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This b@#%h wrote for Time Magazine (long)

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  • This b@#%h wrote for Time Magazine (long)

    This is an actual letter that I received, hand delivered (you will see why) that was going to the editor of our local paper about a month ago: (The names and places have been changed for privacy)
    (I work at the second store mentioned in this lovely letter)

    To the Editor:

    When I relocated to Canima last summer, my new husband - an 11-year, full-time resident - told me to get used to the easygoing, always-helping-out, small town atmosphere of this coastal paradise.


    This is what happened to me last week during one, 15-minute period of running errands:

    At the Canima Copy Center, I was making one copy of a nine-page, stapled document. I was careful to put each piece of paper face down on the glass and completely close the cover . As I was copying, the owner came over and firmly told me that he was going to charge me for nine copies per page because "The copier can feel the sensitivity of all of the paper you have on top of it." Huh? I guess it means that Canima Copy doesn't care if customers deface books - after all, if someone comes in to copy a few pages out of a 200-page textbook, that customer better tear out those pages. Otherwise, he'll undoubtably get charged for 200 copies for each single page copied

    Armed with plenty of mutt mitts, my next stop was walking my senior dog down Main St. In front of the Jewelry store, my dog took a quick urination break next to a bush. The sidewalk was not affected . As soon as he finished, a salesman came out of the store, glared at me with a bit of an evil eye thrown in, then went back in, slamming the door as hard as he could.

    Last stop - the post office. What could possibly go wrong here? I had several letters to mail that required extra postage - and one stubborn envelope whose adhesive didn't want to stick . When I asked the clerk for a piece of tape - a dispenser was sitting smack next to her - she told me that I needed to go down the street to the pharmacy to buy tape, because "This tape is private. I had to buy it myself." Does she say this to everyone who asks for a three-inch piece of tape? Or do her Canima pals get access to her stash? And, if the tape is hers alone, why does she have it out in plain view? I do know this: post offices in both Mannor Way and Long Olives provide dispensers of tape on their counters for everyone to use... no matter who they are.

    Just curious: are obviously well heeled tourists treated this way as well? Welcome to the friendly town of Canima!


    Hillary Clinton, Canima

    Ok, so who in the hell does she think she is. I love how innocent she wrote herself to be. Now here is the letter that I sent to her (and would have sent to the editor had her rant been posted) shortly after:

    To the Editor:

    In regards to Mrs. Hilary Clinton’s assessment of our town of Canima. I would like to respond to a few things about “the easygoing, always-helping-out, small town atmosphere of this coastal paradise”


    I grew up in Canima, so I know if you have to get used to it, you are obviously not an “easygoing” person. Things here are slower paced. If you were to actually do all of these things in 15 minutes, you must have been in quite a hurry, at least until you let your “senior” dog have a “urination break”.

    First up, Canima Copy Center. I think you have your facts a little mixed up, because a copy runs you (and anyone else) 5 cents regardless. What the gentleman was trying to tell you is that the machine senses the extra pages and when you push down on the cover it is harder on the machine. No one is suggesting you deface books nor are they going to charge you for “200 copies for each single page copied”. Please be a little realistic.

    Ok, now on to the second stop, walking your “senior” dog on Main Street. Now I don’t care if you have mutt mitts or a baseball mitt, allowing your dog to urinate in someone's flower bed (a flower bed that is professionally maintained and privately paid for, I might add) is not exactly “helping-out”, in fact it’s quite rude. The sidewalk may not have been affected, but the aeonium arboreum variety atropurpurea certainly did not enjoy this sort of watering. Most people would have done more than glare at you and slammed their door, they would have asked you not to let your dog have a “urination break” no matter how quick it was. How would you like your neighbors’ dogs urinating in your flowers? On a side note; across the street there is plenty of open grass and unkempt land where no one would care if your dog had his break, in fact they might actually thank you for being so courteous. On top of that, this fine community put together a wonderful dog park, where your “senior” dog can run (oh, excuse me, walk), make friends, and even indulge in a long “urination break”.

    Lastly, who could forget the post office? I do a lot of business at this post office. Do you have any idea how many people ask for tape? Do you realize that she does buy that tape with her own money? Her “Canima pals” know that quite well and don’t ask for tape. I mean, come on, do you really think this is some weird tape conspiracy? The post office has enough to deal with day in and day out without taping up your stubborn envelope. Maybe if you sealed your envelopes at home this wouldn’t have been an issue. If you like the post offices in Mannor Way and Long Olives please, by all means, steal their tape, and while you’re out there, take your dog so he can urinate in their flower beds.

    Well-heeled or not, people here are treated the way they treat others. While our small town might thrive on well-heeled tourists, our bushes, however, thrive on well-heeled dogs.

    Christopher Paul, a not so well-heeled Canima resident.
    Reality is mearly one's own perspective and perception, each has a different perspective and perception of what that might be. None are necesarily wrong.
    -no one of any significance-

  • #2
    IMO I have to agree with the lady on a lot of what she wrote. If I went to a new town and had that experience, I'd be a little put off myself. And unless one was there to witness what happened, I wouldn't automatically assume the woman was being a SC at all.

    JMO, but I think she had a horrible experience, one I wouldn't want in any town.

    JMO of course,



    • #3
      "obviously well heeled tourists "

      No s#*t, she actually wrote that?????

      Well la-dee-da.


      • #4
        Looks like she did, forgetting that 'well heeled' should be hyphenated.


        Rapscallion, despairing


        • #5
          Quoth Rapscallion
          Looks like she did, forgetting that 'well heeled' should be hyphenated.
          Maybe she was talking about her fancy shoes??
          Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


          • #6
            Quoth Cufflinks
            he was going to charge me for nine copies per page because "The copier can feel the sensitivity of all of the paper you have on top of it." . . . . . if someone comes in to copy a few pages out of a 200-page textbook, that customer better tear out those pages. Otherwise, he'll undoubtably get charged for 200 copies for each single page copied
            Oh My God, I wish this were true and I could charge like this I could become a rich man very quickly.
            My Karma ran over your dogma.


            • #7
              Hilary Clinton?

              Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


              • #8
                Quoth batmoody
                Hilary Clinton?
                Cufflinks changed names and places to protect the identity of the "Well heeled tourist", the town in question, and him/herself.

                This is an actual letter that I received, hand delivered (you will see why) that was going to the editor of our local paper about a month ago: (The names and places have been changed for privacy)
                I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                • #9
                  Quoth kibbles
                  IMO I have to agree with the lady on a lot of what she wrote. If I went to a new town and had that experience, I'd be a little put off myself. And unless one was there to witness what happened, I wouldn't automatically assume the woman was being a SC at all.

                  JMO, but I think she had a horrible experience, one I wouldn't want in any town.

                  JMO of course,

                  I personally called the Copy center, she was lying and fabricating, just as I wrote in my responce. As far as her dog, I watched her dog pee on our flower bed and watched my boss giver her "a bit of an evil eye". The post office is a grey area (I admit), but I know that is their policy, "no matter who they are"

                  I am sorry that you see her side of the story IMO, besides she has been in town for a year, it is not like she just moved here.

                  I know who the woman is, this is a very small town.

                  Anyway, I know it was just your opinion, and that is certainly fine, but IMO she is a huge SC.
                  Reality is mearly one's own perspective and perception, each has a different perspective and perception of what that might be. None are necesarily wrong.
                  -no one of any significance-


                  • #10
                    Thanks Cufflinks for respecting my opinion , but I didn't realize you had seen the dog actually urinate on the flower bed. Sorry for the misunderstanding, did she at least have the decency to look embarassed?

                    Her letter had made it seem like she had just moved there, so for anyone who read that it would certainly give them the wrong idea (like I got ) But I still got to admit the post office thing is a bit off (LOL!), assuming she is telling the truth and just wanted a small bit of tape.



                    • #11
                      yes, i see dog owners who let sparky do his business wherever, then leave the result for the general public (thanks for caring about others!) or let them urinate in inappropriate places, a manicured area is inappropriate, regardless of what this bitch thinks. (not kibbles, btw, the idiot in the letter)

                      someone pays for it to be cared for or takes care of it themselves; allowing an animal to eliminate in that area shows a lack of respect for the owner. would this woman appreciate it if i allowed my dog to take care of business on her lawn or flowers; no, she wouldn't.

                      as for the tape, if the girl buys it, she has the right to dictate who does or does not use it, period; take care of your 'envelope issues' before you get there, rather than expect everyone to provide you with a fix. it's not that much of a challenge, after all, it IS just tape, something she has at home, i'm sure.

                      the rest was just whiny bs.
                      look! it's ghengis khan!
                      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                      • #12
                        Sure you don't live where I do?

                        Quoth chainedbarista
                        as for the tape, if the girl buys it, she has the right to dictate who does or does not use it, period; take care of your 'envelope issues' before you get there, rather than expect everyone to provide you with a fix. it's not that much of a challenge, after all, it IS just tape, something she has at home, i'm sure.
                        gaaaah. The woman sounds like so many of our entitled customers.

                        We're an independent gift shop/pharmacy/contract postal station. We're doing our best to be a small-town, friendly alternative to the chain drug stores and the huge long lines at our local Main Post Office.

                        We offer gift wrapping, quite nice (not slapped together, real proper gift wrapping). Free, if you purchased a gift at full price, a very small fee if it was a sale item or you brought it from another vendor.

                        People are constantly asking for 'just a few sheets of tissue' 'just a bit of tape' 'just a length of curling ribbon' for the cheapie bag they so proudly tell us they purchased at the 99 Cent Only Store across the street. 'Just a bit of tape' to go round the entire outside of the parcel they intend to ship from our PO which is more convenient to them. They don't want a bit of tape, they want enough to seal the parcel they're sending out. If they bought their gift from us, or paid the small fee for giftwrap, they'd get a reasonable amount of tissue in the box or bag, but no, they just want to 'fix it up a bit', not actually give us any trade! Perhaps our gifts and giftbags are a dollar or two more (and quite a bit nicer, well known brands), but 'tissue costs you nothing'. That's funny, I get invoices for it that must be paid.....but you want several sheets of tissue to 'pretty up' the gift and bag you did not purchase from me? And then get snippy with me that the tissue is 'plain white'? We sell colored tissue in the store. It isn't 'free' even if I want it. And CurlSheen to go with it, in a complimentary color to go with the bag? The one that holds the gift you didn't purchase here, nor the bag itself?

                        Being a gift, card and party retailer, we *sell* tissue, giftbags, tape, ribbon, etc. It is not free, it is product I must pay my suppliers for. 'Just a bit' times the ten or twenty customers a week who want this really does add up, and while it is a service we happily provide if you *bought* something, these people do not seem to realize that they aren't 'customers', they're just coming in to ask for free items because they didn't prepare at home and now want to 'pretty up' the item they didn't purchase from me.

                        As for the dog peeing in the planter, I do find that to be rude also, but after cleaning up two incidents of 'urination breaks' IN the shop ON our carpet this week so far, I'd settle for the planters outside at this point. I'd probably still give the stinkeye if I saw them do it in the flowers, though. It kills the flowers. Which cost me money also, by the way.



                        • #13
                          Quoth LemonZest
                          We offer gift wrapping, quite nice (not slapped together, real proper gift wrapping). Free, if you purchased a gift at full price, a very small fee if it was a sale item or you brought it from another vendor.
                          We got that at the gift shop to, if someone brought something at the regular price they got a free gift wrap, navy paper, small bow. If they paid between $1-5 they got better paper, tissue, complete ribbon around box and large deluxe bow.

                          If it was on sale they didnt get free gift wrapping and if it wasnt brought in the store we didnt wrap for you at all. The people who brought the sale stuff were the worst for it! whinging and whineing all over the place, or people who didnt want to pay $1 measley dollar for a baby themed wrap but complained about the navy paper... "but its for a baby shoooooooweeerrrr"

                          cry me a river....

                          the lady sounds like a complete idiot entitlement queen!
                          I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                          • #14
                            Perhaps the letter was mostly sealed at the lady's house, and the edge came up while she was on her various errands?

                            And why the clerk is having to purchase her own tape is beyond me. On the other hand, the customer could have been just enough of a turd to the cashier that she didn't put anyone in much of a mood to go above and beyond for her....


                            • #15
                              Although I can't really understand why the clerk just didn't give her a piece of tape, I have noticed an influx of letters to our local newspaper reguarding people who just have moved here and degrading the locals.

                              One guy actually had the nerve to say that our police force wasn't any good because a) he wasn't greeted when he came into town [wow, I didn't know that that was their JOB] and b) a cop wrote this dude's friend a citation for riding his bike on the sidewalk - where it specifically said no bikes/skateboards allowed. Theres at least 4 or 5 people a week writing letters that say that they just moved here from the city and the locals are too lazy and too stupid and not caring. So at the same time I kind of felt a little angry at this woman's letter. The complaints were just ridiculous and minute.

