannot process a return on a 3 year old purchase.
At this point, he starts yelling and I tune him out. At the end, I think he threw the item on the counter (4 years ago now, I forget) and amongst angry mumbling from him, just as he is about to leave the store, I say to him in the nicest way possible
Me: "Have a wonderful day sir!"
He turns back at me and shouts
C: "F**K YOU!!!!"
The electronic door chime, also sold inside the store if you are amazed at how it works upon entering and leaving and wish to procure one for yourself, ding-dongs as the customer leaves.