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What "free" will get you

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  • What "free" will get you

    It's been a grumpy day at work today. This one made me smile.

    Customer called in because he had a Motorola RAZR that had some kind of software glitch (I don't remember what, the Tech guys tried to help him before he came to me). The problem was his warranty expired 3 months ago. He wanted it replaced for free or he would cancel his service. The problem with that was that he was still under contract. I told him that sadly, with an expired warranty, the device could no longer be serviced, but we could look at a discount on a new device. I offered to get him a new RAZR (he had the "old" version) for $79.99 on a contract. Not bad considering that he wasn't even eligible for a discount yet and normally we'd only be able to get it for the full cost of $279.99. Being a Loyalty Specialist gives me certain powers to offer things that we normally can't to people. Anyway, I could just imagine this guy stomping around his living room like a child as he lit into me on how he shouldn't have to pay for a phone and he'll just cancel and go to a company that will give him a free one. Furthermore, (enlighten me, oh all-knowing customer), any other company wouldn't care about a warranty. They'd give him a free phone, no contract and no questions asked, because he's a "good" customer (i.e. he pays his bill on time). I let him know that canceling would involve a cancellation fee from us, an activation fee from the new carrier, and probably a deposit (Mr. "Good Customer" didn't have such good credit). Still, he was convinced that he would be far better off going to a company that wasn't so tied down with policies and procedures, and would help out a customer in need.

    Then he said it was the principle of the thing and I swear if I could travel through the phone line and choke him before the word was fully out of his mouth, I'd have done it (see my earlier post today. The fun never stops).

    On the bright side, our service now has one less jerk as a customer
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.

  • #2
    When I worked at the movie theatre, I always had "patrons" trying to get something for free. Including coming up to the box office and asking:


    C: excuse me, what age is free?
    Me: Two and under are admitted free
    C: *looks at his 4, 5, and 7 year olds* they are all two


    • #3
      Doesn't he understand, that every company has policies? I hate jerks like that
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        Quoth MrSunshineState View Post
        C: excuse me, what age is free?
        Me: Two and under are admitted free
        C: *looks at his 4, 5, and 7 year olds* they are all two
        The funny thing is, if I were to try that with my kids (not that I would), my oldest would look right at the clerk and tell him/her that I was fibbing. Gotta love childhood honesty.
        You can't fix stupid -- Ron White

        I like swords -- Fighter, 8-bit Theater


        • #5
          Quoth Dark Knight View Post
          The funny thing is, if I were to try that with my kids (not that I would), my oldest would look right at the clerk and tell him/her that I was fibbing. Gotta love childhood honesty.

          That reminds me, I used to work in the babysitting area of my store; we have very specific admittance rules. Ages 3 to 9, fully potty-trained, no diapers. When you work with kids every single day you get to be able to judge how old a kid is by watching them, so when this "3" year old was acting like a 2 year old, we asked her when her birthday was. Her answer?

          Very proudly, "At home I'm 2 but at Ikea I'm 3!"


          • #6
            Quoth angelkirie View Post
            That reminds me, I used to work in the babysitting area of my store; we have very specific admittance rules. Ages 3 to 9, fully potty-trained, no diapers. When you work with kids every single day you get to be able to judge how old a kid is by watching them, so when this "3" year old was acting like a 2 year old, we asked her when her birthday was. Her answer?

            Very proudly, "At home I'm 2 but at Ikea I'm 3!"

            LOL! I love honest children!


            • #7
              Quoth angelkirie View Post
              When you work with kids every single day you get to be able to judge how old a kid is by watching them, so when this "3" year old was acting like a 2 year old, we asked her when her birthday was. Her answer?

              Very proudly, "At home I'm 2 but at Ikea I'm 3!"

              That's pretty damn funny! In my new line of work...we give free stuff all the time, and still - someone complains about it. It's not the right color, I spent $X why can't I get two (despite it being one per transaction...) I bought something yesterday and I wasn't told today you'd give out free stuff...

              Argh. So I give it to them with a big smile. What do I care - it's free. But some adults truly behave like 4 year olds when it comes to "free". It's interesting to see how a 38 year old woman dressed in an ensemble that probably totals upwards to $1000, will quickly revert to cavewoman like grunts and gestures as she frantically searches her Prada bag for a receipt to prove she was JUST HERE a couple days ago and should get today's FREE item.

              It's funny how as she's freaking out looking for a receipt to shove in my face, I've already handed her the free item. They don't know what to do then. There's no fun fight to be hand. Here. bye now. Go. have a great day! big smiles. And they stand there staring at you dumbly, adrenaline slowly leaking out with no where to go.

              People are so weird.
              If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.


              • #8
                I remember things like that happening when I worked at Circuit City. Sometimes the vendors would send random junk as giveaways and people went nuts when they found out that a) there was free stuff to be had and b) it was all gone. Didn't matter if it was something stupid a pack of stickers or magnets with the purchase of a certain game/move/cd, or something legitimately neat like a limited edition cel from a movie or game, it was free and how dare we not have enough for all 20 billion people thirsting for it. Of course, tha aforementioned legitimately neat things went to the employees first
                "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                • #9
                  Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                  Sometimes the vendors would send random junk as giveaways and people went nuts when they found out that a) there was free stuff to be had and b) it was all gone.

                  We offered a fridge magnet to every customer as a promotion for a program we have here, and one day a lady called to complain she hadn't gotten her fridge magnet. Well, tough luck since we don't have anymore and they came from the shipping center, not from us. So this woman proceeds to scream at us for about half an hour trying to get us to send her a free fridge magnet. She then called back every hour for the next two days trying to get her fridge magnet. She eventually actually got to talk to the highest power on the call floor (which is shocking since she's reserved for situations like exploding houses, not missing magnets) so I guess perseverence does get you somewhere.

                  I don't know if she ever did get her magnet...

                  *EDIT - The quoted part of this post was edited. Please check your PM's regarding this matter. This post was made after I called your attention in a PM to excessive quoting in all of your posts so far. Either you haven't read it, or have chosen to ignore it. ~Ree
                  Last edited by Ree; 02-25-2007, 05:09 PM. Reason: Editing irrelevant parts out of quote
                  Your dignity shredded in five minutes or less, or your abuse is free.


                  • #10
                    Oh NO! Not......THE PRINCIPLE!!...aaahhhhhh!!!

                    How come it's never a matter of principle to act like a grown up and accept the perfectly reasonable and, by the way, pretty standard, company policies?

                    Quoth Luna View Post
                    And they stand there staring at you dumbly, adrenaline slowly leaking out with no where to go.
                    I'm picturing a puddle of adrenaline spreading out around her feet as she slumps down to the floor with her free crap in hand. I wonder what color an adrenaline puddle would be....
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                    • #11
             do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                      Chickens are Asexual!


                      • #12
                        Ah, the joy of the freebies.

                        I used to love (when I worked in the parts/sales division here) being able to give free stuff to cool people. You call in, rant and rave about how cellular hung up on you and it's all my fault, our company sucks, yadda yadda yadda? I'll transfer you back to Latin America. You call in, calmly explain that your call was dropped/the agent in cellular sucked (as they do) and that you're just upset because your cell phone battery/clip/charger/battery door is broken and they won't exchange it? I'll send you one for free, cuz I'm cool like that. I used to love the fact that management gave us $250 to our discretion for each customer for things like that, or free shipping upgrades if your order was really late/backordered.
                        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                        • #13
                          Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
                          Is that a swirly type thing or just a muddy muddle?
                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

