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California Fanboy

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  • California Fanboy

    Our company just started a new policy. We have a eastern sales office (Where I work) and a California sales office.

    The California sales office was only handling large customers (bullshit!) while we dealt with all the little California noobs who were just testing a handful of our parts and doing little startup/imminent failure companies. Now, all California customers are going to the California office, and everyone's really happy.

    Some of our customers, however, aren't.

    This isn't the story of a Sucky Customer. But I feel it goes here anyway.

    Most California customers are really...needy, and a pain to deal with (Sorry Californians. D: I don't mean it personally). But one of the sales reps I assist has one customer who speaks Japanese with me on the phone, was a great and fun guy, and always had something nice to say to me.

    He, of course, was in California.

    So I had to tell him that we were transferring him.

    The odd thing is, I told him this on a Monday, right?

    -every- -single- -day.-


    He would call the eastern office asking me to 'personally' handle a purchase order, just one last one, and asking how I was, and telling me all this random stuff. He would call roughly 3-4 times EVERY DAY until the rep got back on Friday, who finally shut him down.

    I felt so bad for him. He obviously didn't want to be moved. And we asked our manager if we could keep him (he followed us home!) but he said no.

    But holy crap, man. Calling me 4 times daily talking about the Marines and how it's 82 degrees while I'm freezing my tailfeathers off?

    Saving the planet and everything on it is certainly a daunting task; but see, push has come to shove...Let's roll.

    - Inga Muscio

  • #2

    At my job, I would kill to get groupies!
    I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

    Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


    • #3
      When I worked in the call center I had 1 groupie, and he was awesome. I was working in CT and he lived in AK, and had called numerous times to have some extra payment envelopes sent, as his bills were getting to him on or after his due dates, and people repeatedly told him no (still can't figure out why.) I sent him enough envelopes to get him through his current term, and diaried for his renewals to send him more the same time his renewal went out. No biggie right.

      Shortly after there was a problem with his billing that required fairly extensive research, and I couldn't handle it while on the call, so I told him I would have to call him back. Noting the 5 hour time difference, I told him that I work the morning shift 7a-4p eastern time, and asked when would be good to call back. He was super cool and told me to call whenever it was convienient for me, stating "If you can help me fix this, you can call me at 2am and it will be the sweetest sound I have ever heard"

      So once I managed to resolve the issue I called him at about 10a ET, I did apologize for calling so early, but it was the Friday before a holiday, and knew we would get slammed after lunch. He was super cool about getting a phone call at 5am from his insurance company, and told me I made his whole weekend better as he was just getting ready for work, and I would not have been able to reach him had I waited until a more reasonable hour.

      He was the bestest best type of groupie though, he wrote a letter to the CEO's office and about 4 months later it finally trickled down to my manager with headers and notes attached from everyone up the chain of command who had seen it before her.

      Thinking about it now, I think he may have been a major factor in the response I got from corporate when I informed my boss that I needed to move for personal reasons. Within a week of notifying them of my intent to move, I had an HR recuiter call me with 4 openings in my new area and had arranged for me to have all 4 interviews in one day on company time. Corporate really helped me get to where I needed to be, just to keep me in the company. I really love the company I work for!
      The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


      • #4
        Quoth ToasterQueen View Post
        Most California customers are really...needy, and a pain to deal with (Sorry Californians. D: I don't mean it personally).
        Bleh, I don't take offense to stuff like that and I was born and raised in California. I do agree that a lot of people are like that here, and it only gets worse the farther north you go.
        "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

        When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


        • #5
          Quoth Ringtail Z28 View Post
          Bleh, I don't take offense to stuff like that and I was born and raised in California. I do agree that a lot of people are like that here, and it only gets worse the farther north you go.
          Actually, I'm pretty sure it's just the closer to the Bay Area you get.
          Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.

