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Call centre people... was I an SC?

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  • Call centre people... was I an SC?

    Early next month, I'm finally going to be moving out of my parents' house and into my own flat. Sadly, there are various boring tasks that need to be done, like getting a phone line installed for the computer. Now, I rang the number, went thru the necessary automated crap and was put in a queue to wait for a sales person to be available.

    Despite the awful hold music, I waited patiently. I had everything I needed laid out in front of me, and I'd allowed plenty of time. I'd even forgoed my lunch to get this sorted out first. Now, at first, everything went swimmingly; the guy I talked to was very efficient and got everything sorted out. When all that was done, he transferred me to a woman, who was supposed to check the order had gone thru and tell me. She couldn't, cuz the order hadn't gone thru so she transferred me back to the sales team.

    Now, this is when the suckiness comes into play. I didn't get the guy from before, but this airhead sounding woman who didn't even greet me, just went "Oh wait a minute," then much to my annoyance, I heard a dial tone. She'd hung up on me. Now, I'm getting annoyed cuz once again, I have to call, go thru the automated crap and wait in the queue, but I do it. I talk to another person, tell him that this woman hung up on me and that I'd like to sort things out without that happening. He asks me for my date of birth and my postcode, of the flat I'm moving into. I give him the date of birth, but due to the fact I don't know my new postcode offhand I have to search out the piece of paper with it on from the pile of documents in front of me. I tell the person clearly, hang on a sec. While I'm looking, he hangs up.

    OK, now I'm really pissed off. I'm starving, I'm bored, and I'm sick and tired of being on the phone. I allow myself a scream of frustration before I, once again, go thru the whole ring/automated crap/queue business again. I try my hardest to keep calm, but it's natural that some of the anger and frustration I feel slips into my voice. I do make an effort to be polite as I talk to the woman who takes the call, and she is very helpful and competant. I register a complaint directed at both the people who hung up on me, as well as a compliment to the guy I originally dealt with so he gets kudos for how he dealt with me. The woman says she'll not only do that, but also dig up my info so I don't have to repeat it all over again. Once again, I'm on hold.

    The classical music being played soothes me somewhat; I take the time to wipe away the tears and blow my nose (I tend to cry when I'm angry, a fact that really bugs me to be honest) and calm myself down by breathing in and out. After about 5 minutes, the woman picks up. She apologises for the delay; I tell her not to worry. She tells me everything's sorted out and gives me the details. I thank her and then, finally, I can get off the phone.

    So, was I sucky? I was worried about this when I got off; not only was I in tears for some of it, I was also sounding frustrated and angry at the end, even tho I was trying to control myself.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    Unless you went off at them, screaming profanities and promising that you're going to hunt them down and make them pay, you were not sucky. The people that hung up on you were sucky. I work in a call centre, and we can get into very deep crap if we do that. Very deep. Written warning kind of deep. So you were right to issue a complaint, as you dont know how many people they've done that to. Plus, you issued a compliment to the original dude which was tres non-sucky! Kudos on not going nuclear
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      It doesn't even sound like they even gave you the opportunity to get sucky! You complained about the hang-upers and you gave a compliment about the nice guy-this makes you a good customer. A sucky customer would have only done the first.
      -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
      -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


      • #4
        You weren't especially sucky (although I'd imagine that the last person you dealt with probably didn't appreciate having to deal with someone who was angry for something that she had nothing to do with, that's the fault of her co-workers more than it's your fault), but I would say that it would be best try to try and find your zen-like center, because your domestic life will be filled with calls like these. Or at least, domestic life around here is. If the bank isn't screwing something up, then the internets is dying mysteriously, or the student loan companies are messing up Mr. Fly's loans, or any number of stupid little things. And every call seems to involve a substantial amount of hold time and at least one hang up. Especially with the student loan people and the people at the college.


        • #5
          From the way you put it, it sounds like the first hangup may have been an accident - the no greeting and "oh, wait a minute" - maybe she was distracted by something and hit a wrong button? The second one, you told him you were looking for the info he wanted, he sounds like a jerk.

          I cry when I get angry too. It sucks. But you gave credit where it was due, and told them the fact of what happened. If they want to investigate they'll find it was a simple accident or they'll find that they employ jerks and/or idiots...but a calm and rational complaint gives them the chance to find that out.


          Not sucky.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
            So, was I sucky? I was worried about this when I got off; not only was I in tears for some of it, I was also sounding frustrated and angry at the end, even tho I was trying to control myself.
            You weren't being sucky at all. You were having a bad experience on the phone, and yes, it was annoying, but you dealt with it like the mature young adult you are (pretending to be ).

            Complaining about an employee does not an SC make. Anyone who strolls onto the "Morons in Management" or "Cursing out Co-Workers" sections knows that companies sometimes hire people that couldn't find their own ass with a map and a flashlight. Just because you complained about bad service doesn't mean you suck--it just means that you complained about bad service. If the complaints and compliements were handed to a supervisor, then people got what they deserved. The first guy got a thumbs up, and the second and third people got a thumbs down. Presumably, it will help to ensure that the first guy keeps up the good work, and the second and third people will shape up.

            I've noticed that people here become sensetive concerning their actions towards other retail workers. I'll be the first to admit that I sometimes wonder if I'm being an SC. But almost always, it's a bunch of fuss and bother over nothing. In my time being on here, I only remember one case of "Was I an SC?" which might be concidered a case of being an SC. Why that is, I don't know--perhaps it's some sort of fear of hearing the situation told from the other point of view on here that evening. In any case, perhaps we should all realize that there may be times where a person-to-person interaction will not go smoothly. One of you might be having a bad day, it could be the employee's first couple of days, a person could accidently hang up on you or vice versa, etc. These things just happen.
            I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

            Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


            • #7
              Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
              I've noticed that people here become sensetive concerning their actions towards other retail workers. I'll be the first to admit that I sometimes wonder if I'm being an SC. But almost always, it's a bunch of fuss and bother over nothing.

              When it comes to complaining, I follow one rule:
              Would I Tell My Mother That?

              If I wouldn't, I tone it down and try the language again till I can. I wouldn't cuss at my Mom ( ), and if it's something she would listen to, then I'd use it.
              In this case, LNS would've gotten my Mom's attention, a resolution and possibly a hug. If it were a normal SC cussing and wailing, they'd gotten a smack on the head and an hour long lecture.
              The report button - not just for decoration


              • #8
                I'd say, definitely NOT sucky.

                It's a given that you'll encounter more situations like this one. You'll do fine with them because even though you got upset this time (and understandably so), you didn't freak. You did your best to take things in stride. Excellent work!

                Also, as a former call center worker, thanks for making sure the company knew about the good work of the first operator you spoke with. You probably made someone's day with that one.


                • #9
                  Thanks everyone. I hope the next load of calls I have to make will go smoother; in any case, things can only get better... and I hope no-one now has that song in their head!
                  People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                  My DeviantArt.


                  • #10
                    I hate when that happens. I can see getting hung up once, just once, becuase hey, it was an accident. But more then that, I will say something. I also hate it, when I am looking for the info, they want, and they sigh, or what-not. Well I cannot help, it if I do not have that info, right infront of me.

                    When I had to call Microsoft, about the 260 messing up. They treated me, like I was a lier, and also my boss, as if he was a lier. They also treated me like I was retarded, by saying stuff, slowly.
                    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

