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Was i wrong?

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  • #16
    I have seven kids and I can tell you that that woman was a biatch. Also, if she was soooooo concerned about her pregnancy, why the bloody h#ll was she smoking.


    • #17
      Quoth 0oAmericanGirl View Post
      Reply: Well lady, if you didn't drive a cheap pos clown car we wouldn't be having this conversation..

      She sounds sooo trashy. I hate that people think that pregnancy is a disability. I once asked a pregnant patient if she was employed and she snapped back "I'm pregnant, I can't work". I understand that pregnancy limits your activity but how flippin hard would it have been for her to let the seat up for you??
      My mom taught school up until the week she delivered my little brother, who weighed in at nearly 11 lbs and was not a C-section baby. She was wearing houseshoes to work by the end, but she worked right up until then. So I don't have a lot of sympathy for the delicate types who want the world to bend over and kiss their posteriors because they happen to be knocked up.
      He loves the world...except for all the people.
      --Men at Work


      • #18
        P.S. I forgot to say: Crow, your behavior was fine. Don't let a SC make you think less of yourself.
        He loves the world...except for all the people.
        --Men at Work


        • #19
          Don't we have a special name or game or title for customers who insist TVs and other large items be put in their Geo metros???

          My little brother gave me a joking backhand when I asked if my new TV would fit in the trunk or backseat of my neon.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #20
            I went into labor about six hours before I left work on my last day, but I didn't bother telling anyone until it was quitting time, and man, you should have SEEN the panicked expressions (don't worry guys, it'll be several hours yet, but they didn't believe me.... 18 hours later, drs. decided to induce me because nothing was happening).

            When I was pregnant, I either walked everywhere or took the bus, and believe me when I say that if chivalry ain't dead, it's seriously ailing. Nine months pregnant, and I could NOT get anyone to offer me a seat on the bus. EVER. The entire time I was pregnant, I was living in on a very busy bus route, and not ONCE did anyone ever offer me a seat. So the day I went into labor? Yup, stood on the bus the entire 40 minutes into work and the entire 40 minutes home. The only time this ever really bothered me was when I started having sciatica in my 5th month.

            I'd have told her "you want it in your dinky little car? YOU get it in there. Oh, you're pregnant? Here, I'll hold your CIGARETTE while you do it. I quit smoking as SOON as I found out I was pregnant (it was REALLY unexpected), and have always felt guilty for having smoked the first two weeks. (haven't smoked since) If she wasn't visibly pregnant, I doubt moving the seat up would have made much difference.

            If she's THAT effing fragile, then maybe she shouldn't be operating a vehicle at all! Maybe she should be at home in bed with teams of people taking care of her. Wouldn't that be nice for the rest of us?
            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


            • #21
              You know what? Fuck her.
              The really sad part is, someone did.
              Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.

